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Ahhhhhhh!!  Can't decide if Dallas is a legit #1 or if it's another case of good team + piss schedule = false power (like the Panthers last year).  I researched their schedule so far and it's kinda misleading.  They can say things like "we took down Green Bay and the Steelers", which, at face value is usually impressive.  This year though...


So far, the teams they beat:


- Washington - 5-3-1

- Chicago - 2-7

- San Fran - 1-8

- Cinci - 3-5-1

- Green Bay - 4-5

- Philly - 5-4

- Cleveland - 0-10

- Steelers - 4-5


combined record - 24-47-2, including three of the worst teams in football.


I know Dallas' good, maybe even great.  Their O-line is going to elevate any running back and QB to the upper tier of talent and they have two established superstars at tight end and receiver, I just wonder if the two rookies everyone's fawning over will be able to handle their remaining division games, followed by the playoffs, somewhere neither guy has been before.

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AFC West is one hell of a division. Hasn't been this competitive in years. I honestly don't see my Broncos winning more than 9 games with the schedule they got left.


The AFC West also gets to beat up on the AFC South (worst division in football) and the NFC South (also terrible).  Yes, they've got three good teams, but the records need to be taken with the context that they've got softer schedules against which to run up the wins.

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Jerry Jones remains skeptical of football's link to brain trauma


I'm sure his opinion is completely free of any conflict of interest. On a related note, Jerry Jones doubts there is any link between football and fractured vertebra, knees, or clavicles.  "They are completely incidental," he says.  "In fact, a concussion or 2 or 3, is good for your brain.  It's like a little brain massage."

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My Week 11 NFL Tips

Saints over Panthers

Bills over Bengals

Giants over Bears

Steelers over Browns

My Cowboys over Ravens

Lions over Jags

Titans over Colts

Chiefs over Bucs

Cardinals over Vikings

Dolphins over Rams

Patriots over 49ers

Seahawks over Eagles

Redskins over Packers

Raiders over Texans

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I was just wondering how a team starting an interception ace like Fitzpatrick, wouldn't sign a free agent like Travaris Jackson, who has his faults, but is capable.  Well, google sorted me out.


Don't assume teams are smart and do "the right thing".  Especially when that team is the New York Jets.  (Also:  don't use Google as your primary source of information because it's about as reliable as a randomly-edited Wikipedia page.)


I could go through the verbose version of why the Jets' QB situation is as screwed up as it is right now, but I don't feel like typing it out this morning.  Like so much of what I've seen for 35+ years of following this team, it's easier to simply chalk it up to "the same old Jets" and worry about more important things.  Like what flavor of Pop Tart I feel like pulling out of the pantry for breakfast.

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Don't assume teams are smart and do "the right thing".  Especially when that team is the New York Jets.  (Also:  don't use Google as your primary source of information because it's about as reliable as a randomly-edited Wikipedia page.)


I cannot disagree with you.  The Browns are daily proof^^ (and sure, the jets aren't any better). Does anything they do ever make sense on any level? Of course a over zealous (and under knowledgeable) owner with a puppet hierarchy are the main cause there.


as for google, it just provides the relevant links, it itself is not a source.  Search TJ yourself.  4 of the results on the first page (seattle times, espn, nbcsports, etc) all mention why he is unsignable (you don't even have to click). Unless you are in with the comish (e.g. Rams/Brown fiasco) then we are back to your first point (only replace 'teams' with 'nfl'), at least until the public makes a stink.

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Jerry Jones remains skeptical of football's link to brain trauma


I'm sure his opinion is completely free of any conflict of interest. On a related note, Jerry Jones doubts there is any link between football and fractured vertebra, knees, or clavicles.  "They are completely incidental," he says.  "In fact, a concussion or 2 or 3, is good for your brain.  It's like a little brain massage."



That's great! I asked myself just this morning what a non-medically-trained rich dude thought about a thoroughly medical problem!

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He didn't sound like he was at the point of retirement. That would be cool of him to retire a Cowboy but I don't see that happening and unless something happens to Dak, I can see Romo wanting out of Dallas. I'm just speculating at this point though.



Edit: Leave it to Jerry to make things more complicated than they need to be. HUSTULz.png


Full article = http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/18074018/jerry-jones-dallas-cowboys-plans-tono-romo-not-goodbye

Edited by skankhunt42
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Ahhhhhhh!!  Can't decide if Dallas is a legit #1 or if it's another case of good team + piss schedule = false power (like the Panthers last year).  I researched their schedule so far and it's kinda misleading.  They can say things like "we took down Green Bay and the Steelers", which, at face value is usually impressive.  This year though...


