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Let's Get The Pier Solar and the Great Architects Plat

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I finished the game a second time last night, so all that's left is the Eternal Slip mini-game. When I beat the boss in Cliboe's Dimension, the game crashed right at the post-fight dialogue, so I had to do the fight over again. Then when I beat the final boss of the game, the game crashed AGAIN at the beginning of the cut scene. I was absolutely livid having to do that entire fight again, because it was 10:30 at night and I wanted nothing more than to go to sleep.

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omg i screwed up so hard, i'm so angry on myself, i forgot to get the chest at the slippy game, so i was checking if i had a old gamesave in my ps4 cloud, yes good i have one, its from yesterday, so i lost like 4h of progress lol, do need to do all the trials again pff

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You can miss that one chest, I'm pretty sure. The trophy requires you to open a certain number of chests, I think, and that number is equal to the number that was in the Genesis version. Which is about 2 dozen less than the number of chests found in the HD version we're playing. I actually missed two chests in the Jungle and still managed to get the trophy by the time I completed the Arburus side quest.

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I need some information for the trophy guide, particularly what the point of no return is for doing three of the early trophies in the game that take place on the first landmass: the tutorials, the rabbit hunt, and for returning the bounty hunter's treasure. Can you still complete these quests when you get the Meteomobile? I can't see why anyone wouldn't want to do these three trophies the instant you have a chance to, but you know how that is. So I'd like to know when everyone did these trophies so I can get an idea when to tell people to do them by.

You can get them logically until you get Rudy in your posse. In theory you can return from Teusa but it doesn't make sense. You should recommend doing those 3 as soon as possible.

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i'm happy everything is good again, did all the running around and trials again and i got the chest now

You can miss that one chest, I'm pretty sure. The trophy requires you to open a certain number of chests, I think, and that number is equal to the number that was in the Genesis version. Which is about 2 dozen less than the number of chests found in the HD version we're playing. I actually missed two chests in the Jungle and still managed to get the trophy by the time I completed the Arburus side quest.

oh so the game memorise how much chests you open and not wich you need to open?

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I finally got some more time to play this, and I have made it to the start of what used to be the "Innless stretch from hell".  I will likely start that tonight, but from what I saw, they have added inns along the way, so I am less worried.

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Damon, I booted the game yesterday and checked the trophy guide and HOLY COW 14 missables. Is there anything I can easily pay attention to or I gotta keep the guide by my side the whole time? I know of chests and shops, but I need to keep track of EVERYTHING? I didn't play a single minute of it yet and it already pains me.

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Damon, I booted the game yesterday and checked the trophy guide and HOLY COW 14 missables. Is there anything I can easily pay attention to or I gotta keep the guide by my side the whole time? I know of chests and shops, but I need to keep track of EVERYTHING? I didn't play a single minute of it yet and it already pains me.


My two cents:


You'll need to follow a guide for treasure chests. There are areas you simply cannot return to, and treasure chests are in the most non-obvious places imaginable. You'll need to keep track of your purchases from shops if you do this in your first playthrough, since money can be tight. You'll almost certainly need a guide to find the random places that passages are hidden (e.g. for the "piece of another world" trophy).


However, you can do all of this in your second playthrough if you want. Simply fight your 600 battles in the last dungeon, with the experience modifiers equipped. You'll make a metric butt ton of money, and raise your stats to the moon as well, making the final bosses into total cake. You can't keep this money in your second playthrough, but you CAN purchase weapons and whatnot from the last town, and sell them (at half price) in NG+. 600 battles takes an eternity, so you might as well get your, ummm, money's worth. This is what I did, and it made the shop-a-holic trophy much more palatable (otherwise, you'll be grinding with less valuable enemies hoping to get expensive items).


This might save you from using a guide on your first playthrough (and on your second, you need to turn off encounters, so it's the perfect time to hunt those stupid chests). But you might want to find the keys on your first playthrough, so you can get the ultimate armor and weapons. Note that if you do get the ultimate weapons, make sure you have room in your inventory to let them unequip. I lost a couple of items this way in my second playthrough, because I was keeping everything (there is no reason for this, BTW).


