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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Looks like I missed a lot.


I am staying neutral in this, as I like both Precision and Kochiya. They have both been encouraging and helpful to me in this league, so I won't begin to throw stones at either of them. And therefore, I will not give my opinion on whether I think Precision's decision is just or not. And really, it isn't my place to give an opinion even if I wanted to. Precision runs the show.


With that said, let me just say this, and it sort of alludes to Krazy's point:


I felt the entire ranking system was a bad idea, let alone dropping the leagues. I understand wanting more competitive balance but we aren't seeing balance at any level, except maybe Manganese League. And part of the lack of competitive balance in Bronze League is me. I'll be the first to admit that.


I entered S4 thinking my averages would be somewhere in the 30-40 range. I followed that up with a 15 in the first fixture, a 6 in fixture 2, and 0s the rest of the way so far. I also am on pace for another 0, even though I said, around fix 5 or 6, my gaming would pick back up after the move. It hasn't.


Apparently, my girlfriend DVRs somewhere about 100 shows, and then watches all of them while they DVR, so I can only pick and choose my spots for gaming. Also, I don't feel in the first week of living together that I should be playing for 6 hours a night. It would give the vibe that I am lazy and not helpful to her. Finding time to game, especially when living with someone else, requires a delicate balance.


My point is, I feel I have let down the Bronze League with such a poor effort when I know I am capable of more, just not sure when.


So I see where Precision is coming from with this.


However, I also see Kochiya's side of it. Sometimes health improves, or circumstances change. Like mine did.


As for the VNs, even those can't necessarily be factored in when she gave her initial averages, because she may have not envisioned how much time she would have, just like I didn't envision how little time I would have.


So I am not sure who is in the wrong, and quite frankly, I don't care. Time and health are both strange things. We think we have a ton of it, then we don't. Or we think we have none, and we have a lot of it. Because it is so hard to gauge time constraints, I vote we chalk this league-dropping to a failed experiment, and if any wants to drop a league for any reason in the future, they cannot do so without first finishing in the red in a season. Because obviously this issue has created a grey area and a he said-she said scenario.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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you know what, it is up to the gold league. 9 votes, one outcome. Im still sticking by my guns view-wise, but as i said, it effects the Gold League and the gold league only, so ill let them vote on it, if my decision is overturned, then so be-it. League drops will never be used again. Begin your voting, quote this list and add your answer, ill put jem's in now as it is certainly clear where she stands.







jem12345- Unban




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I have to honestly thank Precision for allowing us to decide on this, I'm glad you're the one running things here, and I don't know about the others, but I know you are doing this to guarantee the league is the best it can be, and I have to commend you for that  :D


As I previously stated, the whole voluntary dropout thing was a mistake, and I personally do not think banning Shana is going to fix that, the one and only solution is letting go as soon as possible and removing the dropping out as of this second. I choose unban and I quote the list to help others see how things stand, it would be nice that, if we switch topic page or after some votes someone quotes the list with the current votes to make things clearer :)



man_with_wdjat- Unban




jem12345- Unban

omar280792- Unban



Edited by Omar
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blueyoshi5- Unban

man_with_wdjat- Unban 




jem12345- Unban

omar280792- Unban




I know i'll most likely be the one losing out on this but i know i'm making the right decision, so i'm going with Unban

Edited by Yoshi
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Apparently, my girlfriend DVRs somewhere about 100 shows, and then watches all of them while they DVR, so I can only pick and choose my spots for gaming. Also, I don't feel in the first week of living together that I should be playing for 6 hours a night. It would give the vibe that I am lazy and not helpful to her. Finding time to game, especially when living with someone else, requires a delicate balance.


Speaking as someone who's moved multiple times in the last several years I'll give you some (probably unwanted) advice. Get home from work, have dinner, unpack/rearrange/be helpful/whatever for a couple hours, then take an hour for yourself. I keep our extra TV handy and when the wife wants to marathon watch Project Runway or whatever, I hook it up and play whatever I want with headphones on - in the same room. You might be doing completely different things but you're still (kind of) spending time together. At least you can respond if she asks you a question, and it saves you from wanting to pull out your eyeballs when she puts on Grey's Anatomy.

Congrats on the move again, and good luck increasing your gaming time.

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Speaking as someone who's moved multiple times in the last several years I'll give you some (probably unwanted) advice. Get home from work, have dinner, unpack/rearrange/be helpful/whatever for a couple hours, then take an hour for yourself. I keep our extra TV handy and when the wife wants to marathon watch Project Runway or whatever, I hook it up and play whatever I want with headphones on - in the same room. You might be doing completely different things but you're still (kind of) spending time together. At least you can respond if she asks you a question, and it saves you from wanting to pull out your eyeballs when she puts on Grey's Anatomy.

Congrats on the move again, and good luck increasing your gaming time.


I will 2nd that, probably unwanted as well, nothing creates a good vibe like being helpful, she only gets pissed at me when I want to game but do nothing else so help out and all works smoothly. Good luck dude, maybe you will find the time needed to cancel your retirement.

