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DRIVECLUB worth playing and buying?


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I will admit up front that I generally do not like racing games or sports games. Whether it's the insane difficulty required for certain trophies, ridiculous amounts of time into both single player and multiplayer, a pointless career ladder in single player, grinding out 100+ hours of multiplayer with random people who suck, etc etc etc I generally don't feel they're worth the time and money for me. I stay away from EA sports titles since EA is well known for forcing people into multiplayer and having their servers shut down prematurely, among other things (which also means if that online trophy is required for the platinum, you're screwed). I'm very bad at racing, I'm quite honest with that and I gave up on one of the early Gran Turismo titles. Won't even touch the Need for Speed series, and I don't like to spend hours pulling hairs on an online bronze/silver trophy that may not be worth it (I'll be skipping the online portions of Uncharted 2 & 3 for the PS3 when I get around to them for that very reason).


Based on what I've heard DRIVECLUB is fairly easy for a racing game, has tons of DLC that isn't that difficult and isn't bad to platinum as long as you're in a club. Now I ask are these clubs like guilds in World of Warcraft? In that game guilds helped you level up faster, get into raids/dungeons quicker and generally gave you perks whereas a player without a guild had none of those options. Many of you have said that it's highly recommended to join a club as soon as you can if you plan to platinum DRIVECLUB, but is that as easy as joining a random online lobby? I don't know, it's been literally years since I dove into a racing game. Sounds like you just send a challenge to another player and that person has to overcome that challenge, which is just fine with me as I don't want to be racing against 10-12 human opponents who are all better than me (I know there are people out there who are just as bad if not worse than me but I'm being honest). So while joining a club requires you to be online, I feel much of the game is offline. Are the DLCs offline (except the club) as well because every single out of them is basically the same kind of trophies, just a different tour/race.


One of the reasons I'm asking this is because I just read a topic on these forums about the developer studio shutting down, so I'm wondering if I should just go and buy this game off of Amazon before something happens. Of course I could buy this from the PS Store but I've heard the PS Plus version and retail version are different. Don't know if that's true or not.

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Well, Driveclub is easy for a racing game, but not exactly easy to 100% (getting the platinum is quite easy, but getting every single star on the DLCs can be hard, since a few of them are quite hard..).


All DLCs are offline, and you can avoid completely the direct online racing on Driveclub and still getting 100% trophies (on Driveclub Bikes there's 1 direct online race trophy). The online trophies of Driveclub, are linked to challenges, and those essentially are time trail challenges that you send and receive from other players (they are fairly quick to do and easy to boost if that's the problem).


As for the Clubs, if the clubs have several milestones achieved they will award you with Fame bonus (EXP) making lvl up faster, but this is kind of irrelevant, because you will hit and pass lvl50 way before you get 100% trophies, it's only relevant if you are just after the platinum and in that case, it will be a big grind, because the DLCs account for 2/3rd or so of the game events.. The real reason to join a Club ASAP is because there's a trophy to drive 1000 miles while being a member of a club. And joining a club is easy, since the game shows you a list of suggested clubs if you want (or you could make your own, but you need at least 2 people on a club to make it active and count for the 1000 miles trophy).


Also getting the Platinum can get a bit grindy with the trophy for reach lvl 6 in several accolades (they just require you to play a lot, not hard stuff, and if aiming to 100%, you would probably get it before clearing everything else..).


One of the reasons I'm asking this is because I just read a topic on these forums about the developer studio shutting down, so I'm wondering if I should just go and buy this game off of Amazon before something happens. Of course I could buy this from the PS Store but I've heard the PS Plus version and retail version are different. Don't know if that's true or not.

No one knows what will happen, since the studio shut down announcement.. but I think it will stay online for a couple of years at least..
As for the PS+ version and retail one, the PS+ version was given for free to PS+ users and only allowed you to use the default content (not even the free DLC), but it was took down a few months ago, so the one in the store now is the same as the retail game. But whatever you prefer, but I think it's hard to top the game+season pass deal on PSN..
Also note that the last 2 event DLCs for Driveclub cars aren't part of the season pass (and their trophies are in the Driveclub bikes trophy list, not Driveclub trophy list).
Edited by Han_the_Dragon
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I've never really been into racing games and this one didn't change my mind. I played it for about an hour or two and then promptly deleted it from my system and its trophy list from my profile. I'll almost never delete a 0% list from my profile, so that attests to how bad the game is for someone not into racing games.

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I'm not really into racing games myself. I played Need for Speed once in a while but that's it. Now, I think DRIVECLUB is absolutely amazing. I really love DRIVECLUB despite not being that a fan of racing games. I'd say you should go for it, especially since you can find it pretty cheap these days.

