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What 5 platinums would someone need for you to consider them a Trophy hunting bad ass?


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1) Guitar Hero Metallica or Rock Band: The Beatles

Rythm games based on pure skill and multiple players being flawless. Also no way of boosting without having mad skillz to pay the bills... 'Nuff said.


2)Injustice or MK9

The kung fu is strong in these ones. Massive online trophies, but the hardest are the challenges. Your fingers will come out of the game as black belts in all martial arts.


3)Fight Night Round 4 or Fight Night Champion

These are just ridiculous. If you have any of these you are insane.


4) Lost Planet 2 or Killzone 2

Insane online requirements on dead communities? Yeah I'll take it any day


5) Any Ninja Gaiden but Yaiba

They seem so confusing and I'd swear controls are really complicated


I didn't mention Revengeance, Catherine, Xcom, Vanquish, Rogue legacy, GTA or any of those because I got them or I will get them soon and I don't feel badass about it. To me, any boss or challenge you can beat in a day of dedication, is not hard, which is the case of most games avobe. Challenge 6 took me an hour. Ponce de Freon less than 45 minutes. Catherine's Babel will be an afternoon of perseverance, as will MGR's stages on hardest difficulty with S ranks. 


See? A badass platinum or trophy is one that takes you ages, like the versus trophies in resdient evil 5 or the Max Payne 3 NYMH run...

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Pretty much...if you don't believe it then who will? And why should they?


Apparently, I've striken a cord with you somehow. Like the saying goes: "If you throw a stone into a pack of barking dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit"


You've obviously "struck a chord" with me. I wouldn't have responded if I didn't care about what you said.


Of course, it's a shame that you would follow it up with yet more cliched, dime store philosophy. But at least it's consistent with your "If you think it, it's true!" nonsense from before.


But anyway, getting back to the thread, I owe one more plat for my list. I don't really want to say Star Ocean. it's hard, but not brutally so - it's more dedication than anything. So, let's go with one plat that I actually have: Catherine!

Edited by starcrunch061
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Lol damn i only have 2 of those!!! Of course i boosted KZ2's mp. does that mean i'm "kinda okay" lol i've always been on the fence about how legit boosting is, i have boosted plenty of games of course though and i'm sure i'll boost more XDD I'm always impressed when i see P4A or vanquish plat's myself

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You've obviously "struck a chord" with me. I wouldn't have responded if I didn't care about what you said.


Of course, it's a shame that you would follow it up with yet more cliched, dime store philosophy. But at least it's consistent with your "If you think it, it's true!" nonsense from before.


But anyway, getting back to the thread, I owe one more plat for my list. I don't really want to say Star Ocean. it's hard, but not brutally so - it's more dedication than anything. So, let's go with one plat that I actually have: Catherine!


Contridictions...contridictions everywhere! If I'm spewing "navel gazing nonsense" (according to you), then why pay it any attention or even care for that matter?


So something being "cliched" (yet again a subjective assertion) automatically makes it untrue? Again...if its nonsense then why are you continuing to give it attention? Continuing to just call everything that I say "nonsense" isn't really much of a counter-argument and actually makes you look a bit foolish for continuing to feed into it.

Edited by merciful84
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Of course each individual excels at different types of games, so I'd say a varied list including difficult ultra rare platinums across a few different genres.

Where then, do you draw the line? I played the Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops with a friend online to get some trophies, was I boosting then? Or should I have matched up with some complete stranger who may or may not have been as good as a friend I've know for over 10 years? Certainly not as trustworthy.

Boosting is usually cooperating with other players in what should otherwise be a competetive game scenario. Playing Co Op with a friend isn't really the same at all.

Boosting is legit... You're still earning the trophies, it just takes a different skill set. Boosting requires co-ordination, teamwork, you need to be able to follow orders, if you're the host you need to be good at improvising...


