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You friends who have trophy lists that irritate you


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I know this one guy who hasn't even completed Dead Space 1. What a goon....

Well I am abstract, guess you find me annoying lol,check my list feel free to comment.



I know someone who's played 450 games, and only completed 80. Also has a 38% completion rate. HOW DO YOU NOT FINISH HUNDREDS OF GAMES YOU'VE PLAYED!


For those of you "in the know", its a certain person who's notorious for playing telltale games. ;)

Its not about why there is no plat. Its still the point to enjoy. Some of my games are incomplete cause they just will be can plat do to my strength and weaknesses as a gamer, where i just play for fun try out a game friends nag me about, deem unplatinumable, am i going to grind my life away losing time for a real life or other good titles, i weigh out what games i will platinum if it worth the hastle.



Edited by holycooper90
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I know someone who's played 450 games, and only completed 80. Also has a 38% completion rate. HOW DO YOU NOT FINISH HUNDREDS OF GAMES YOU'VE PLAYED!


For those of you "in the know", its a certain person who's notorious for playing telltale games. ;)

The better question is: when people have played 450 and have completed 1 game, what are they doing with their life? haha

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Doesn't really bother me what other people play or what trophies they have for what they play. I think the only thing that kind of baffles me is when people have dozens of games at 0 or 1%. I mean, do people give up on games that quickly? Even if you don't hunt for trophies, 0 or 1% indicates that you barely played the game before presumably giving up on it. It shouldn't annoy me, but it just makes me wonder if that many people have a really short attention span or are impatient or something  :lol:

I know some people that have 0 and 1% in Cod games but have spent over 100 hours in them on multiplayer, simply because there's no trophies on that category. But for games like the assassin's creed or Batman Arkham series, that really pisses me off  :rolleyes:

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Guys... these are trophies, they have absolutely no meaning or value whatsoever. If your going to judge one of your friends because of how they play their games, you're incredibly pathetic. 


I agree with not judging others. That's bad. However, to say that trophies have no meaning on a site built for tracking trophies is funny to me. Clearly they mean a lot to many people.

When you google the site you get this:  "It's free, fast and easy! Create your PSN Profile which updates automatically to show off your trophies."

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People who have played my favourite games but only have trophies up to chapter 1 are the worst. :angry:


Well, no, but it does make me a bit disappointed to see that someone couldn't be bothered with a game that I adored, yanno? In all seriousness though, I don't think that there's anything in particular that could bother me about someone else's list.

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What friends have platted or completed or haven't paltted or completed doesn't bother me. What bothers me is when they make their entire profile private. Gives the impression that they are doing some major hacking/cheating. Especially when you ask why their entire profile is private and their reply is "I just felt like it".

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I don't like how my friend buys every single game that comes out and ends up only playing NHL games. Why bother buying Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Red Dead, or any other AAA game if you're only going to play them for an hour? It irritates me because he asks for advice on what items to get and how to spec a character but then he quits.

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Friends that irritate me over the games they have? That's moronic.


What annoys me are the people that ONLY buy games specifically for trophies. Example, an easy platinum, but is a terrible game. I find it disgusting and demoralizing that people care so little about gaming that they'd buy a terrible game, simply because it has an easy platinum.


I would feel like my gaming card would HAVE to be revoked if I ever decided that trophies are more important than my gaming experience. Something I wish more people thought about.

I don't care if people have 100 games played and an average completion of 99% (but if you're one of those people, my god you need bigger priorities) or if people play 10 games and have a 40% completion rate. Play games that you want. Stop giving a fuck about just the trophies. Get platinums for the games that you LOVE. Not every single game ever.

You're doing the gaming industry a disservice by buying games only for their arbitrary metagame purpose.

Edited by Valyrious
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I agree with not judging others. That's bad. However, to say that trophies have no meaning on a site built for tracking trophies is funny to me. Clearly they mean a lot to many people.

When you google the site you get this:  "It's free, fast and easy! Create your PSN Profile which updates automatically to show off your trophies."

I may have put my thoughts into the comment a little vaguely. Of course trophies mean a lot to people on here, myself included, but they are a virtual object, built entirely from 1s and 0s - that's why I understand why somebody else couldn't care less, they have no physical value. They're also a completely personal identity, getting a platinum on your account isn't going to receive the same attention or praise from another person in the same way something like winning the World Cup for your country would.


I'm probably thinking about this too deeply, basically people should only care about their own trophies. :)

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To everyone saying "It's pathetic if you care about other people's trophy lists" or whatever, calm down. I don't think anyone here looks at another person's list, sees what they were talking about and gets pissed. I'm pretty sure it's more of a "I don't really like this but whatever" thing.


It kind of annoys me when people get platinums for either (A) games that have easy platinums but are bad games, like Terminator Salvation, or (B.) do that thing where you autopop three platinums, like Sound Shapes.


I don't like A because as someone above explained, gaming is about the fun, not the trophies. You are hurting the gaming industry by shelling out money for crappy games just because you want another little icon that apparently means you achieved something, although it's hardly an achievement if it's that easy.


I don't like B because I kind of think it's cheating. I mean, not REALLY cheating, but just kind of stupid, or like a shortcut. I have 14 platinums, and I can honestly say I remember getting every single one and the "journey" of getting them. They were all from games that I personally enjoy so much I spent hours of my time to get the platinum. It's not something I do for most games, and the games I actually decide to do it for are really special to me. I guess it doesn't make sense to me why other people wouldn't want that with each of their platinums. If I got 3 platinums from sound shapes it certainly wouldn't feel like I truly deserved them. I didn't go out of my way like I did with every other one, I don't have a story about them, I don't remember a journey of any kind. I wouldn't want my "Fastest Platinum" to be on this site to be Sound Shapes with 45 seconds as opposed to something I actually platinumed fast because I liked the game that much. I don't know, I think it defeats the purpose of getting platinums.


But all that said, do I truly care? No. Other people can do whatever they want, it doesn't matter if I understand it. Keep doing what makes you happy, don't let me interfere and I won't try to, nor even want to. Why? Because the way I play games is different than the way others play games, so again, it doesn't matter if I understand it.

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I don't get irritated by other people's trophy list. It's a little annoying if the only play the super mainstream games (COD, FIFA and so on), but it doesn't really bother me that much. I play all kinds of games, and most of my friends do too. I rarely platinum "difficult" games, so I can say that the one trophy list that irritates me, is my own.

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I never bothered about my friends trophy lists at all.

It's their's not mine, I have a friend who 100% Amy very quick! she basically love Zombies related games, should I have to go tell her why you played this horrible waste of $4 PSN game? LoL! No!!

I played what I like and they played what interest them on their side, end of story.

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