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Driveclub is the best racing game I have ever played. To say it is easy is a bit misleading, everything is beatable with practice and patience. The game is a grind but a very fun one. I recently got 100% and wish there was more DLCs to playthrough. So I would say yes buy the game!

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Like most people here are saying, Driveclub is a fun game and for the price you really can't beat the content it has. Season pass is 100% worth it if you're a trophy hunter. 128 total trophies is a serious number. And the graphics are great on top of everything else.

Unfortunate to hear the studio is shutting down, though. :( I didn't know anything about that, I was definitely looking forward to Driveclub 2.

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I've only played very few racing games since i began gaming. More commonly the Burnout series and Need for Speed series. It was probably around 5-6 years ago since i played a racing game and when i started playing Driveclub i fell in love with it. I went into it with the bar set really low but i was blown away by how much fun i was having.


Short answer: Get the game, it's worth it.

Edited by Oblivion
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I like the game as much as the next guy. As for the trophies difficulty, the road to the platinum is quite easy (although it becomes a HUGE grind towards the end, mind you).


As for the DLC trophies, those are a different story. I'm a bit surprised no one mentioned the spike in the difficulty in getting those. Be ready for quite the challenge if you aim for the 100%.

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Just to clarify this for anyone who is interested since it could get kinda confusing.


If you have the "free" PS+member version would buying the season pass which is currently 12.99 entitle you to all the dlc except the 2 latest ones and every track?


or do we still need to purchase the Fullgame+Season pass deal for 19.99 to get everything from dlc to tracks?

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Reading through here, just a obvious note to people. If you REALLY dislike racing games, guess what, you probably won't like DRIVECLUB. If you haven't played many and are unsure of racing games you may enjoy this because it's a pretty decent game that's well presented. Personally I enjoyed going through all the events including DLCs but I think it may be more on the boring side for some people. 

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Just to clarify this for anyone who is interested since it could get kinda confusing.


If you have the "free" PS+member version would buying the season pass which is currently 12.99 entitle you to all the dlc except the 2 latest ones and every track?


or do we still need to purchase the Fullgame+Season pass deal for 19.99 to get everything from dlc to tracks?


You will need to purchase the Fullgame+Season pass for $19.99

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That's great to hear how good it is.

So for the challenge trophy, once I join a club I just need a friend to be online at the same time, I just send over a challenge and I have to overcome that challenge? Because if that's all I need for online (apart from joining a club but it'll probably be like the event trophy in AC Black Flag) then I can probably 100% this game.

The game doesn't look overly challenging. As for DRIVECLUB Bikes I can just boost for the one online trophy, the rest of them look more so the same fare as in DRIVECLUB.

Edited by Ian Lee
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So for the challenge trophy, once I join a club I just need a friend to be online at the same time, I just send over a challenge and I have to overcome that challenge? Because if that's all I need for online (apart from joining a club but it'll probably be like the event trophy in AC Black Flag) then I can probably 100% this game.

For the challenges you don't even need to join a club (nor have a friend online at the same time). 


You just need to set a challenge (based on past races that the game still track or by making something for it, since the challenge you send is with a time/score record set by you), send it to a friend, have your friend play it, but not beat your time/score before the expire time ends, and when the timer ends and you see the challenge result in your game, you get the trophy.


Max expire time is like 1 month, but if boosting with both players online, you can just set it to 1 hour.


Joining a club is mainly needed because the 1000 miles trophy (also, the club needs to have at least 2 members for it to count).

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For the challenges you don't even need to join a club (nor have a friend online at the same time). 


You just need to set a challenge (based on past races that the game still track or by making something for it, since the challenge you send is with a time/score record set by you), send it to a friend, have your friend play it, but not beat your time/score before the expire time ends, and when the timer ends and you see the challenge result in your game, you get the trophy.


Max expire time is like 1 month, but if boosting with both players online, you can just set it to 1 hour.


Joining a club is mainly needed because the 1000 miles trophy (also, the club needs to have at least 2 members for it to count).


In terms of online trophies that's very generous that the developers of DRIVECLUB did this. You don't need a whole team of people like in Red Dead Redemption (I still need the Posse Up trophy) nor do you need 100+ hours of multiplayer to completely 100 percent the game (Uncharted 3). That's almost like the 'social event' trophy in Black Flag and the Repaid in Blood trophy in Shadow of Mordor.

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Driveclub is about the best driving game I've ever played. It's also the only game where I truly advocate for people to buy the season pass. It offers the greatest value, bar none. The online trophies are not multiplayer, they simply require an internet connection and a few other players to be online for you to send them challenges. Join a club asap so that your driven kilometers (miles) count towards the Lifer trophy.

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