I'm sorry, but your opening statement is total BS. Boosting is just as legit as playing normally. Sometimes boosting is harder due to shitty matchmaking. A 100% in Uncharted 2 and 3 is impressive, boosted or not, for example.

I completely disagree about it being "just as legit as playing normally." I'd put it under the same class as if someone were to use cheat codes or exploit glitches to make things easier. Sure you can do it, but it's hardly the proper way. I have nothing against boosting, I've only ever done it for games that have little to no players active myself though. I can safely little to no "skill" was required.

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#1 Digimon All-Star Rumble: All because of these three trophies lol. Which are 41Scda809.png and 44S6e308f.png and finally 47S933767.png


#2 Kingdom Hearts Final Mix: Mainly because of having to play through it on the hardest mode, obtaining all the weapons, grinding Sora to level 100, and having to play through the game without dying and without changing weapons.


#3 Medal of Honor Frontline & Medal of Honor: Both have about the same amount of grind and hard-ness to be able to get the plat, and are both very difficult in playing on hard mode and in Medal of Honor's sense playing online.


#4 Star Trek: Just because of how glitcy it is, and you have to have some real time on your hands to be able to grind through all the glitches and hard mode, plus the glitched trophies are a pain.


#5 Batman Arham Origins: Because of how hard it is getting the online mode trophies, and because of all the different 'tracks' you have to do and new game plus and I am The Night modes, aswell as 31S96be83.png and 32S67ee9e.png

Edited by KyuubiWarGreymon
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First achievers of a platinum are bad asses in my mind.  I'm still waiting for a guide and they have already finished the game!



You guys going on about boosting may want to define what you think boosting is?

BOOSTING:Trading headshots in a server to get killstreaks, level up, unlock stuff etc.(done it, fell dirty but it was still a grind on a dead game full of hackers).  

NOT BOOSTING: Partnering up with Mah2c (rather than some random) to get the Dynamic Duo trophy. This is better known as co-op.  Finding good players to play with is not boosting, how dare anyone soil participation and friendship.

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Of course each individual excels at different types of games, so I'd say a varied list including difficult ultra rare platinums across a few different genres.

Boosting is usually cooperating with other players in what should otherwise be a competetive game scenario. Playing Co Op with a friend isn't really the same at all.

I completely disagree about it being "just as legit as playing normally." I'd put it under the same class as if someone were to use cheat codes or exploit glitches to make things easier. Sure you can do it, but it's hardly the proper way. I have nothing against boosting, I've only ever done it for games that have little to no players active myself though. I can safely little to no "skill" was required.


I came here just to say this,

Definition of BADASS

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Of course each individual excels at different types of games, so I'd say a varied list including difficult ultra rare platinums across a few different genres.

Boosting is usually cooperating with other players in what should otherwise be a competetive game scenario. Playing Co Op with a friend isn't really the same at all.

I completely disagree about it being "just as legit as playing normally." I'd put it under the same class as if someone were to use cheat codes or exploit glitches to make things easier. Sure you can do it, but it's hardly the proper way. I have nothing against boosting, I've only ever done it for games that have little to no players active myself though. I can safely little to no "skill" was required.

It's a different kind of skill set. You don't need to be skilled at the game to boost (excluding a few rare cases), but you do need to know how to manage a group of people, especially if your the host, and you need to be good at following instructions, comprehending instructions, not forgetting to attend, etc.

If you're the host, you need to instruct an entire group of people, get all of them (some trophies require 16 people!) to listen to you, lay things out clearly, etc.


It's not so much about being skillful at the game when boosting, but there's no denying you need communication and people skills (especially as a host).

The amount of train wreck boosting sessions I've been in is rather sad tbh.

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Here are some I think are super hard that I have tried and failed at so far. No particular order, just top 5. 


Max Payne 3 - 0.81%

Injustice: Gods Among Us - 0.07%

OlliOlli2 - 0.68%

Madden NFL 13 - 0.37%

Gran Turismo 5 - 0.90% and that's more common than it should be because I've seen a ton of people have been hacking this one lately.

