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"Hatred" Reveal Gameplay Trailer Controversial Game


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Hatred, an upcoming PC game that lets you play the role of a mass murderer, has caused quite a stir since its beyond brutal gameplay trailer was released this week.  Is a trailer in which a protagonist walks the streets and kills innocent people with the utmost delight and savagery. According to its Polish developer Destructive Creations, the game is "an isometric shooter with a disturbing atmosphere of mass killing, where player takes the role of a cold blood antagonist, who is full of hatred for humanity."


It making a hell of a polemic 



What You guys think it went too far   :rolleyes: ?




​ps: thanks for moving this topic 

Edited by El_C4RLOS-OPS
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The gameplay actually looked pretty good, destructible environments and stuff.


I just wish it didn't feel like the devs wanted to make a controversial game for the sake of making a controversial game. That was the stupidest fucking trailer I've ever seen, atleast from a story perspective. Now I'm not a psychologist, but I don't think any mass murders have that kind of mindset. 


"I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on it's carcass"


It didn't help that they got Duke Nukem's psychotic brother to voice the character. 

Edited by Saltyie
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It's not like this hasn't been done before, games like Postal and Manhunt exist and Kill Frenzies/Rampage mode have been a thing since GTA 1, and that's just a few examples.


This'll probably go the same route as all of them too, a lot of controversy over it being some kind of "Killing Simulator", people end up playing it, then it barely ever gets talked about again until another one like it comes out.



It didn't help that they got Duke Nukem's psychotic brother to voice the character. 


I actually thought it sounded like Jon St. John himself, probably not, but it'd be interesting if he was voicing him

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The things about games like this is that they can influence a person in doing such crimes and sins without any remorse. To a sane person this game is a suicidal GTA but to a sadistic person it can be a fire to ignite them into acting this way.


Also where is the story and tension? I hope that the developer actually make a story with real feelings and emotions of how a serial killer would think. Stories can get the customer and at least tell the public their side of the story(Even if the killer is crazy).

Edited by Bear
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I don't really see anything wrong with it. I've been killing cops and innocents as well as getting my jollies off and murdering hookers to get my money back in GTA for years, this just seems like a slightly more gory, and less fun, version of that. 






GTA says hi  :ninja:



To anyone comparing GTA with this sick 'game', that's not a very good comparison.


In GTA franchise you can kill IF YOU WANT, it's not part of the story to go all rampage and kill innocent people/cops, in this game the point of the story is to pointlessly kill people, that's sick, disturbing and ridiculous. I'm sure the devs are either psycopaths / wannabe 'revelotionary' / didn't have relatives killed by mass murderers.

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It is really disturbing even to watch the trailer. Comparing it to GTA is rather pointless as in this game, the killing is more lighthearted, so to speak, with some exceptions of course. Let's say that killing in GTA is like killing in an action movie, for entertainment's sake, whereas in Hatred killing is like in a snuff film or exploitation movie, where the only point is to make you feel grossed out. 


From the story's point of view, I could think of a million better ways to deal with the subject of mass murderers. Making it more personal maybe, like making you feel what it is to hate people, adding more meaning to the gameplay. But this is just a glorified Hotline Miami with a really touchy setting that will stir some cages, to quote Homer Simpson.

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im not opposed to this existing, im just shocked anyone would want to play this. but hey, its just a video game, so who cares? those innocent people dying aren't real so i don't have any problems with this. wouldn't play it though, i like to have colors in my game. and storys that aren't f*cking stupid.

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From the top of my head, i canonly think of two reasons why this exists.

1. Get some sales from the attention this'll get due to controversy

2. Someone is actually this messed up.

Now in both cases, i don't see why so many big players in the industry are talking about this. Giving it attention is only supporting it. The problem itself lies elsewhere.

I first read about this on a german website called spieletipps.de, and there was a discussion going on there if something like this should be allowed. Many argued that it would give outsiders a false perspective on gaming itself and while i can see where this is coming from, esspecially considering our history ("our" as in gaming culture's") with controversy and misrepresentation.

Now here's why i don't think anything should be done about this. A really messed up movie, book or song won't get people the idea that the respective medium itself is messed up. The interactive medium has yet toreach that point but i believe that we're on the right way to getting there. If we want video games to become just as much of an artistic medium as movies or music, we'll have to see it as such ourselves. Gaming is an artform and as such, videogames are art. No form of art should be forbidden, otherwise the concept of art is lost. Of course, it should be limited to audiences capable of understanding it, but we're doing that anyway. Gaming should be treated as an artform, even if it means sparking controversy.

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No, in the GTA franchise you are forced to kill in order to progress the story. It may not be to the extent of this game, but you're still killing people that we have no idea if they're innocent or not, we just assume they're bad because they are a red dot on our radar. 


Maybe the devs are psychopaths or wannabe revolutionaries, or maybe they just wanted to make a game they thought would be fun.





You didn't understand the type of people we get to kill in GTA (forced by story) and the ones we kill in this Hatred game.


In GTA you kill people that are doing illegal stuff, drug dealers, pimps, weapon dealers, etc. The decision of leaving your apartment adn killing innocent people is totally voluntary, whereas in this game the protagonist doesn't kill only those that are messing with his deals/life, he just kills any pedestrian that he finds, and that's how it differs from GTA.

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