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Hi I'm Zirshka.  I must confess I'm a woman who loves to play video games.  I'd rather slay goblins and shoot virtual AK-47s than go shoe shopping.  Don't get me wrong though I like shoes, they keep my feet warm.  :P  

I've been around gaming before I could walk.  My grandfather was a Super Mario ninja.  He could complete the game in 30 minutes. My first game I completed, with his help, was Final Fantacy 4.  Aaaaaaannnnnd that's when I got addicted. 

I was lucky enough to find a guy who liked gaming too.  What? a guy like gaming?  Pfft! that can't be real.  :wub::D

So now I'm here to help get trophies and make friends who like gaming what I like to game and to get exposed to games I might not otherwise choose to play.

Welcome honey! You are going to love it here. There is a lot of useful information and helpful, friendly people!

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hey welcome to the site fellow gamer. i think you'll fit in quite nicely round here. everyone is nice and helpful. except for andylish....he's just a crazy old owl in a top hat. aint nobody got time for that. anyways welcome, and feel free to add me on here and psn. psn id is the same as here. :yay:  :yay: :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes.


Welcome to the PSNP community dood, hope you enjoy your stay here! What are some of your favorite games?


I love The Last of Us and would love to platinum that but I know it'll take time, lots of it.  Diablo 3 I enjoy and I'm working on platinuming that one right now.  I've only dabbed a little into Borderlands but I like that so far.  I would love to see Fall Out 3 come to PS4.  I would also love to see Deadpool come to PS4 too.  Haven't played it but I'm a big Deadpool fan so I just gotta.  I also like some small time games, Zen Pinball and Don't Starve.  I like Warframe for some mindless killing fun.  I had a blast with CoD AW.  I liked Killzone too but seemed to short of a story line.  I'm also looking forward to EQNext.  I've played Everquest for 14 years off and on and I think it will be a fun MMO.  I like Little Big Planet also just because the girl in me just screams, "awww look at the little sock boy.  So cute!"  So as you can see I like many types of games. 

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It's hard to pic just one genre.  Always depends on the mood. 


Example:  You went hiking in the forest.  Forest = elves, dryads, gnomes, orcs.  = fantacy MMO

Example:  You had a bad day. Bad day = rage, stress, energy  = stress relievers = killing aliens, steeling cars/driving fast, killing fellow digital humans.

Example:  You wanted to exercise but lets face it, it's f'ing cold out and who wouldn't rather have nachos? = any sport game invented burns calories too.

Example:  You are in a fantastic mood and just want to keep rolling with it = Conker's Bad Fur Day or Borderlands

Example:  World is going to spit = Fall Out 3, Last of Us, any zombie game ever because training for the end is worth it!


So these are just a few examples :P

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes.



I love The Last of Us and would love to platinum that but I know it'll take time, lots of it.  Diablo 3 I enjoy and I'm working on platinuming that one right now.  I've only dabbed a little into Borderlands but I like that so far.  I would love to see Fall Out 3 come to PS4.  I would also love to see Deadpool come to PS4 too.  Haven't played it but I'm a big Deadpool fan so I just gotta.  I also like some small time games, Zen Pinball and Don't Starve.  I like Warframe for some mindless killing fun.  I had a blast with CoD AW.  I liked Killzone too but seemed to short of a story line.  I'm also looking forward to EQNext.  I've played Everquest for 14 years off and on and I think it will be a fun MMO.  I like Little Big Planet also just because the girl in me just screams, "awww look at the little sock boy.  So cute!"  So as you can see I like many types of games. 


That is quite a variety of genres dood which is very nice! You get to experience all kinds of awesome games when you dive into different genres

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes.



I love The Last of Us and would love to platinum that but I know it'll take time, lots of it.  Diablo 3 I enjoy and I'm working on platinuming that one right now.  I've only dabbed a little into Borderlands but I like that so far.  I would love to see Fall Out 3 come to PS4.  I would also love to see Deadpool come to PS4 too.  Haven't played it but I'm a big Deadpool fan so I just gotta.  I also like some small time games, Zen Pinball and Don't Starve.  I like Warframe for some mindless killing fun.  I had a blast with CoD AW.  I liked Killzone too but seemed to short of a story line.  I'm also looking forward to EQNext.  I've played Everquest for 14 years off and on and I think it will be a fun MMO.  I like Little Big Planet also just because the girl in me just screams, "awww look at the little sock boy.  So cute!"  So as you can see I like many types of games. 



Unfortunately Deadpool comig to ps4 is not going to happen high moon don't have that license any more it was kinda fun in places.


Although now there is a movie we might get a new movie fingers crossed.

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