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PS4 User Survey Hints At New Features?


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If they do the name change like how Xbox does then you get the first name change free and after that you have to pay. Xbox does that though because they just give you a random gamertag to start with when you first sign up.

Even if they do charge us to change it i would still pay the money though either way i still hope they only give us one more chance to change it, even if they can make lots of money by undecisive players, im not surprised microsoft allows players to constantly change their username for a price

Edited by its_supergamer
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An rating system would definitely be interesting but I hope they do more than some star system and pretty sure we can all agree a name change has been long overdue, it will only make them money and I refuse to believe is something difficult. 

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Even if they do charge us to change it i would still pay the money though either way i still hope they only give us one more chance to change it, even if they can make lots of money by undecisive players, im not surprised microsoft allows players to constantly change their username for a price



An rating system would definitely be interesting but I hope they do more than some star system and pretty sure we can all agree a name change has been long overdue, it will only make them money and I refuse to believe is something difficult. 



I think MS at one point said that they charge because it does cause some load on their servers as achievements, etc etc all need to be re-synched to new account names every time this is done.  The price is therefore to deter users from doing it all the time and overloading the servers, rather than, (apparently), as a money making scheme...

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Name change I have no need for but a $5 fee and a restriction to only being able to do it once every 3 months would not be bad.

The Party chat? I never use it on the Vita so its neither here not there to me

The user reputation - not sure about.

The sync of messages across platforms - Hell Yes I want that. Its such a pain to have to delete a long list of messages from the one console when you have been corresponding on another.

Online notifications are a great idea, but it would be helpful if you could suspend them when watching movies.

Every Saturday night without fail during a movie my PS3 tells me that Altered Formula is now online. Its got so bad that my missus has began questioning if AF is stalking us.

I told her that it is quite probably the case.


I heard you can get adblocker for PS3, lol. :P

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I think MS at one point said that they charge because it does cause some load on their servers as achievements, etc etc all need to be re-synched to new account names every time this is done.  The price is therefore to deter users from doing it all the time and overloading the servers, rather than, (apparently), as a money making scheme...


Like i said previously allow everyone to do it once then thats it, at least until the next gereration comes out in 5 to 10 years time, MS would say that they charge money to stop players from constantly changing usernames but who they trying to kid, if they really wanted to stop people constantly changing usernames they would simply allow us to change it once every 5 years or so, i really think its the fairest solution, we shoudlnt have to pay for our usernames but then that would deprive them of a way to make money

Edited by its_supergamer
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The user name would be good and bad


Good because then people like Bollox and Ballz wouldn't have had to delete their accounts because someone found their names offense.


Bad because even on this site I have a hard time keeping track of people when they change their names or avatars. Imagine on PSN when people change their names I wouldn't know who half the people on my friends list are anymore.

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From my experience on Xbox, when someone changes their name they generally send out a mass message to all their friends letting them know who they are, so I don't really think it'd be an issue to keep track of people. 




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From my experience on Xbox, when someone changes their name they generally send out a mass message to all their friends letting them know who they are, so I don't really think it'd be an issue to keep track of people. 





This is exactly what I would do. I've had several people change PSN accounts and send mass emails informing their friends' list what their new PSN name is in case somebody wanted to re-add them. This isn't that much different. 

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Id change username... I would also suggest charging 5$ for each x next to each other...

However for the actual article, some ideas are good, but trusting corporates as much as I do, i'm going for the old expression 'if my aunt had them, she'd be my uncle'

Surveys do have a tendancy to pop up all the time and no change is actually made.

Of course if they did implement ideas based on a survey, all the more power to them

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A reputation system would only be good if it was positive only, otherwise it could easily be abused by the trolls. It should be like the "Like" system that this site has. You can't "Dislike" a post, but you can "Like" it. Know what I mean?


I wouldn't change my name, I'm happy with ShadowGandalf. But for those that do, I'd hope there'd be a way to identify who's who. If a friend changed they're name, you'd need to know who they were so you can keep track.


Friends coming online needs notifications. I'd want that.


So the question is.... will these features be added?

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Psn ID needs to happen for sure, i really want to change mine at the moment lol 
reputation system is something i don't want though, it did not work well on the 360 as i started up an account and played a couple of matches on an old cod game(waw) and after wards i checked my 360 account and seen my reputation had been lowered due to "aggressive behavior" and "cheating" -.- i shot a few guys in cod and placed 1st a couple of times and that's what i got -.- 
if they can make it work and i mean Truly work then im on board

invisibility is a nice touch especially if you have people round and don't want to mislead psn friends that your available when your not

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