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Killer Remix
Erased a group of Noise using a Killer Remix.


Quite the unexpected new party member. To say the least. This new move... is OP. So am I going to abuse it? Well... I think you already know the answer to that... 😅


Also... I don't think I'll be getting a higher grade than a C to B for this game. Oh well. Some of these trophies are clearly too grindy for me. 😩

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:gold:Perfect Valhalla

Beat Valhalla Mode without taking any damage.


I have been at this for days, actual days. Jotun has 6 bosses, 3 of which are designed to attack slowly but kill you with very few hits, 3 are designed to kill you by hitting you many times with small damage attacks, and you are supposed to beat them all on the games hard mode without getting a single scratch. The mass attack spam bosses have been the reason that this took me so long, be it Jera's dozens of ranks trying to hit you, Fe's hundreds of dwarves trying to have the nastiest gangbang in fictional history, and especially Hagalaz with the hundreds of arbitrarily generated lightning attacks flying around the map as you dodge various direct boss attacks to boot. Turns out dodging literal hundreds of small attacks for several minutes while performing an extremely tight button combination to maximize the usage of ones god powers is a ridiculously tough task, in fact it does not only demand perfect execution for the most part, but also a very high amount of luck, making this one of the most frustrating trophies I have ever gotten, I took a several year long break from this games hardest trophies for good reason.


This was the second to last gold I need to get the platinum, the other allows me to get hit as often as I want in all the fights, but I can't use any of the god powers the boss fights are designed around. Given that I have been at it for almost a week straight at this point and played tons of it a few years ago I naturally am very far into practicing that last gold already, thankfully, but given the duration of the Odin fight specifically and the massive rng element there is no telling when I will unlock that, could be today, tomorrow, in 3 days or in a week depending on how lucky I get and how many more dozens of attempts I have in me before I prefer to take a break.

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L3728eb.pngTrepang² (PS5)


41M688c06.pngOh Snap!
Execute your first hostage

Collect the Syndicate coin “CV”

24M13b3b3.pngAverage Weapons Fan
Use a weapon bench to customize a weapon for the first time

38Mfedd7b.pngThat Was a Close One!
Kill an enemy with a headshot on final bullet in the mag

Kill a heavy soldier


Trepang² is a good port of the PC version. So far it's been running at a smooth 60 FPS. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have KBM support (hopefully they patch that in later). If you like F.E.A.R. then this is probably for you. Not only can you use the Focus (bullet time), but you can also cloak. Lights can be shot or knocked out to give you more shadow zones for stealth. Team17 were wise to pick this one up.

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I bring you darkness
Blind 4 or more enemies with a Shadow Grenade


Explosive Death
Kill 4 or more enemies at once with the Explosive Kunai


The Soul Alchemist
Complete Nightfall: Chapter II

Edited by Tecnal1
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L3728eb.pngTrepang2 (PS5)

Alert an enemy by shining a flashlight from behind, shoot him before he turns around

40-bronze.png Bronze

Collect the Syndicate coin “XCV”

Eviscerate Dr. Emerson’s corpse

44M356ef3.pngCost Effective
Kill 3 enemies with 1 grenade

Grab an enemy, throw and kill him with a headshot

31M9371dc.pngPest Control
Kill the Mothman

3Me46536.pngTake Your Flight
Complete Level: Pandora Institute


L573306.pngThe Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails (PS4)

25M746e09.pngHundred Flowers Interception
Blocked 100 attacks with Guard.

31Ma788bc.pngLike a Meteor Shower
Achieved CHAIN 200.


You could go for these two together. A regular guard  by tapping R1 boosts chain points by 5. Gear Guard scores nothing. Find an enemy and practice guarding its attacks. Don't kill it until the chain score is 200.

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M745569.pngTrepang2 (PS5)


43M5eec35.pngHow’s That Helmet Working?
Kill an enemy by shooting through his helmet with a DMR

Complete Level: Gunnarson Complex

This is your first side mission. GC and Iron Dragon will be available after you finish campaign mission 2, the Pandora Institute.

29M317708.png50 shades of burnt
Destroy 1000 cultist books

Early in the Jorvik Castle mission you'll come across a bunch of bookcases. Just keep meleeing books until it pops.

46Mdb3842.pngStick Around
Kill an enemy with a tomahawk

Acquire the dual wield serum

Find a match to one of the weapons you currently are holding and you'll be able to dual wield. Not just pistols, but you can also DW shotguns or SMGs.

Kill the Patriarch

I killed the Patriarch, but it was a double KO.  So after getting this, I ended up going back to the last checkpoint of the Patriarch fight.

4M79bca8.pngTo A Place Where You Will Be Remembered
Complete Level: Jorvik Castle

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