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Director of the FBC (Platinum)
Unlock all other trophies

It took me quite a long time, because of the Astral Tactician trophy (Complete 25 Board Countermeasures). I didn't know that you can activate one of the countermeasure missions and then abandon it in order to make the game create a new submission for you to choose. All you need to do is activate and abandon harder missions until you find easier ones like "Kill x enemies with your Service Gun in any mode".
I loved this game so much, it's the platinum trophy I'm most proud of... It's fun, it's beautiful, the story is super intriguing as well. Well it's a Remedy game, so you know what to expect. Do yourself a favour and play this game!

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It All Dies
End the world



Eternity Can Wait
Spare Essex Mast at the end of the Oneirist Journey



There is Hope
Save the world



Legend of the Weird West
Acquire all other Trophies


Was going to finish this yesterday but...I couldn't find any ghost to get a quest from. Finally found one today after looking for ten-plus minutes.


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:bronze: Undefeated Heroes
Defeat 12 mission bosses on Super Heroic or Legendary Difficulty without revival or map reload.



Got super worried about this one. Finished my first playthrough, did everything right, beat all the bosses without revival and it didn't pop. I had to replay almost all the boss fights over until it did. 

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Lb5af2d.pngLords of the Fallen (2023/PS5)


26M6de8b9.pngUmbral Offerings
Donate a total of 10 Plucked Eyeballs.

30Mf44547.pngBurying the Past
Defeat the Hushed Saint.


Just a small gripe here... when you can Beckon an NPC ally before a boss fight, you have to lose once before you can do it. Be sure to spend all Vigor on levels up, weapon upgrades, or something before your first encounter.


FWIW, he Ruiner boss at Fitzroy's Gorge is weak to Radiant. Try the Radiant Weapon (and bring Sanctify in case you incur too much fire damage).



Edited by RadiantFlamberge
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:bronze: Links Awakening

Raised any two characters to Link Level 5.

63.41% Common

Already maxed out my first link while grinding for 100 S-Crafts.



:bronze: Ultimate Power

Used 100 S-Crafts in battle.

69.37% Common

And 100 S-Crafts have been used, now to continue the story.



:bronze:One-Two Punch

Use over 500 follow-up attacks in battle.

74.72% Common

That's quite a few follow-up attacks and slowly but surely I am getting closer to the 50 bursts.



:bronze: Beat 'Em to the Punch

Initiated 300 advantage encounters (including double and triple advantage).

58.33% Common

And the 300 advantage encounters are mine and there will probably be many more.



:bronze: Bursting with Teamwork

Used Burst in battle 50 times.

And with that I won't be using Burst in this game anymore because orders are great.



Assassin's Creed Mirage



:bronze: Hoarder

Save up 2007 dirhams

59.90% Common

So I was kind of curious why it was 2007, so I googled the Assassin's Creed 1 release year and suddenly it made sense.



:bronze: Cutting Edge

Fully upgrade a weapon

65.57% Common

And one weapon is fully upgraded, this will come in handy.



:silver: Fearless

Synchronize all viewpoints

56.35% Common

One thing (of many) I like about a game that's at a smaller size is that it's easier to find the stuff and there's less of the stuff like the viewpoints. Loved getting them all.

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Power of a United Front :bronze:
Defeated the Steeme Legion Captain.



Crimson Flames :bronze:
Homura joined your party.



Momentary Rest :bronze:
Stretched your wings in the public bath.



Chuunin Level :bronze:
Used skills 100 times.



Swaying on Top of a Peach :bronze:
Struggled with Peaches & Cream Meditation with everyone.



First Meditation! :bronze:
Cleared Peaches & Cream Meditation with any character.

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