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The terminator thing was a joke..

It's so easy I thought people would get the joke right away. 


Boosting is taking the easy way out.. i don't care for peoples feelings, if they're gonna get salty, they're gonna get salty.. I don't mind. 

I'm not against boosting.. I boost myself, but lets be honest about what it is.

I understand what you are saying about taking the easy way out however you haven't answered or addressed any of the concerns about:

- games that have little to no players after the first weeks of their life

- games whose server stability is so horrible that your progress can be lost


If no one is playing the game  or the mp is virtually unplayable with no support what are they supposed to do? My question was not geared to  their feelings rather your solutions to these problems?


It doesn't take skill to get the War Party trophy for far cry 2, you either need to be lucky and hope 15 other people are on the same server or you set up a session. You cant kill people that aren't there.

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I've got plenty of hard platinums : Catherine, Vanquish, Max Payne 3, El Shaddai (I don't really understand where the difficulty is but I loved the game, really... Special, great one honestly) Mirror's Edge 100% and the more difficult I've earned since I'm chassing hard plat : 


Injustice. Fucking hard, I was a little bit happy when I beat the arcade mode !!! xD I'm searching more hard games but they're rare. What is the hard mode exactly in Shadow Warrior ?

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I understand what you are saying about taking the easy way out however you haven't answered or addressed any of the concerns about:

- games that have little to no players after the first weeks of their life

- games whose server stability is so horrible that your progress can be lost


If no one is playing the game  or the mp is virtually unplayable with no support what are they supposed to do? My question was not geared to  their feelings rather your solutions to these problems?


It doesn't take skill to get the War Party trophy for far cry 2, you either need to be lucky and hope 15 other people are on the same server or you set up a session. You cant kill people that aren't there.


I do not have a problem with boosting, first and for most. ;) 

I boost, sometimes you HAVE to boost if you want a trophy because it's impossible to get otherwise. 


 "or the mp is virtually unplayable with no support what are they supposed to do"


They can do whatever they want.. they have two choices. 

Accept that they can't get it legit and move on. 

Or boost it. 

Whatever someone chooses to do is their business.. but let's not pretend it was a legit way of doing things. 

I've earned trophies in fallout.. i speed run fallout too in both cases using glitches, to me glitching is just as cheap as boosting. 


If someone said to me "I don't class your run or your platinum as legit because you glitched," I'd be okay with that, that's their standard, not mine. 

I don't have to live up to it. 


I'm not saying boosting is bad.. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. 

I'm just calling it for what it is, a cheap exploit.


When I boost, I know I'm using a cheap exploit, I know without it there's no way I'd get the trophy I just boosted. 

I feel dirty after I do, I feel like I cheated and I feel like I do not deserve the platinum.


That's just me though, I'm not saying people should feel the same. 


Sometimes people boost skill based online trophies, even where there's players online.. 

Why do they do that?

To save time and to cut out the skill requirement. 


Anyone trying to say that boosting skill based online trophies is as hard as doing it legit, is being a crazy person. 

That's an insane view to hold, honestly. 

I've got plenty of hard platinums : Catherine, Vanquish, Max Payne 3, El Shaddai (I don't really understand where the difficulty is but I loved the game, really... Special, great one honestly) Mirror's Edge 100% and the more difficult I've earned since I'm chassing hard plat : 


Injustice. Fucking hard, I was a little bit happy when I beat the arcade mode !!! xD I'm searching more hard games but they're rare. What is the hard mode exactly in Shadow Warrior ?


Yeah in my opinion, you've reached bad ass status.

You've conquered some hard as fuck games, that's impressive. 


The hard mode is insane.

It's super hard and I believe there's no checkpoints in the level? I could be wrong, but it has 0.50% and it's a single player game.

The difficulty speaks for itself at that point. 

