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"Hatred" video game open discussion


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There'll be two camps for this: one that thinks it's sickening because you're slaughtering innocent people for amusement, and one that thinks it's no different than something like GTA or any other violent game. For my part, I'm just not going to bother with the game, talking about it or playing it, and just not give them my money because it looks dumb as hell.

Edited by damon8r351
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I welcome it as I do any other game. 

I certainly don't give a shit about it though, the main character looks as bland as vegan bacon.

He sounds like an over emotional.  over sensitive 15 year old emo bitch and i have no interest in playing as that lol.

I wouldn't be surprised if he screamed " I hate you mom, I hate you dad" in a about to break down in tears voice while shooting people. 

I don't care about the whole slaughtering thing, I'm used to it. 

The only game I wouldn't welcome is a child rape simulator. 


Anything other then that is fine in my opinion. 


Those who don't like it, don't have to play it. 


Sure you could say that to me about the rape thing, but I just don't think that's something that needs to be "played". 

I can't see how anybody would even finding raping a man/woman in game remotely enjoyable, unless it was done to punish a villain who had say just raped a child.

Yes I believe women can rape too, just to clear up any confusion. 

Kids would be one step too far, if I had a friend who found playing a child rape simulator enjoyable, i'd be legitimately fucking worried lol. 


I'd say I'm pretty laid back when it comes to what video games are and are not acceptable lol. 

Edited by Humonic
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There'll be two camps for this: one that thinks it's sickening because you're slaughtering innocent people for amusement, and one that thinks it's no different than something like GTA or any other violent game. For my part, I'm just not going to bother with the game, talking about it or playing it, and just not give them my money because it looks dumb as hell.

You're forgetting the group that thinks video games are the source of evil and the work of the devil  :rolleyes: .

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i agree that everyone has the right to make whatever they want but where is the line drawn? Video games and gamers already get alot of prejudice of being homicidal freaks, and this is not gonna help the argument otherwise. I for 1 will avoid the game

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It's just a game like any other game. It the was the trailer than made me think it was some kind of genocide simulator, without the trailer the game wouldn't have been noticed. The graphics are a bit dated, the voice acting was pretty decent and the gameplay looks a bit boring. Good luck to the developers, they sure do have a challenge coming. 

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i agree that everyone has the right to make whatever they want but where is the line drawn? Video games and gamers already get alot of prejudice of being homicidal freaks, and this is not gonna help the argument otherwise. I for 1 will avoid the game


I think you said it yourself. That view is a prejudice which is not borne out by the studies that have looked at violent behaviour amongst gamers when compared with the non-gaming population. (A few have, apparently, even suggested that gamers are better at managing frustration non-violently. Perhaps it's because we turn to games to unwind, or maybe someone who's main hobby is sitting on their butt with a controller in hand isn't going to have enough confidence in their physical abilities to want to attempt to resolve a dispute with violence?)

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I don't see the point of this game. It looks like it has crap gameplay and is using controversy for publicity.


You can just grab a gun and shoot up the town in much more style in GTA, whats the point of playing a game specifically made for that.

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To me it looks like a poorly made game (obviously I can't confirm that since it hasn't released) that the developers only made to create controversy. I have no problems with it existing or with people playing it, but with my limited gaming time I'm going to play something that is well made and enjoyable, Hatred doesn't seem like either one of those things. 




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The problem with games like this is the negative publicity it will create for the gaming industry - not just from the people queuing up to take a pop at it but the mainstream press as well. Not enough good press was aimed at Valiant Hearts when it came out but you can guarantee that the hacks will be falling over themselves to use this against that devil that is video games.

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I think the game looks fun! I thought the trailer and voice-work were well-done and it looks interesting. Not many games put you in the mind of an utter psychopath that had a mental breakdown. It looks very arcade-y and that appeals to me as a gamer. I'll definitely be buying this when it comes out. I don't care about the graphics as long as I have fun with the game.

Edited by AnimeDreama
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i agree that everyone has the right to make whatever they want but where is the line drawn?


The line is drawn when the game gets it's ESRB (or equivalent) rating. Create the game you always wanted to! Just don't expect to be able to market it to everyone.


That's the current climate. I don't see enough people getting angry enough to change it. When the rating comes out AO or Unratable, retailers won't pick it up, including digital goods retailers. If you sell the game directly and a minor gets a hold of it, expect some news coverage (for better or worse).


Just like terrible tv shows like Jerry Springer, I'll defend his rights until the day I die to make trash TV and in this case video games. Just don't expect me to spend money on it. There should never be "a line" on what is created when it comes to video games. The public backlash and forever-ness of the internet's ability to remember a programmers name should deter enough people from going too far (for current taboos).


I say this as a person with a bachelors degree in Philosophy for Ethics and a second bachelors degree in Communication for Media Studies. Case studies like this were what I spend days going over. This is exactly my bread and butter.

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i understand fully that you cant put a cap on ones creativity but the line i speak of is a moral one. Yes we can create this but should we?


In this case, "we" aren't. Someone else is. Dictating what others can do becomes a slippery slope really fast.

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In this case, "we" aren't. Someone else is. Dictating what others can do becomes a slippery slope really fast.

well i mean we as humans,and with that ill reserve any additional critism of the game until it release but on the surface it looks to be a shallow, poorly developed game scratching guage89

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This game is garbage and I believe any retailers who don't wanna sell it or back it have the right to do that, remember it's not censorship if a private corporation chooses not to sell it because it's their company and this could potentially hurt them, it's only censorship if the government gets involved

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Well I think that Twitch doesn't want this kind of experience for its users since it banned "AO" games earlier this week. I honestly think that the controversy of this game is the only promotion its likely to have and rightly so. I think that selling the concept of being the killer in a mass shooting is hard to do in general and harder to do in a public space. There are plenty of KKK and Neo-Nazi newsletters and promotional materials out there, but just like this game few people want them and fewer want them associated with their business. 

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I had never heard of this game before today. After reading about it, it's safe to say I won't be playing it. Not out of moral outrage, but it just doesn't look like a good game and is not something I'm interested in. However, in the bigger picture, I'll defend a developers' right to create anything they want to. I don't think there is a universal "line" that shouldn't be crossed. Instead, I believe it comes down to individual choice. Each developer must determine what they are comfortable with creating. We, as consumers, individually decide what we are willing to spend money on. If a business/retailers decide they don't want to carry a certain game, that's their right as well. In the end, and I know this sounds corny, but there are much bigger issues and life is too short for me to waste time worrying if a game I'll never play crosses some moral line.

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