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Stein's Gate or Danganronpa?


Stein's Gate or Danganronpa?  

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  1. 1. Stein's Gate or Danganronpa?

    • Stein's Gate
    • Danganronpa

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Thinking about buying my first ever virtual novel and not sure which to go for. Both obviously get great reviews and are both great games.

Would either of them be better to get me into the virtual novel genre?

I am leaning towards Stein's Gate, mainly because it is about half the price and I can pick it up for £14. OK just checked and it's £10 cheaper than Danganronpa (both physical). Also, Danganronpa is coming to steam so could get it there. Although it's probably better played on a handheld?

What do you guys think? Any help would be appreciated!


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Stein's Gate all the way. The story is just mind blowingly amazing and satisfying.


Also the VN for Stein's Gate actually has a good translation to it unlike the anime for it. God the things they made Daru say in the anime. Horrifying.

Edited by Yadilie
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If it's your first one, then I recommend Danganronpa  as it has more "game" elements than Steins;Gate


S;G is literally a book with pretty pictures, VA, and some limited interactivity. It is very much more towards the "novel" end of the spectrum. 


Danganronpa is much more gamey. You will be able to walk around the environments, investigate things yourself, and will have to puzzle over things youself in the class trials. 


So it's up to you. Buy S;G if you value story over gameplay and you'll find a very entertaining and thoughtful plot. If you want to be eased into VNs, I'd recommend you start with Danganronpa, which may keep you more engaged with it's gameplay and still has a great story.


Edit: to be clear, I think both are fantastic.

Edited by StrickenBiged
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both are phenomenal games. i personally think steins;gate tells a more emotionally personal story, but i enjoyed playing danganronpa more since there are more elements to it than just a pure visual novel. danganronpa still tells a pretty powerful story too though. 

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I'm playing Steins;Gate right now but still just 2 Hours of gameplay tho. I'll recommended Steins; Gate definitely and although I never played Danganronpa I only heard Good things about it.

I'll also like to recommend another fantastic visual novel series that is Zero Escape . The 1st game , 999, is a DS and IOS title and The 2nd game, Virtue's Last Reward, is on Vita and 3DS and also The 3rd game to finish The trilogy , Zero Time Dilemma going to be release this Summer .

Choose whatever you want , can't go wrong with either of The choices xD

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I would strongly recommend Danganronpa if it is your VN game as it has more game-elements than Steins;Goat.


Danganronpa, Virtue's Last Reward (Maybe 999 if you have a DS or a simulator on your PC/Laptop) and Steins;Goat should be your very first VNs.


But for the stories, all of them have very powerful stories indeed. You cannot go wrong with any choice, but Danganronpa is like, the best :awesome:

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I guess the short answer is get both haha. I was just wondering if there would be one that would give me a better introduction to the genre. Looks like Danganronpa is the better choice as it has more gameplay elements. I will probably end up getting both if I enjoy the genre!


Was also going to consider the Zero Escape series. I have a DS but never played 999. Would it be OK to jump right into VLR or should I play 999 first?

Edited by FireHotStickies
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I guess the short answer is get both haha. I was just wondering if there would be one that would give me a better introduction to the genre. Looks like Danganronpa is the better choice as it has more gameplay elements. I will probably end up getting both if I enjoy the genre!


Was also going to consider the Zero Escape series. I have a DS but never played 999. Would it be OK to jump right into VLR or should I play 999 first?


There are several things carried over from 999, as well as things that carry over from both VLR and 999 to the new upcoming game, Zero Time Dilemma. So you don't have to play the 999 game, but you have to at least watch Youtube walkthroughs or something to cover up its story. Of course, the best option is still to play them all :P

Edited by YaoiGod
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I guess the short answer is get both haha. I was just wondering if there would be one that would give me a better introduction to the genre. Looks like Danganronpa is the better choice as it has more gameplay elements. I will probably end up getting both if I enjoy the genre!


Was also going to consider the Zero Escape series. I have a DS but never played 999. Would it be OK to jump right into VLR or should I play 999 first?


definitely get both eventually ^^ they're must owns on the vita. though steins;gate is available on ps3, it's really more home in your hands in front of you. it is a novel after all ;)


i'm playing VLR right now actually. i'm a good chunk in, and as far as i know, you can jump right in, though i would assume that one would appreciate the game a lot more if you had played 999. 


edit: well yaoigod ninja'd me...and good thing too. i guess i should go watch some story recaps on 999 now....brb xD

Edited by slash
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They're both great, but my personal preference goes to Danganrnpa as i really liked the concept of the game.


Was also going to consider the Zero Escape series. I have a DS but never played 999. Would it be OK to jump right into VLR or should I play 999 first?