If you get that done dude.. that's some next level bad assery. xD

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Hmm.  This is a great question.  I would say anything exceptionally long and/or exceptionally hard.  I would go with these 5:


Max Payne 3 (reason: extremely difficult to complete NYMHC mode)

Catherine (reason: difficulty)

Gran Turismo 5 (reason: difficulty)

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (reason: mostly time.  People estimate anywhere's from 600 to 1000 hours to platinum, but apparently completing The Binding Coil is quite a bitch also.)

and last, but not least....Mega Mind!  No no!  JK.  JK. LOL Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (reason: time.  Estimated time to platinum in the thousand hour area from what I've heard.)


In my book, you've got those platinums (legitimately, of course) then you've got some serious gaming skills and you are supremely dedicated to platinuming games.

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1. Destiny because of the Flawless raider you need a really really good team and with all the bugs it's kinda in possible to obtain it 

2. Surgeon simulator just play it and you'll see DX what i'm talking about 

3.  Dying light you have to have patients because it glitched so fucking much with trophies 

4. evil with in 

5. Bloodborn doing it legit 

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I'm only going to list games I've played before. Here's my list in order of rarity:


1. Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena - 0.43%

2. Battle Fantasia - 0.54%

3. Mortal Kombat - 0.75%

4. XCOM: Enemy Unknown - 1.04%

5. The Guided Fate Paradox - 1.81%

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I dont want to repeat all the games that were told, so I should add something else then.

I think someone with a UFC game can be considered a badass  :lol:


I've played

EA Sports UFC - Wasn't too challenging for me as Im a fighting games lover  :lol: , but online trophies did give me a challenge (especially submission and knockout season trophies)

UFC 2009 (on my ps3 account) - Career and stuff do give you a challenge (especially if your not playing on easy) but then comes the gold digger, trophy that I had to give up for  :lol:


Although I didn't play the other UFC games, I can tell that they aren't easy even with boosting as they are all below 1%.


Other games than UFC that come to mind ( that I have played and can judge them from experience) are:

Injustice - Battle Mode on Max and Impossible, enough said

Mortal Kombat - Masteries take time and skill, but even without them, you still need to complete Arcade on max difficulty with no retries, which definitely needs skill.

Sports Champion - Super Star, needed some mad skillz on the game, AI on table tennis was playing like a fkn cheater  :rolleyes:

Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock - Them skills needed with instruments need hard work and patience, and playing on drums with difficulty hard or higher was just too much for me

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Injustice - Battle Mode on Max and Impossible, enough said


Impossible isn't even that bad, check my video out


The Max is a different story, but hey, if I was able to overcome it using only half of Grundy's move list, then you should be able to, too

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That's how I probably looked when I read that bold portion.... haha.  Boosting is legit....  it's only "legit" if you absolutely have to do it in order to achieve you goal.  But many of you arguing for it....  I'm going to go ahead and assume boost before that point.  In essence you're absolutely not playing legit. You'r just impatient and don't want to earn it.  Boosting blows.  Gets some skills.  : P 


Dead Space 2  (if the node glitch wasn't "legit" especially)


Max Payne 3


Dead Space 3 if you didn't use usb.


Those are some badass games.  Yeh basically my outstanding one of a kind legit trophy cabinet.



I wish boosting never was a thing.  It's not legit 98.6% of the time.

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Terminator Salvation should not be up here. Sure, there were a few difficult parts in the game, but nothing to warrant it's presence on the list (or anyone else's).


You're just jealous! You lack the skill to attain the Terminator: Salvation platinum!


I know I do...

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You're just jealous! You lack the skill to attain the Terminator: Salvation platinum!


I know I do...


I do not understand.. if the game isn't hard, why would I be jealous???? And if im claiming it to not be that hard and that it shouldn't be on the list, wouldn't that mostly imply that I have the Platinum for the game (already)??


I have TS's Platinum Trophy...

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