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Challenge: Boost Your Trophy Grades 2016

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The trophy advisor can be a useful tool, but it's also not perfect.  Games with really low average completion (below 20%) are going to have a lot of rare trophies that aren't necessarily hard.  For example when I played Last Rebellion, none of the trophies were ever on the first page since the first trophy only had about 50% of players getting it, yet the game takes about 15 hours to platinum.  When I went and played a bit to D rank Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters, two of the easier trophies to get were rare, another two were uncommon. That game actually has an uncommon trophy you can get within the first few minutes of the game, but it's easy to miss if you didn't look at the trophy guide.  It can be brought to a D rank in about 2 hours of gameplay, but the trophy advisor won't give you that idea with the sheer amount of rare trophies the game has. 


I actually went through my E ranks and put them in order by average completion since that would be lowest amount of trophies for a D rank to highest.  A game with less than 20% average completion is only going to need about 5 trophies for a D rank, a game with 30+% average completion is going to need 10 or more unless the game has an easy silver or gold.  Then I looked at the trophy lists and the trophy advisor and went from there.


Anyway, progress wise I'm down to 7 E ranks now with hitting D rank in Trails of Cold Steel II.  Only 3 left.

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I'm going to wave the white flag on my goal, I think. 


With the holidays coming up and looking at the average completion for the games, trying to get out of the E rank zone for three Tales games (Graces f, Hearts R and Xillia 2) is only going to burn me out completely.  I feel like I'd rather focus on them one at a time like a sensible human being.


Good luck to everyone else, I'll be cheering for you. :popcorn:

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Down to only 6 E ranks now with me getting Kingdom Hearts Final Mix to D rank.  That was actually pretty easy and only took up until sealing the keyhole in Agrabah to get.  Only two more now until I hit my goal and the last two shouldn't be too bad.  Demon Gaze has a lower average completion so it should only need about 3-4 more trophies for D rank.  Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll has a higher average completion, but is actually a very fun game and I have most of the month left to work on getting 8-10 more trophies in it.


I'm going to wave the white flag on my goal, I think. 


With the holidays coming up and looking at the average completion for the games, trying to get out of the E rank zone for three Tales games (Graces f, Hearts R and Xillia 2) is only going to burn me out completely.  I feel like I'd rather focus on them one at a time like a sensible human being.


Good luck to everyone else, I'll be cheering for you. :popcorn:


Don't blame you one bit there.  You also have Cold Steel II which is going to take to getting to act 2, plus knocking out a couple of battle related trophies for a D rank, and that's pretty far into the game.  Still, you deserve a pat on the back for accomplishing as much as you did and maybe next year we can knock out all our D and E ranks.

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Damn, this challenge is a bit too much for me, lol, my current stats are are a mess and will be for a long, long time....


A- 60

B- 15

C- 35

D- 68

E- 252

F- 300 :)


You know, you do get to nominate your own targets, mate. You don't have to reduce your whole catalogue to Plats :P


Perhaps for Season 2 you could just make a start on your F's and get 150 of them to E by actually loading the game and playing for 5 minutes, hahahah

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You know, you do get to nominate your own targets, mate. You don't have to reduce your whole catalogue to Plats :P


Perhaps for Season 2 you could just make a start on your F's and get 150 of them to E by actually loading the game and playing for 5 minutes, hahahah

But where is the resale value in a digital game that's been played? :)

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But where is the resale value in a digital game that's been played? :)


Well, digital games tend to lack that anyhow.  Plus all F ranks have actually been started up and just have no trophy earned.


Another option to lower F ranks is to remove the games from your trophy list.  A PS4 or the playstation app can do that.  That's how I got my last one out since I had zero interest in playing it enough to earn a trophy.  BTW, I also don't have a smart device, I used an android emulator to run the app.  You could clean up your list and remove F ranks you don't plan on playing anytime soon or lack interest in.  Wouldn't take too long and it would clean things up a bit.