I'm pretty sure most people would say it doesn't really matter if you jump right into VLR. But it does, it really does. The Zero Escape games are meant to be played. If you didn't play 999, you won't get the "full experience" imo.


You have a DS, so nothing is really stopping you from not playing 999 :D

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Yeah, I did the Youtube thing for 999. It's nice to just kick back and watch someone else play sometimes. ;) There's a big reveal at the end of Virtue's Last Reward that won't have as big of an impact on you, if you didn't play or watch 999, in my opinion. 


I need to get Stein's Gate, myself. But something tells me I'd enjoy the dubbed anime more. I'm just not big on voice acting I can't understand.. 


If you do enjoy Danganronpa's gameplay, while not on PlayStation, the Phoenix Wright games are fairly similar. I only bought and played one. But I went through it twice since I really enjoyed it. Should go back and get the rest, and dust off my DS. :/

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1) It's visual novel =D

2) What people say about Dangan is correct and incorrect at the same time. It's definitely more game than S;G, but for that reason, it's much less VN.

True VNs are plain voice+text with dialogue options, in terms of being VN, S;G is much closer to the original idea and for that reason, it's better entrance.

3) There are hard to compare... with Dangan, you are expected to play sequels as well while S;G is pretty much closed 



All in all, definitely get both (and Dangan sequels) but S;G is more VN-like =)



And obviously, everything pales in comparison with the masterpiece named Zero Escape.

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And obviously, everything pales in comparison with the masterpiece named Zero Escape.


I've played all of those games and I absolutely loved Dangan and Steins;Gate. When you play Dangan 2, there's this room where you have to solve a series of boring enigmas. Honestly, I hated that room so much I ended up giving 100 monocoins to Monomi to get me out of there. A few months later, one of my friends told me to buy Zero Escape, telling me it was "exactly like Dangan, maybe even better". But when I launched the game and discovered what it was all about, I thought "oh god no, this is not happening". Rooms and rooms just like the horrible one in Dangan 2. I still got the plat since I don't like to leave things unfinished and although it was fun / interesting a few times (I've still got that screenshot where K is riding a mechanical Zero III) , the game was extremely boring and flat to me after the rabbit left. I don't know why people love it so much, I have the feeling I didn't understand something.

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I've played all of those games and I absolutely loved Dangan and Steins;Gate. When you play Dangan 2, there's this room where you have to solve a series of boring enigmas. Honestly, I hated that room so much I ended up giving 100 monocoins to Monomi to get me out of there. A few months later, one of my friends told me to buy Zero Escape, telling me it was "exactly like Dangan, maybe even better". But when I launched the game and discovered what it was all about, I thought "oh god no, this is not happening". Rooms and rooms just like the horrible one in Dangan 2.

Well yea, that room was another Zero Escape reference =D



 I don't know why people love it so much, I have the feeling I didn't understand something.

Well, mainly, I presume you did not play 999 first =D

You should concentrate on the story (or multiple stories :awesome:) rather than escape sequences :P

Edited by Satoshi Ookami
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Well yea, that room was another Zero Escape reference =D



Well, mainly, I presume you did not play 999 first =D

You should concentrate on the story (or multiple stories :awesome:) rather than escape sequences :P


The story in itself was not that bad, I agree. But didn't you get bored when you played the same part over and over?

On the 5th time : "Come quick, someone was found dead". Me : No sh*t Sherlock. And I bet it involves a knife. Don't ask, I'm psychic.


I'm getting off topic there. OP, I voted for Dangan! Great story, great gameplay, awesome characters, and Monokuma! Pu pu pu!

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As everyone else has said, Zero Escape, Steins;Gate and the Danganronpa games are all fantastic. I would recommend Zero Escape, Danganronpa, and Steins;Gate , in that order. This is mainly because as others have said, Steins;Gate is only story while the other two have more substantial game elements. Really can't go wrong though.

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I've only seen the Stein's;Gate anime, but it's one of my favourites. The story is amazing. Danganronpa on the other hand feels a lot like a murder mystery with class trials to find the killer. There's a lot more to do besides reading, but school mode is a real drag and takes away some of the fun. I'd definitely recommend both.

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I've only seen the Stein's;Gate anime, but it's one of my favourites. The story is amazing. Danganronpa on the other hand feels a lot like a murder mystery with class trials to find the killer. There's a lot more to do besides reading, but school mode is a real drag and takes away some of the fun. I'd definitely recommend both.


You really should pick up the game when you can. I too started with the anime, and definitely feel that my time spent with the game was time well spent. Something far more intimate about holding it in your hands.

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