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no exploits this game would have an ultra rare plat.


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having just finished platting this game i can confidentaly say that without debug and the precursor orb glitch this game would absolutely have a sub 5% plat, getting gold on all the mini games and challenges is simply insane. this game makes the challenges in days gone look like childs play for example. yes i did use the precursor orb glitch.

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3 minutes ago, GoodVulture said:

having just finished platting this game i can confidentaly say that without debug and the precursor orb glitch this game would absolutely have a sub 5% plat, getting gold on all the mini games and challenges is simply insane. this game makes the challenges in days gone look like childs play for example. yes i did use the precursor orb glitch.

It certainly annoyed me into not finishing it. 


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Posted (edited)

Ultra Rare is way too much, look at the Ps3 version, it's just at 18%. I have played this game a lot back in the Ps2 days and I never found it that hard: just a couple of difficult missions and a tricky checkpoints system, but no big deal.


Either way buying/downloading a game only not to play it for real and just for getting the Platinum through glitches/exploits in few minutes is laughable to say the least, lmao.

Edited by KenjiCBZ
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Posted (edited)

In all fairness, I didn’t use the debug menu on the ps3 version, but I did use the glitch where if you restart an orb mini game while above the goal, you’d earn 3 orbs without completing the game. 
I did this on Jak II and Jak 3, and it was a bloody pain on 3 since the leeway was so strict and you needed double the orbs than 2. 

And as far as I know, the glitch was known the whole time the game was released. So no way back machine can account for the glitch.

Edited by Breakingthegreen
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The shooting gallery is ridiculous and the only part that really pushed me to using that menu. As I wanted to experience the game legit. I got what I could until the shooting gallery decided to be not fun unlike RE4's own shooting gallery.

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What's with this weird trend of declaring games as 'would be ultra rare if not for x or y'. I've seen a few games speculated in this way and rarely if ever are they anything exceptionally difficult, time consuming or inconvenient that it could every realistically have shifted it towards being ultra rare without exploits.


1 hour ago, DaivRules said:

In May 2013, the PS3 version of this game had a 20% platinum: https://web.archive.org/web/20130531065214/https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/1268-jak-ii


When was the exploit discovered that caused this not to be an Ultra Rare?


I hadn't heard of any exploits when I did these games and it was at a similar percentage of like 20%ish. If anything that's probably rarer than it would have been if not for being on PS+ back in the day.

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If Crash isn't even an ultra rare plat, none of the J&D games would be either even without debug mode. 


It's a challenging game at times but it ain't that hard to be an ultra rare. It's average difficulty for games of that era. 


2 hours ago, KenjiCBZ said:

Ultra Rare is way too much, look at the Ps3 version, it's just at 18%. I have played this game a lot back in the Ps2 days and I never found it that hard: just a couple of difficult missions and a tricky checkpoints system, but no big deal.


Either way buying/downloading a game only not to play it for real and just for getting the Platinum through glitches/exploits in few minutes is laughable to say the least, lmao.


PS3 version also has debug mode though and it was known from release pretty much. It's only lower than the PS4 version because people were less inclined to go for trophies in the PS3 days and didn't bother using the exploit just to get trophies that nobody really cared about back then. 


It's hard to say exactly but without debug mode this plat would be somewhere between 8-12% range I would guess. 

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14 minutes ago, GoodVulture said:

having just finished platting this game i can confidentaly say that without debug and the precursor orb glitch this game would absolutely have a sub 5% plat, getting gold on all the mini games and challenges is simply insane. this game makes the challenges in days gone look like childs play for example. yes i did use the precursor orb glitch.


If you were referring to the PlayStation Vita version (like Daiv is/does), may'be you'd be right, but you're talking about the PS3 version which is the most stable experience across any platform with trophies. That is important, because the poor framerate problems on the PSV version and the emulated PS4 versions (esp. Jak 2 vs series) in-fact hinders the entire gameplay experience (and the PS4 version has downgraded directional inputs).


The challenges/mini games are predominantly fine. They're challenging in the right way, not being too easy and not being too hard. It's a legitimate matter of just getting good, including the shooting gallery and racing. Debug and orb glitch are completely unneeded. 


Great game btw.

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Probably. Beside the obvious difficulty spikes it has (which makes me wonder how I managed as a kid to finish it!) collecting all orbs and doing the target minigame there would've been a pain. I remember trying for hours legit, but I would always miss points. But I don't know, maybe a sub 10%? maybe close to 5-6%? But Ultra Rare I'm not so sure. It would be very hard, but not impossible. Just a LOT frustrating...

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  • 1 month later...

Celeste and hollow knight would definitely be an Ur plat without the 🧀 way

Not jak 2

I'm sorry 

Before the exploit,none of the jak games were Ur

I believe they never went below 10% actually 

Edited by AmazingNoeder
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