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How did you join PSNProfiles


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I don't know if there is already a topic for this if so let me know, but basically I want to know how you found PSNProfiles and how/when you joined  

i'll start off I joined back in December when I first found out about the gaming sessions feature but I have been using this site for almost 1 year and a half now 

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I found this site when I was doing the bonuses for Abstergo Employee of the Month in AC Brotherhood. I was in a little chat with someone and they referenced PSNP. They advised me to join so I could look up my other trophy hunting statistics, so I joined and forgot about it until the name came up again when I started boosting Batman: Arkham Origins. That is when I wanted to make a guide for Batman: Arkham City, and then I went on from that.

Edited by TheLastSurvivorD
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Hmmmm... I don't really remember. I definitely encountered the site by looking for tips for a game; can't remember for what game it was, though. I didn't join right away though. But whenever it was when I found PSNProfiles, I didn't start going into and using the forums until like a couple of months later after I found  out about PSNProfiles existence. So that must have been like 2 years ago. I don't know, I really don't remember much about my first of joining PSNProfiles, or how exactly did I join.

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Almost exactly one year ago, my brother and I decided to have a trophy hunting competition that lasted one month. A few weeks in, I was falling behind because my brother was using a lot of my old games to pull ahead, so I went online to search for some trophy tips and eventually found psnprofiles, which guided me to the path of victory. I won our trophy hunt and used this website for trophy tips/keeping track of my trophies ever since.

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I was looking for a guide for a trophy in Borderlands and I saw the PSNP trophy cards on the forums. I liked them, so I decided to go over and make one myself. When I found out what PSNP was for, I decided to keep going here for trophies. However, it wasn't a few months later that I joined the forums.

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