Hope that makes sense...


EDIT: Whoops! You do need to find your keys and ultimate armor in your first playthrough (or, at least, one particular piece of it). I forgot that you have to fight a random lion to get one of the keys, which is a no-no in your second playthrough.

It is strange that you have so many crashes, is that only with this game or is it a ps4 problem?


My game crashed multiple times on PS3.

Edited by starcrunch061
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Damon, I booted the game yesterday and checked the trophy guide and HOLY COW 14 missables. Is there anything I can easily pay attention to or I gotta keep the guide by my side the whole time? I know of chests and shops, but I need to keep track of EVERYTHING? I didn't play a single minute of it yet and it already pains me.


Personally, I'd advise having Tim333's guide close at hand for the treasure chests, and the Shop-a-holic guide ready whenever you're shopping. Why this game has a lot of missable trophies is because it's an homage to 16-bit RPGs, right down to the many areas that become closed to you forever once you leave them. You'll be fine as long as you remember:


-There's a sandpit you fall down shortly after you leave the village of Querkon. Once you pass it, every location you visited prior to it is closed from you until you get the Meteomobile. Then you can visit those locations again.

-Everything from that sandpit onwards toward the village of Mutch is closed to you forever once you return from the Ice Castle and depart by sea from Mutch.

-The town of Assac is closed to you forever once you finish your appointment with Madame Mazooca and try to board your boat at the southwestern docks.

-The town of Ludon is closed to you forever once you defeat the boss in the dungeon under the hedge maze.

-The Docks, City, and Timpo Districts and their connected areas in Verahansha are closed to you forever once you repair the train in the Factory Area and head to the Mine.

-The Noble 'Hood and Northern Docks, plus their underground areas and the Magic School are closed to you forever once you board your boat in the docks there.

-The Trench and The Jungle are closed forever once you leave them.

-The point of no return for the entire game is when you enter the Dimension to talk to Cliboe. Make sure you have everything you want to get done finished by then, because you're on a non-stop train to the end by then.

-Give the playstationtrophies guide a thorough read to get an understanding of where the trophy locations are at, and then compare with this list so you know what you need to do at each step.


You don't have to hang on to the guides for dear life at every second  if you don't want to, just be aware where the points of no return are, and what you need to do before you reach those points.




Once I finish the trophy guide I'm writing, you'll see that I broke the game up into 12 major stages, so you'll know what you need to do at each location before you leave. Most people just say "Stage 1-1st Playthrough, Stage 2-2nd Playthrough, Stage 3-Clean-up", I broke it up by each point of no return in the game. This will hopefully eliminate the confusion for people of what they can miss out on at certain points of the story.






Also, depending on how things work out, I might try to make part of the guide a video walkthrough for the story and treasure chests.

Edited by damon8r351
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i did all the side quests and got a ton of trophy's, only need still the treasure trophy and chopalic trophy, gonna make a backup save on a usb stick and will do the point of no return, lets hope the treasure trophy pops there

Edited by chellesan
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wow i got the indiana hoston trophy but the reason how i got it is not in the guide, i was in bethina dimesion still not had the trophy and the guide says the chests there don't give the trophy, so i was allready crying a little inside, then i was gonna talk with the boy that gives you the 32x cart, so the card tropy pops and 1sec after that the treasure trophy pops, i was like omg how can that be possible, the boy did give me a item but that cannot be right the boy don't look like a treasure



on the sad note, i don't have the shopalic trophy, so a third playtrough is needed :(

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It's only tangentially related to Pier Solar, but can someone confirm they can see and view the video below? I'm testing my ability to export video from Twitch to Youtube so I can record gameplay footage for the trophy guide.



Edited by damon8r351
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so before i gonna do the endboss i gonna do some grinding with the double exp accesoiry and get some money so i don't need to grind to much in my third playtrough for the shopalic trophy

It's only tangentially related to Pier Solar, but can someone confirm they can see and view the video below? I'm testing my ability to export video from Twitch to Youtube so I can record gameplay footage for the trophy guide.



yes i see the video

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