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Tournaments are working!

Message added by Stevieboy,

There have been many posts removed or edited that have been discussing boosting the tournaments. This is against forum rules and will result in this thread being locked if it continues. It is fine to discuss the tournaments, but not to arrange boosting in them. That is what the gaming sessions feature is for. Please refrain from comments that are attempts to arrange boosting in this thread from now on.


Also, posting in a thread that you have made a gaming session counts as arranging boosting, and is also not allowed in the forum. You are permitted to post this in a status update though.

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Of course the first match I get was with a Dhalsim who had a Master Rank main playing at Bronze... I got one win though as Zangief so I guess that's not too disheartening. 

Why people smurf on low ranks is something I'll never understand. Just gotta keep grinding, man this trophy sucks lol

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Managed to win the entire tourney with modern Lily in Silver/Gold (one walkover). I don't consider myself that good of a player so I figured if I got some basics down with her I could surprise people since I assumed she's not encountered that often. And she's really cheap if you get into the flow of it and get good at anticipating their reads

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Bugging for just now tourny.....1st round no match because 24 players for Rookie league, by the time 2nd round started, my opponent didn't access the arcade (which is from my view I didn't see any player on my opposite chair)......then error connection & I been kick out from the league.....dammit, still 4 more win to go. 😭


I think I get it what going on, I re-check the league schedule found, my opponent Yagami1029 disconnect.....no wonder error connection. ☹️

5 minutes ago, MinamalTypos said:

Well, had a close game but lost the match.


At least the mode is working, will have to wait for league ones to open again because I am not down to try open

I think I saw you attend Iron league just now, correct? 😅


Anyway, hope you can achieve platinum on your next tourny entry. 😁

Edited by Neo_Tachihoma
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To be clear, is it 10 first to 2 wins (advancing in the bracket) or is it 12 round wins? I've already won 12 rounds total and the trophy did not pop at all....If advancing in the bracket is what's counted, then I'm only at 2 so maybe that's why.

Edited by PostGameBlues
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The website schedule is way off. Idiots.

I randomly checked today and found tournament sign up about to start, got 2 wins. Then another 1 win now. Meanwhile SF6 Buckler site shows tournaments at 11pm, 5am etc and yet there is NONE coming up. 


5 wins down. 5 to go at some point.

Manon and Zangief can fuck off

8 minutes ago, PostGameBlues said:

To be clear, is it 12 first to 2 wins (advancing in the bracket) or is it 12 round wins? I've already won 12 rounds total and the trophy did not pop at all....If advancing in the bracket is what's counted, then I'm only at 2 so maybe that's why.

when you win 2 rounds (ie: a match) that is 1. If you advance a round, it will be 4 rounds.... 2 matches. Its Matches. 10 matches.

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5 minutes ago, Infected Elite said:

5 wins down. 5 to go at some point.

Manon and Zangief can fuck off

when you win 2 rounds (ie: a match) that is 1. If you advance a round, it will be 4 rounds.... 2 matches. Its Matches. 10 matches.

Ah I see, I thought it was 10 rounds lmfao. Ok that would put me at 5/10 as well. Prev tournament I had 2-0 then now I just had 2-0 and 1-2. I can't help but feel like luck also plays a big part in this. If you get matched with a Battle Hub dweller or a Smurf it's really hard, but if you get matched with people who actually reflect your current rank it's not so bad. 

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Just now, PostGameBlues said:

Ah I see, I thought it was 10 rounds lmfao. Ok that would put me at 5/10 as well. Prev tournament I had 2-0 then now I just had 2-0 and 1-2. I can't help but feel like luck also plays a big part in this. If you get matched with a Battle Hub dweller or a Smurf it's really hard, but if you get matched with people who actually reflect your current rank it's not so bad. 

pretty much. But people who use Manon or Zangief are essentially suicide as they just throw spam/spin-pildriver non stop even after you block/counter they'll just do it again to break guard. Such a pain.


Anyways 5 down. 5 to go for me. Also update (thankfully) fixed giving wins via a bye in a round. I had 2 bye's and no added wins. So. Must be patched lol 

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According to the website Buckler's Boot Camp, there's no new tournaments scheduled for the next week except those Phase 1 that will happen today. If its the case, its a real bummer because I still need 4 wins and I already know I won't have those in the phase 1 ones.

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I got disconnected on my first match, and I was winning so easily too.... Open tournament was full of trophy boosters with some pros sprinkled in. Could have gotten at least 2 match wins if I didn't disconnect, probably even more since my entire section was full of new players as well. LAN cable just disconnected for no reason. Fml 🫠

2 hours ago, SoYoung said:

According to the website Buckler's Boot Camp, there's no new tournaments scheduled for the next week except those Phase 1 that will happen today. If its the case, its a real bummer because I still need 4 wins and I already know I won't have those in the phase 1 ones.

Don't they intend to do tournaments weekly? I know the capcom calendar doesn't show anything yet for next week but maybe it will be updated after today's tournaments are done?

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Why they decided to allow pros to go up against lower ranks for tournaments at all, I’ll never understand. I keep getting paired up with Diamonds and Master ranks in tournaments(even if more than half of the players that signed up are lower). Just my luck I guess.


I guess I’ll keep trying. But the way the tournaments are designed right now. I’m no longer having fun and just want this over with. Just need 4 more wins 😪

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3 minutes ago, Pokkit_ said:

Why they decided to allow pros to go up against lower ranks for tournaments at all, I’ll never understand. I keep getting paired up with Diamonds and Master ranks in tournaments(even if more than half of the players that signed up are lower). Just my luck I guess.


I guess I’ll keep trying. But the way the tournaments are designed right now. I’m no longer having fun and just want this over with. Just need 4 more wins 😪

Because Capcom staff are idiots clearly.

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Open Tournament is not really good for getting this trophy done (if you play casually) since you can be paired up with people way above your rank. I'm surprised I even came out with a 1-2 fighting a Gold opponent as a Bronze player lol. 6/10 just 4 more to go, honestly I just want this to be over so I can finally start World Tour and get those trophies done lol.


Back to sleep for me… hopefully next week has tournaments again. One week tournament per month would kind of suck.

Edited by PostGameBlues
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19 minutes ago, PostGameBlues said:

Open Tournament is not really good for getting this trophy done (if you play casually)

Nope. Not a good idea period.


19 minutes ago, PostGameBlues said:



 hopefully lNext week has tournaments again. One week tournament per month would kind of suck.


They may show later. Not sure but another is in 7hrs or 8 iirc.

They've been fairly steady but if its one week a month, capcom are stupid. Just keep them going non stop

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To confirm, if the league's attendee not enough 32 players & the system pairing you with no one for ROUND 1, you will advance to next round, this count 1 ROUND WIN........or 2 ROUND WIN....or NOT COUNTING ANY WIN AT ALL?


There are 1 lucky time for me to attend in this condition, but the next round system error occur caused I been kicked out by system. So.....now I'm miscount how many WINNING ROUNDS I have to made it for next? 😅

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54 minutes ago, Neo_Tachihoma said:

To confirm, if the league's attendee not enough 32 players & the system pairing you with no one for ROUND 1, you will advance to next round, this count 1 ROUND WIN........or 2 ROUND WIN....or NOT COUNTING ANY WIN AT ALL?


There are 1 lucky time for me to attend in this condition, but the next round system error occur caused I been kicked out by system. So.....now I'm miscount how many WINNING ROUNDS I have to made it for next? 😅

Byes do not count as wins for the trophy unfortunately. 

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