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What 5 platinums would someone need for you to consider them a Trophy hunting bad ass?


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Boosting removes the skill involved and this removes the challenge, so no it's not even close to being legit.

It's the cowards way out so to speak, granted sometimes it can't helped..

Go and get the lost planet 2, killzone 2, uncharted 3, far cry 2, injustice and mortal kombat platinums legit and tell me boosting is almost as hard and legit lol.

It's not even close, boosting is easy as fuck.. You're giving yourself waaaaaay to much credit where it's completely undeserved.

After reading this, especially the last line i'm still waiting for the justification of why Terminator Salvation was on your list. This was either a goof or a mistake?


Have you tried boosting Batman AO, its an absolute nightmare. With the absence of a voice chat (unless they patched it) boosting that game's MP is ludicrously hard. As Madbuk said earlier you have to boost some of these games because of the absence of players. By your definition the only way these would be legit is if you kncoked the MP out within the first few weeks the game was released when the servers were populated


Good luck telling the folks with Far cry 2 plats that their multiplayer experience is invalidated because they boosted on a game whose servers could reset your stats back to zero.


to answer the original question in the post Max Payne 3 plat or "shadows rushed me" trophy immediately makes me respect the hell out of anyone who has it.   

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I would say:


A really challenging skill based game such as Mamorukun Curse! or Catherine


One of the sports games that take a lot of time and dedication as well as some skill such as NBA2K13


A long J/RPG. An example would be Tales of Graces F


An under 1% plat that isn't so rare due to a broken online or horribly long boost/grind. An example would be Surgeon Simulator


A difficult racing game such as Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed


Finally a difficult fighter. An example would be, most of them. :P Only examples from my list though would be Street Fighter X Tekken or P4AU


I like a diverse range of games on a list, rather than someone specialising in just one genre. :)


I've used games from my list as I know how difficult they are. I find it hard to comment on the difficulty of injustice for example never having played it although it is obviously tough based on the rarity. So yeah I'm aware there's better examples for some of the categories. 

Also I know I've listed 6 types of game, obviously it's pretty tough to make me think someone is a bad ass. ;)

Edited by zajac9999
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Following this thread as when I get my backlog out of the way (about 20 - 30 games atm :() I want to get a bunch of hard plats, become lord of badass town ^,^ 

Judging frm what I've seen my picks would be:

Final Fantasy 14 a realm reborn
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Rising
Persona 4 Golden

and Ultra Street Fighter 4

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We're all cowards!

Can I join the coward brigade?

Boosting was just about the ONLY way to get online trophies for GH games, because the servers were so wonky. Let's not forget games like BattleFantasia or PuzzleQuest Galactrix. Obviously, boosting is easier, but the difficulty for non-boosters is often artificial due to failure of maintenance of servers.

Anyway, the true badasses for me have the following:

GH: Smash Hits

Green Day RB

GH: Van Halen

GH: Metallica

If you haven't played these, you have no idea how hard the trophies are (particularly Hits - Bloody Feat is absolutely brutal).

Edited by starcrunch061
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Hmmm... Where to begin..


First off, I'd put Catherine in that list. I tried so hard for that platinum, and couldn't do Hard Mode Gold trophies to save my life, as well as Babel.

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International; from what I've heard, and from what I've played, that trophy list takes hundreds of hours to do, as well a stupid super boss, so kudos to you if you have the patience to sit through that.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, The trials/missions... Don't even get me started on how brutally difficult those are.

Trine 2: The Complete Story. I myself finished this one, and absolutely loved it. From what I've seen from guides, it's a 9/10 platinum in terms of difficulty (I really didn't see why it was THAT hard, but I know it is hard.) When I see it, it's one of those "Welcome to the club!" moments.

BlazBlue Continuum Shift. This stretches broadly over any fighting games which have combo trials, but this was the first thing that came into mind. BlazBlue games are annoying, except for Calamity Trigger (I have that one, and I am utter garbage at fighting games), so this will get a spot in my list.



EDIT: When I say Trine 2: The Complete Story, I mean the PS4 one, as the PS3's version's trophy list is a piss poor joke.

