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Gaming Sessions - The Ultimate Wishlist


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Even if Sly has his own personal list, I think it'd be a good idea to just leave this here for us members to have a central hub to discuss what kind of features should be included and features that we'd want implemented the most.

The reputation system sounds like a great idea to everyone. I don't think we need to disscus how much we'd like to see that. Personally, I really like the idea of listing timezones. I've hosted a session or two and some members just won't say anything about their timezone or don't even know which timezone they're in. It would definitely be less of a hassle if they just have their country listed.

Edited by Blue Flare
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  • 2 months later...

something i think would be neat and partly because there is a current situation where i think it is rather needed

(there is a session where the host has achieved the trophy but like a real trooper keeps extending the session for everyone else)

* edit - turns out i spoke too soon, still think delegations would be good though *

is along with designating/prioritising people for main/backup could we maybe also designate ownership/maintenance of the session to others

(sounds like painful work)


question: does the below setting apply to you too i.e. will you be reminded about your own session?

"Remind me an hour before a gaming session I'm in is going to start"

you know for us with cognitive dysfunction and yes because i have forgotten once already

could we be able to adjust the length of time before that we are reminded though, i would prefer a day or two or flights of fancy lol

along the lines of copying sessions i would have really liked to reopen the sessions i forgot that ended


i know Rome was not built in a day and its probably a trip i cannot afford, but i hear it is really nice ;)

Edited by jujmint
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A very nice, organized list (and a thoughtful, selfless gesture for corralling them all into one easy reference point) BlindMango. Very nicely done indeed. :)

Would I have to make an entire other topic for it to be added to the list or, could the link be connected to this individual post, because I have a great suggestion for gaming sessions.

I've noticed that a great deal of people making gaming sessions start by saying "ignore time and date" or "time and date are just a place holder". I think it would be beneficial to have a section for gaming sessions without a set date, to be used as an initial gathering of bodies for a few days. Almost like an "any time" session or, a boosting thread with an expiration date on it, at the top of the list of sessions.

It would be better than:

1. Setting up a gaming session for tonight and have nobody see it, or have very little exposure time, before it's deleted.

2. Setting up a gaming session every night, for the next several days, for the extra exposure time. Quite troublesome and wasted, redundant effort.

3. Setting up a gaming session for several days down the road and having nobody apply until the day of, or worse, not apply at all because not everyone looks several days ahead.

To be honest, I am greatly adversed to the site's gaming session feature. I find that it is quite unnecessary and could be easily replaced by a single boosting/co-op thread in each game's individual forum. It has already been proven for years as the most efficient manner in which to find a partner and makes the currently used method look like a frivolous attempt at reinventing the wheel.

With that being said, I certainly do keep in mind that;

1. It is still in it's infancy and still has much room to grow, which also leads me to

2. If several of the already made suggestions were to be added to the gaming session feature, it could potentially become the new benchmark for all other gaming websites to aspire to.

So, that's my suggestion; a section for dateless or "any time" sessions, listed for a set period of time.


Edited by effdeegee
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Okay everybody - I've noticed a trend that a lot of people want a ton of features for Gaming Sessions and they are scattered all over the place in the forums, I want to have a central place for Sly and everyone else to be able to refer to regarding wanted features for gaming sessions.


Major additions suggested:

Minor/easy additions suggested:I probably don't have everything here but I found most of the useful things suggested, feel free to let me know of anything I may have forgotten and I'll try to keep this up to date. Please don't recommend something that's already in the list above, lol


Nicely done. One minor thing I'm kind of missing in this list though, is your suggestion for that search box in the trophy list, that you made a while ago.

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  • 4 weeks later...

me again

just wanted to express some concerns i have with a reputation system


as seems to be known/agreed on, it is open to abuse

if i get the runaround, used or you just a cheesy player, i would probably drop volley you so i usually can expect some 'retaliation'

also it is hard finding like minded people - my stance not being a popular one? which doesnt increase my popularity

and fortune we know, favours the popular


so for these reasons and because i would not want to be judged by someone else's merits

i would like to suggest a feedback system like ebay where ratings are given reasons and allows responses

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  • 3 weeks later...

To be honest, I am greatly adversed to the site's gaming session feature. I find that it is quite unnecessary and could be easily replaced by a single boosting/co-op thread in each game's individual forum. It has already been proven for years as the most efficient manner in which to find a partner and makes the currently used method look like a frivolous attempt at reinventing the wheel.


Except that I still get requests to play RDR, Little Deviants LittlebigPlanet 2 (at least once a month). I platinumed those games over 2 years ago.

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Except that I still get requests to play RDR, Little Deviants LittlebigPlanet 2 (at least once a month). I platinumed those games over 2 years ago.

There are two things that usually cause that:

1. People that are new to boosting threads and don't know to look at the last page first in order to find the most recent players/most likely to boost.

2. People that don't make the courteous move and go back and edit their original post, to say they don't need help anymore, after they've obtained their trophies. *coughcoughpointingfingersandstuffcoughcoughstillloveyouthoughcough


Edited by effdeegee
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There are two things that usually cause that:

1. People that are new to boosting threads and don't know to look at the last page first in order to find the most recent players/most likely to boost.

2. People that don't make the courteous move and go back and edit their original post, to say they don't need help anymore, after they've obtained their trophies. *coughcoughpointingfingersandstuffcoughcoughstillloveyouthoughcough


#1 could be, but #2 is just pointless. I edited a post on the KZ Mercenary thread but I still get 5-6 friend requests everyday saying "Hey! Killzone?" Blah blah blah. People who view the threads, usually the non members just keep on adding everyone without even reading the edited post.

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2. People that don't make the courteous move and go back and edit their original post, to say they don't need help anymore, after they've obtained their trophies. *coughcoughpointingfingersandstuffcoughcoughstillloveyouthoughcough






Edited by Dr_Mayus
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Oh my goodness! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Peeps on teh webz be :|

Anyone that still adds you after seeing that post would have to be full retard for sure. :lol:

Lol, I think it is almost a "challenge accepted" type thing. That or people are stone stupid.


I had this one guy who added me for Red Dead like a year after I got the plat. I told him I had sold the game already and wished him luck with the plat. His response was something like "this is bullshit, you got help with the platinum and now you aren't helping others out" I was like o_O 1. I posted online for people to help with the online trophies and we got them together (so I have already helped people out" 2. I got the plat a year ago so find someone who is looking to get the plat to help you out 3. It is a pretty big game with active servers so it isn't hard to find people and 4. I SOLD THE GAME SO HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU OUT


So yeah...I like that my posts disappears after the game session ends :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Why isn't this thread PINNED yet? I'm sure it would reduce the number of repeated, useless threads out here.

Mango, should we try asking Parker or Sly for a pin?


Maybe I should ask Sly to pin it and then also say "hey, you should really consider adding some of these at some point in the near future" :P


I know you're reading this Sly, so hey, you should really pause that cat video you're watching on YouTube right now consider adding some of these at some point in the near future, trololol

Edited by BlindMango
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I know you're reading this Sly, so hey, you should really pause that cat video you're watching on YouTube right now consider adding some of these at some point in the near future, trololol

How about adding some cats to the first post?


(Btw Sly liked the post, he DID read it! Now we know! :D)

Edited by Satoshi Ookami
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