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Speaking as someone who's moved multiple times in the last several years I'll give you some (probably unwanted) advice. Get home from work, have dinner, unpack/rearrange/be helpful/whatever for a couple hours, then take an hour for yourself. I keep our extra TV handy and when the wife wants to marathon watch Project Runway or whatever, I hook it up and play whatever I want with headphones on - in the same room. You might be doing completely different things but you're still (kind of) spending time together. At least you can respond if she asks you a question, and it saves you from wanting to pull out your eyeballs when she puts on Grey's Anatomy.

Congrats on the move again, and good luck increasing your gaming time.

This is how extra TV and headphones works with my girlfriend

But sometimes while I playing on Ps3/Ps4 on one TV, there is football match on another TV :D 
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Speaking of breaks, I just noticed that on the homepage it says that the second break is five days long instead of the usual four. Is this a typo and the break is only four days long, or is there an actual reason for this?


Break is 5 days. reasoning is that i don't want any of my Admin work falling on my Sister's 18th Birthday :)

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Ok about this whole ban/ unban discussion, I think that who ever requests a drop should be automatically banned from the championship. However, since that is not the case when they first requested a drop, they should not be punished midseason. I think the simplest solution would be to stop league drops and just let the relegations sort them out. And also i don't know what exactly was said between Precision and Shana over the exact rules of her drop, but from what i've seen in this thread I have to say UNBAN even though I don't agree with Shana being put in Gold.

Edited by X18JELLO18X
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I vote to not have my vote publicized for the entire world to see.  Not that it matters, because there is a majority saying to Unban.  So my thoughts are unnecessary, and therefore, will not be posted.


blueyoshi5- Unban

man_with_wdjat- Unban 

X18JELLO18X- Unban


Krazy_99- Unban

jem12345- Unban

omar280792- Unban



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Damn Sinnriel Kicking my ass already haha

lol you beat me by 6 points , darn good match sir, i was gonna try and throw in a plat ,wish i had ,but well done sir i knew i was gonna loose once i saw you was rank 112 in the USA lol and im about 27k, but i wasnt gonna lie down

again ,nice match thank you 

(Only my opinion on this) What I would take out of this is to spare this first trial and error issue and never EVER allow voluntary dropouts anymore under ANY circumstance. If you're not gonna be able to score decently, then play your league and wait for the natural flow of things to get relegated and play in a lower league. That is the way it should've been in the first place.


i totaly agree on this ,let the league flow ,so what if your loos or win ,it all comes back to that ol nutshell were here to have fun 

Yes, I have, but I don't use the speakers for playing.

I'm very happy with using Turtle Beach PX5 headphones

i have the P11 :) very happy with them ,had to fix them once though but meh!

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So my opponent has an average of 4 I think so I took it easy and concentrated on MW2 spec ops (which I can't finish due to Wetwork,tips would be appreciated) and just finished the chapters on AC3 for a score of 15 casually. Look this morning and he has pulled a 22 out of nowhere!! Devastating!!

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lol you beat me by 6 points , darn good match sir, i was gonna try and throw in a plat ,wish i had ,but well done sir i knew i was gonna loose once i saw you was rank 112 in the USA lol and im about 27k, but i wasnt gonna lie down

again ,nice match thank you


Wow, I didn't think I was gonna win. I saw you playing like 10 different games and was like...wow..he must have saved up a lot of game time to get all of these trophies. I was actually barely able to finish before the time limit last night. I knew it was gonna be close. A lot more entertaining than my previous matches. lol

Speaking as someone who's moved multiple times in the last several years I'll give you some (probably unwanted) advice. Get home from work, have dinner, unpack/rearrange/be helpful/whatever for a couple hours, then take an hour for yourself. I keep our extra TV handy and when the wife wants to marathon watch Project Runway or whatever, I hook it up and play whatever I want with headphones on - in the same room. You might be doing completely different things but you're still (kind of) spending time together. At least you can respond if she asks you a question, and it saves you from wanting to pull out your eyeballs when she puts on Grey's Anatomy.



This is the only way me and my wife coexist. When we moved in together like 6-7 years ago, there was no way I wanted to go through what I had with previous relationships and have "shared" time with the TV simply because I don't want to watch those shows just as much as she doesn't want to sit there and watch me play a game. Compromise: We put our two tv's together, one for my games, one for her shows and DVR and it has worked perfect ever since. Sure it looks weird having 2 TV's sitting right beside each other, but at least we get to hate what each other is watching/playing next to each other. Isolation can be a killer for any relationship.


My relax time is not sitting down and watching TV, it's playing games. Find a responsible way to do it that doesn't take your time away from whatever mind numbing activity your significant other likes to do.

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So my opponent has an average of 4 I think so I took it easy and concentrated on MW2 spec ops (which I can't finish due to Wetwork,tips would be appreciated)

I haven't played it in a while but isn't that the one with the juggernauts on the oil rig? I found a platform you can lie down on near the start and just wait for them to come to you. Takes about 8-10 minutes but it's easier than hunting them and getting ambushed.

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I haven't played it in a while but isn't that the one with the juggernauts on the oil rig? I found a platform you can lie down on near the start and just wait for them to come to you. Takes about 8-10 minutes but it's easier than hunting them and getting ambushed.


No its the one with the breaches at the start and the end. Used that strategy for Armor Piercing, made it simple.

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