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After reading this, especially the last line i'm still waiting for the justification of why Terminator Salvation was on your list. This was either a goof or a mistake?


Have you tried boosting Batman AO, its an absolute nightmare. With the absence of a voice chat (unless they patched it) boosting that game's MP is ludicrously hard. As Madbuk said earlier you have to boost some of these games because of the absence of players. By your definition the only way these would be legit is if you kncoked the MP out within the first few weeks the game was released when the servers were populated


Good luck telling the folks with Far cry 2 plats that their multiplayer experience is invalidated because they boosted on a game whose servers could reset your stats back to zero.


to answer the original question in the post Max Payne 3 plat or "shadows rushed me" trophy immediately makes me respect the hell out of anyone who has it.   


The terminator thing was a joke..

It's so easy I thought people would get the joke right away. 


Boosting is taking the easy way out.. i don't care for peoples feelings, if they're gonna get salty, they're gonna get salty.. I don't mind. 

I'm not against boosting.. I boost myself, but lets be honest about what it is.

Getting the Bling Brigade on WipEout HD would be impossible without boosting. And even with boosting the plat still requires a lot of skill.


I never said boosting was a bad thing.. it's just taking the easy way out of things. 

I also never said it wasn't necessary in certain situations, I know it absolutely is. 

I'm a coward then

Me too...

We're all cowards!

Pretty much. 

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These sound a bit contradictory imo. 


They aren't though.

Does that remove skill? Depending on the requirements, yes.

Is that a bad thing? That's subjective, I don't think it is.  


My comment was not contradictory in the slightest. 

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I wanna be a coward too. Put me on the cowards list.


Also I'd like to know why 100%'s are badass, but not platinums. That's hilarious



This is pretty hilarious, so in your eyes, buying character DLC, example, all the DLC trophies of disgaea d2, which is simply unlocking the characters, is considered skill, but not the platinum. DLC 99% of the time is just spending money on crap content


So your dante's inferno platinum is worth nothing in your own eyes, because you have 98% and the platinum, but it's not 100%

Absolutely - if i had the option to delete that Dante's Inferno list from my profile i would - that last trophy is a nightmare, but a platinum without a 100% means less than nothing to me.

And you are wrong btw. For every bad dlc cash-grab there is a great game addition that is well worththe money, in fact, here is a few dlcs ive played that are better than any of the main game content:

Bioshock 2 - Minervas Den

Bioshock Infinite - Burial at Sea

Dishonored- All 3 dlc packs

Red Dead - Undead Nightmare

GTAIV - The Ballad of Gay Tony

Castlevania LOS - Extra Chapters

Mass Effect 2 - Lair of the Shadow Broker

mass Effect 3 - All the DLCs

dragon Age dlc

Fallout dlc

Fallout New Vegas DLC



LA Noire

metro Last Light


Dark Souls

Dark Souls 2


.....and thats just ones off my game list, im sure there are others. - to not play dlc on principle and miss out on allthat content is crazy, and a good number of them are harder than the main games and require a greater skill level and larger time investment per trophy than the basic platinum requirements

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Boosting is legit... You're still earning the trophies, it just takes a different skill set. Boosting requires co-ordination, teamwork, you need to be able to follow orders, if you're the host you need to be good at improvising...


I'm sorry, but your opening statement is total BS. Boosting is just as legit as playing normally. Sometimes boosting is harder due to shitty matchmaking. A 100% in Uncharted 2 and 3 is impressive, boosted or not, for example.

Lol, I love this comment, you should be a motivational speaker. It sounds like something from a team building exercise. I certainly don't agree with it though.  There's easily some games that are considerably harder to do legit then others.  The main reason I'd still be impressed by the 100% in U2 and U3 is because of the coop requirements, so your point does stand to an extent, as good teamwork is really needed for that type of thing.


Nothing wrong with boosting. I'm only bothered by boosters bothering the general community in games that are active online. Its annoying when i'm looking for online games, but i get kicked because I want to play that game and people don't communicate they are boosting, just kicked for no reason.