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Anyone  seen their trophy grades go down on some games since the site update? It may  be completely unrelated but I know for sure that since the site update my god  of war went from a D to an E,  and my killzone  went from a C to a D(which is awful because I am trying to eliminate anything below a C, and I really hate that game and finally  grinded out a C).  Has  anyone else experienced this or am I just crazy?

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40 minutes ago, colinmazzini said:

Anyone  seen their trophy grades go down on some games since the site update? It may  be completely unrelated but I know for sure that since the site update my god  of war went from a D to an E,  and my killzone  went from a C to a D(which is awful because I am trying to eliminate anything below a C, and I really hate that game and finally  grinded out a C).  Has  anyone else experienced this or am I just crazy?

Nope, update only messed up my stats, but my grades remained intact.  What likely happened is that the average completion went up in the game since you need a completion close to the average to have a C and with the new value your current value isn't sufficient for a C any longer.  I've seen average completion change around a bit as I went in and worked on getting my Es to Ds, a few went up and one went down, but that only affected the number of trophies needed for a D.  However,  couple of them could easily enough drop down in grade if the completion goes up again.

In good news, that means you should only need one trophy in each to get them back up.  In bad news, if more people go and earn trophies it could happen again.  At the same time, if more people start the game up and earn very few trophies, it can also drop as well.

And as far as the challenge goes, I'm down to 5 Es with just Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll left.  Of course I'm at a point in the game where trophies are coming very slowly again, which is making this one take forever, but I did pick this one because I actually like the game and plan to plat it over the next couple of months.

Edited by ladynadiad
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I figured it was unrelated, I just thought it was strange that it happened the same day as the update. Also looking at my games my red dead redemption did the same thing. Plus  it's not like  there weren't a few glitches. 



And as far as the challenge goes I'm very far from my goal  but I thought I would give it my best shot in the last month. I have 25 Es  and 12 Ds.  Won't  be finishing those off but at least I'm going to put a good dent in them.

Edited by colinmazzini
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6 hours ago, colinmazzini said:

Anyone  seen their trophy grades go down on some games since the site update? It may  be completely unrelated but I know for sure that since the site update my god  of war went from a D to an E,  and my killzone  went from a C to a D(which is awful because I am trying to eliminate anything below a C, and I really hate that game and finally  grinded out a C).  Has  anyone else experienced this or am I just crazy?

Yes, though I haven't checked mine personally yet, but someone posted in the New Site Update Issues thread about that.

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Nice work @ladynadiad! I was definitely grossly overestimating my ability and motivation to actually get all of my PS4 games to A or S rank lol.

As a bit of a mid-December update I do at least have some good news to share (sort of). I recently injured my shoulder (booo) and have had to take time off work (meh) but it has given me time to at least chase my main yearly goal of reaching 2,000 trophies (yay). Because I still had nearly 400 trophies to go however, I needed trophies hard and fast, so I had to pretty much abandon the Boost Your Trophy Grade challenge altogether and get some easy completions. This meant starting my Telltale Collection backlog and some other cheap and easy games from the PSN store.

So I hit 2 yearly goals; Level 15 (I'm now 16!) on PSN and 15 Platinum's (now 18!) and I will hit 2,000 trophies tonight. In terms of trophy grades though I've actually added 10 "S" ranks this month. 9 of these are new games and the other one was the Battlefield 1 Plat (not Rank "B" any more!). Additionally I got a trophy in Treasures of Montezuma Blitz and 3 in MONOPOLY FAMILY FUN PACK to get both of those to rank "A" and off my list.

Going to need a serious rethink if we go another season methinks as now I have to take the PS3 games into account.

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Well, may as well bump this with an update.  I'm down to 7 D ranks and probably shouldn't have a problem getting to 6, mostly because I could always cop out and play Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters for like an hour and do that since it only needs 2 more trophies with its paltry 14% average completion.  But I don't feel like copping out and probably will get Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II to a C and maybe add Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters in as a bonus.


So how is everyone else doing with just a bit over a week left to go?  Also am definitely wondering if there will be another next year since I'd very much be in on doing this again and not joining at the last minute.