So far, the teams they beat:


- Washington - 5-3-1

- Chicago - 2-7

- San Fran - 1-8

- Cinci - 3-5-1

- Green Bay - 4-5

- Philly - 5-4

- Cleveland - 0-10

- Steelers - 4-5


combined record - 24-47-2, including three of the worst teams in football.


I know Dallas' good, maybe even great.  Their O-line is going to elevate any running back and QB to the upper tier of talent and they have two established superstars at tight end and receiver, I just wonder if the two rookies everyone's fawning over will be able to handle their remaining division games, followed by the playoffs, somewhere neither guy has been before.


Well, San Fran IS the worst team in football, but I have to remember you that actually they beat Dallas. Was the referee that got the win that night.

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Well, San Fran IS the worst team in football, but I have to remember you that actually they beat Dallas. Was the referee that got the win that night.

nah the 49ers aren't, they'd imo beat the browns easy, i mean look how well the 49ers player last week and i'd personally give them a 50-50 shot at beating the bears.

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Maybe Tony Romo will play for the Jets next season?


The Cowboys can't afford the salary cap ramifications of trading Tony Romo.  They could theoretically cut him with a post-June 1 designation to massage the hit, but then they get nothing in return for him.


And even as stupid as the Jets often are, I can't see Mike McCagnan swinging a trade for Tony Romo when the Jets are likely to crater into a full rebuild next year and have a crapton of holes on their roster.  Yes, Quarterback is definitely a position of need, but there will be cheap(er) options available and they could grab one of those as a half-season stopgap with the hopes that Christian Hackenberg is ready to go at some point next year.

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Don't assume teams are smart and do "the right thing".  Especially when that team is the New York Jets.  (Also:  don't use Google as your primary source of information because it's about as reliable as a randomly-edited Wikipedia page.)


I could go through the verbose version of why the Jets' QB situation is as screwed up as it is right now, but I don't feel like typing it out this morning.  Like so much of what I've seen for 35+ years of following this team, it's easier to simply chalk it up to "the same old Jets" and worry about more important things.  Like what flavor of Pop Tart I feel like pulling out of the pantry for breakfast.

I can't think of a Jets franchise QB since Ken O'Brien! And he was 'servicable' as a QB. I'd be willing to bet though that the revolving door at QB for the Jets (Sanchez, Bollinger, Smith, etc. etc.) isn't as bad as the cock-tease QB's of my team, the Vikings. For decades, there has been a real pre-season beauty at QB but once the season gets going and the makeup gets stripped off after a few games, it's nightmare-ish.

Examples? Randall Cunningham MVP-caliber in 1998, dud after that. Same thing with Favre two decades later.

First-round picks flaming out? Check. Daunte Culpepper, Christian Ponder.

Re-treads? Jim McMahon. Jeff George. Donovon McNabb.

QBs who cant throw? Tavaris Jackson, Joe Webb.

Guys who go onto win Super Bowls elsewhere? Yep. Brad Johnson, Rich Gannon.

That's great! I asked myself just this morning what a non-medically-trained rich dude thought about a thoroughly medical problem!

- That's like asking RJ Reynolds if smoking is bad for your health.

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I can't think of a Jets franchise QB since Ken O'Brien! And he was 'servicable' as a QB.


Ken O'Brien wasn't bad.  But for many Jets fans, he's blamed because of who the Jets didn't draft in that spot (24th overall in 1983).  The Jets "braintrust" at the time felt O'Brien (from U.Cal-Davis) was the cerebral quarterback they needed to have success, so they drafted him instead of a "toolsy" guy they thought wasn't smart enough.  That "toolsy" guy they passed up?  A University of Pittsburgh product by the name of Dan Marino, who the Dolphins took 25th overall.

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We a reaching a point where playoff chances start to fade.  NFC race is WIDE open.  AFC wild card seems to be drying up.


Teams I think will fade away (with 4+ wins): Greenbay (ship is sinking), Tampa Bay (tough road ahead), New Orleans (I don't think theyre bad, but their not good enough), Indy (no confidence in them) and Saint Diego (see NO). Also, I don't believe in the Eagles, and their schedule is rough, and the offense is looking shaky.


Teams who will make the race interesting: Miami (weak schedule), Tennessee (Mariota's looking legit), Minnesota (theyll turn it around this week) and... Pittsburg (I don't think they are legit at the moment, but they do have an easy path).  I have a feeling that Carolina won't quit (though, they won't make it).


Of the playoff teams, I think Houston and Washington will get replaced.  I want to believe that Washington is a good team, but I don't have much confidence in them (hoping they squeeze in).

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