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Don't you just hate when someone on PSN adds you then Deletes you the same day?

Bonzi Buddy

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im extremely late on this but i sometimes get enraged by people who i enjoyed playing with for a couple hours of being friends with them and they pull this shit. it's happened to me multiple times in the past.


last night i was on destiny 2 and this lady pops up and asks basically "yo, wanna play crucible or some shit?" 

so, we did just that, had some good laughs, and then she left the party, left the chat, the clan, and basically said "fuck you" to us all. and she had just been added to all of them for a couple hours. she blocked me idk what her deal was. people that do this are interesting to say the least

Edited by obi1bonjovi
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8 hours ago, MyNameIs_Rainman said:

If I add someone for specific games I'll usually keep them on my list as long as they are somewhat active. Maybe down the road might be able to help each other out with diff trophies, but it depends on their activity. 

Almost everyone i play with to boost trophies remove me as soon as we finish boosting even when we had fun time, so I decided to remove anyone i boost with ?. I keep some though.

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  • 9 months later...

Since there's only one particular game that I boost and that's pretty much it, I don't mind people deleting me too much. Most of them who I've helped are still my PSN friends, while only a handful have deleted me. That's fine, but I only hope for one thing: don't take all the glory to yourself. Remember who assisted you getting that hard trophy you couldn't pull off solo? That's right. Me.

Edited by MrGarland
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I regularly add people for boosting but never delete them as soon as we're done. Over time some people have unfriended me, but the majority has kept me on PSN as well. So not to be an asshole or anything, but are you sure you're pleasant to deal with online if everyone deletes you right away? :D

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  • 1 year later...

I usually ignore random adds as my messages are open so if someone wants something, they can just message me. What I do dislike, that is fairly similiar, is when you finish an online game to a 100% and while you're still on the latest achievers list, some random adds you so you can "help" them get the trophies. 

Don't get me wrong, I like boosting a cooperative play, but I dislike when some folks only message people who are done. Either to ensure that they themselves don't have to help anybody and the boost is faster for them, or to get a "carry" from somebody who has done something they'd consider hard. Off the top of my head this hapenned in Black Ops 3, CoD Ghosts, Remnant, CoD Cold War, Babylon's Fall, Kane & Lynch 2, Star Wars Battlefront, GT Sport (which you can't boost anyway), MoH Warfighter, Ghost Recon and some others.

Some people just ask for advice which I'm usually happy to give, but I can't imagine going through a game twice just to get the trophies for a random. Even boosting through the Discord I am in, I much prefer to do a game with people who still need it rather than leeching off of somebody who is done.

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I only accept friends from here so that doesn't happen often, but back when communities were a thing on PSN I'd get the craziest shit, from scamming to people asking for nudes... now only friends can send me messages, ever since I did that it's been pretty peaceful.

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21 minutes ago, LastMinuteSavior said:




What the hell kind of communities were you on?


Gaming related but they slowly turned into something else entirely, I would just scroll down to see what's new and get a dick pic out of the blue....I kid you not, I never understood how or why Sony allowed that, so I left all the ones I was part and forgot about the feature,  2016 was weird.

Edited by Sunnyburrito
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1 minute ago, Sunnyburrito said:

I would just scroll down to see what's new and get a dick pic out of the blue


People out here complaining about people who unfriend them, while you had to deal with unsolicited dick picks. Smh.


3 minutes ago, Sunnyburrito said:

I never understood how or why Sony allowed that, so I left all the ones I was part and forgot about the feature


Yeah, I've seen other (even worse) stuff that Sony would only moderate after I reported it.


Anyways, I don't recall anyone ever doing this add and delete shortly after thing to me.

What happens often is people adding me after a multiplayer match only to never ever interact with me again.


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Doesn't happen on PSN but has happened on other social media but I only add people I've actually spoken to now over there. But yeah these days I only bother to add people to boost a game with on PSN but then most of the time once we've finished boosting we never play a game together again unless if one of us asks if we have anything else we need to boost once we know each other are competent gamers which is always nice. I won't ever delete anyone right away but every few years I then go through the friends list and delete the majority of people as I don't remember who half of them even are. I don't need 100+ people on my list that I never talk to haha


Having "online only" friends is a bit of a waste of time and pointless for me now anyway although I know lots of people have made quality friends over the internet.

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While it doesn't happen very often, you cannot really fault these people.


You see, they normally don't come across great profiles generally speaking, so it's perfectly fine that they reject their own invitation once they do, promptly backing off in self-disgust.?

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2 hours ago, Sunnyburrito said:

Gaming related but they slowly turned into something else entirely, I would just scroll down to see what's new and get a dick pic out of the blue....I kid you not, I never understood how or why Sony allowed that, so I left all the ones I was part and forgot about the feature,  2016 was weird.


1 hour ago, LastMinuteSavior said:


People out here complaining about people who unfriend them, while you had to deal with unsolicited dick picks. Smh.



Yeah, I've seen other (even worse) stuff that Sony would only moderate after I reported it.


Anyways, I don't recall anyone ever doing this add and delete shortly after thing to me.

What happens often is people adding me after a multiplayer match only to never ever interact with me again.



I used to play R6 Siege a lot cause despite hating most online/mp games, I found it fun and interesting as its not a pure shooter (though many play it as such).  One day while solo queuing a ranked match, the group I was with got spammed by our opponents - who were all friends or a team or something -  sending us hundreds of PSN messages, starting new solo chats and group chats every few seconds.  What they sent ranged from random pics or porn pics to just horrific language.  Since that day I have all forms of communication blocked for anyone who isn't a friend.  


As far as getting added and deleted, I don't like online games (as I mentioned above), so when I add someone to boost, it's usually someone from this site, so I leave them on my list and they usually leave me too.  I don't add randoms, and since they can't message me to explain why they sent the random invite, it sits there indefinitely until they or I choose to delete it.  But most people on this site don't delete after a single boost session.  I've even had people I boosted with in the past reach out years later to boost again simply cause we're both still 'friends' and they noticed me playing the same game they were.

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I’ve had this happen quite a bit recently, soon after I decided to clean up my friends list and make my profile private. I would accept their request, no communication happens and then they would delete me within the same day. I would assume it’s just curiosity because when I made it all public again it stopped for the most part :dunno:

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On 1/23/2015 at 10:28 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

If the friend request is blank, or the requester too low level (0-5 ps level) I just delete it. Not out of some snobbishness - purely because so many ass-hats create multiple PSN accounts just to spam people and getting to at least level 5 takes a bit of work

This comment hasnt aged well haha

since sony increased the psn trophy level cap to 999 you can literally get to level 5 with just a handful of trophies now lol

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On 10/04/2023 at 8:12 PM, LastMinuteSavior said:

...I don't recall anyone ever doing this add and delete shortly after thing to me...


Scratch that.


Last night, I found a pending friend request after my regular Apex Legends session. I accepted it - since it was from a fellow Apex player - only to see the friendly connection deleted a few hours later.


After looking into it, I'm pretty sure it was a guy who was acting like a jerk during a match, probably wanting to drop me a vicious message ? (I have incoming messages set to "friends only").


The dude probably had time to cooldown since it took me a while to accept the request. Saved him a report to PlayStation.


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