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9 minutes ago, ladynadiad said:

So how is everyone else doing with just a bit over a week left to go?  Also am definitely wondering if there will be another next year since I'd very much be in on doing this again and not joining at the last minute.

I won't reach my goal (played the wrong games, but had fun, so it's okay as far as I'm concerned), but I'm doing okay. There'll be at least one more platinum this year (Telltale's Batman on PS4), then I'll put all my time into God Eater 2: Rage Burst to get that to 100% around New Year or maybe even this year.


I, too, would very much like to see another one for 2017.

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4 hours ago, ladynadiad said:

So how is everyone else doing with just a bit over a week left to go?  Also am definitely wondering if there will be another next year since I'd very much be in on doing this again and not joining at the last minute.


I got far too bogged down in long-term multi-player games that I play with a regular group of local friends. Games Like Battlefield 4 & 1, Diablo III, Borderlands 2, Battleborn and Overwatch that were either already completed or difficult to concentrate on trophies when my friends aren't really hunters. I also had a goal of 83 trophies per month to reach 1000 by the end of the year and I had a few months where I just felt burned out because I worked full-time. This meant for the last couple of months I've been working on new games with easy trophy lists to get the last 350 trophies this month to hit my goal. I'm also off work now due to injury and can actually start increasing my ranks, but it's too little too late I'm afraid. With the addition of a *new* second hand PS3 and some games with server closures that I just hit up for the multi-player trophies, it was a huge setback.


I think if we have a season 2 I will have a more in depth look at the actual games on my list versus just looking at the stats page, check what game are releasing in 2017 that I'm likely to buy and re-evaluate some realistic goals.

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10 hours ago, ladynadiad said:

So how is everyone else doing with just a bit over a week left to go?  Also am definitely wondering if there will be another next year since I'd very much be in on doing this again and not joining at the last minute.


Not great. I kind of lost steam on this about halfway through because the topic was a ghost town, then this/last month were busy with other things...

Still like the idea, though, and I did make progress. Didn't really expect to meet my goal anyway; it was pretty ambitious. :dunno:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Mystvayne@IronMask75 and myself have all been updated. The next wave of updates will be for Europe in 8 and a half hours and will include all of the European accounts except for the UK ones. The only other exception is @Tumppi-90 who would be celebrating new years in 7 and a half hours but he has a dead account so I won't worry too much. I can't promise that I'll wake up in 8 and a half hours but I'll be surprised if anyone is playing anything at the turn of the new year so I think I'll be fine if I update the European accounts just a few hours after their new year. All of the American and Canadian accounts should be at a good time to update them when ready.


Happy New Year everyone! :dance:

...and there will be a few final pieces of information on this topic to come.

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37 minutes ago, olimoo101 said:

I can't promise that I'll wake up in 8 and a half hours but I'll be surprised if anyone is playing anything at the turn of the new year so I think I'll be fine if I update the European accounts just a few hours after their new year. All of the American and Canadian accounts should be at a good time to update them when ready.


Happy New Year everyone! :dance:

...and there will be a few final pieces of information on this topic to come.

You never know ^_^ Me playing shortly after watching the fireworks isn't that unlikely. I have plans in the evening, I won't play games at that time, but I don't have anything to do after the fireworks. I decided not to make my own fireworks this year, I don't have to collect the remnants afterwards and everyone who's around to celebrate leaves before or after midnight. But it's fine, take your time to sleep as much as you want.


Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year all, looking forward to the final stats.


It's, uh, probably a good thing that I declared defeat, since I needed to start a couple of new Vita games to keep my trophy streak alive over Christmas and so my stats now look even worse.  Next year will be different I'm sure! ^_^

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All users have now been updated. The only other change I will make is to clean up the main post.

I'll be giving a premium membership sometime in the next few days to @ladynadiad who did well with their goals and was pretty active in this topic.

Thanks to all 25 (!) of you who participated. I won't be running this event next year only because it was a lot of work.


Happy new year! :D

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