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Boosting is legit... You're still earning the trophies, it just takes a different skill set. Boosting requires co-ordination, teamwork, you need to be able to follow orders, if you're the host you need to be good at improvising...


I'm sorry, but your opening statement is total BS. Boosting is just as legit as playing normally. Sometimes boosting is harder due to shitty matchmaking. A 100% in Uncharted 2 and 3 is impressive, boosted or not, for example.



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IMO Platinums:


1. FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 4 (belts are just about impossible to acquire today)
2. NBA 2K15 on PS3 (Dat 82-0 schedule grind + Dat Hall of Fame skill required)
3. Mortal Kombat 9 (takes some serious kung fu style dedication :eyebrow:)

4. WipEout HD

5. Doom 3 (Nightmare)


I also have a badass list for Non-platinumable games:


1. ibb & obb (._.)

2. Trials Fusion (BRUH)

3. Outlast (LUNATIC)


5. Burn Zombie Burn 


Complete this list and consider yourself the king badass and retire :)

Edited by ButteredPretzel
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Which ever five they want. Being anything (including a bad ass) starts in the mind of the individual...not waiting on the world's affirmation.


Nice philosophy, but it has nothing to do with the thread. It's also wrong, but that's for another day.


This isn't about whether a given player is a bad ass. This is about what other players perceive as bad ass.

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Nice philosophy, but it has nothing to do with the thread. It's also wrong, but that's for another day.


This isn't about whether a given player is a bad ass. This is about what other players perceive as bad ass.


It has absolutely everything to do with the thread. If your comment is for another day then why make it now? Telling me that my comment has nothing to do with the thread but then turning around and ADMITTING your comment doesn't either is a bit...contridictory to say the least. The only thing apparently "wrong" is your definition of subjectivity.


Ok, and I have given my percieved perpective on what makes someone a "bad ass"

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It has absolutely everything to do with the thread. If the comment is for another day then why make it now? The only thing apparently "wrong" is your definition of subjectivity.


Ok, and I have given my percieved perpective on what makes someone a "bad ass"


So, your "percieved perpective" [sic] is that each person is a bad ass so long as s/he believes it to be true. I'm clicking my heels, Dorothy.


Standard navel gazing nonsense.

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So, your "percieved perpective" [sic] is that each person is a bad ass so long as s/he believes it to be true. I'm clicking my heels, Dorothy.


Standard navel gazing nonsense.


Pretty much...if you don't believe it then who will? And why should they?


Apparently, I've striken a cord with you somehow. Like the saying goes: "If you throw a stone into a pack of barking dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit"

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Absolutely - if i had the option to delete that Dante's Inferno list from my profile i would - that last trophy is a nightmare, but a platinum without a 100% means less than nothing to me.

And you are wrong btw. For every bad dlc cash-grab there is a great game addition that is well worththe money, in fact, here is a few dlcs ive played that are better than any of the main game content:

Bioshock 2 - Minervas Den

Bioshock Infinite - Burial at Sea

Dishonored- All 3 dlc packs

Red Dead - Undead Nightmare

GTAIV - The Ballad of Gay Tony

Castlevania LOS - Extra Chapters

Mass Effect 2 - Lair of the Shadow Broker

mass Effect 3 - All the DLCs

dragon Age dlc

Fallout dlc

Fallout New Vegas DLC



LA Noire

metro Last Light


Dark Souls

Dark Souls 2


.....and thats just ones off my game list, im sure there are others. - to not play dlc on principle and miss out on allthat content is crazy, and a good number of them are harder than the main games and require a greater skill level and larger time investment per trophy than the basic platinum requirements

An awesome list of some the best add ons. I've played the majority of what you have on this list and couldn't agree with you more.

Bloodmoney's obviously a troll and an addition to my block list.


Just remember kids, if you didnt buy the downloadable characters in PS Allstars, and have a 97% because you didn't buy zeus, you might aswell hide the game from your profile !

BloodMoney has a legitimate point and a right to his own opinion. Just because you're not willing to see it doesn't mean it isn't so.
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