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Improve Games Search


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While you could place AND between each word, I agree that it should be made better and most people using the site won't know that's a thing. It should do exact matching at the top better and so on. The search system Sly used on the previous site design years back was way, way easier to use and usually pulled up any special or Japanese names you typed

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1 hour ago, MMDE said:

I think most have noticed how frustrating it can be to search for a game. There has to be ways to improve this?


  • Exact searches.
  • Improve support for special characters.
  • Filters: console, maybe region?
  • Order to display result.

Region searching would be fantastic. And yes to point 2, as I have to use Google to search for Asian character-titled games on here.

1 hour ago, BlindMango said:

I agree that it should be made better and most people using the site won't know that's a thing.

Eh, most people would know about it due to PSNP+ utilizing the feature. 

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Something that I thought would be really useful and very much needed for me is maybe a special symbol next to each game tile when scrolling through the games tab that represent if a game is currently unobtainable. Always annoying to find a game, look it up, get interested and then read the forum posts to find it's either shutdown or just straight up broken and impossible.


Searching by region would be great. Also perhaps the ability to search by the difficulty that is set in the games guide. Though these are more for finding games rather than fixing the issue of typing in the exact name and getting stupid results.

Edited by Riiszk
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When searching on your own profile games are sometimes even missing.


Example: When I search for 'last' to find 'the last of us'. Then Tlou2 will show up but both Tlou 1 on PS3 and Tlou 1 remastered on PS4 don't show up in the list.

Only when I add a bit to search for 'last o' or 'last of' Tlou 1 for PS3 and PS4 will show up.
Only 6 games show up when I search for 'last' and 8 for 'last o' so it's not that the result set is too big or smth when I search for 'last'.


I did search on 'last' on the general games list and the last of us PS3 and PS4 were on the last 2 pages (9 and 10). Even 'Ratchet: deadlocked' was before it (page 7) but apparently an alternative title for that is 'Ratchet & Clank 4th Last Minute Galaxy Gigabattle'. Still would have expected it to be more down the list as 'last' is not in the main title the site is displaying.

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