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Become a Trophy Hunter! Any Tips?


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A few tips that work for me:

1. Play for fun. You'll be miserable if you're playing something awful just for trophies.

2. Try to have at least something else going at the same time. That way if you're getting frustrated or bored you can play something else. Even better if it's a different genre.

3. Don't play only for trophies. If you want to play something that you can't (or don't want to) get all the trophies, play it anyways and just get what you can.

4. Research. Make sure you know what you're doing if you don't want to risk having to do a ton of playthroughs just for one or two little things. Just beware of spoilers if you're worried.

That's about it really. :)

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So if any of you have any tips on how to get these Platinums faster, easier, and have more of an enjoyable time doing so I would love to hear them.


:platinum: Thanks :platinum:  


Put trophy hunting first in your life, before all else, including bathing, friends and family.

HATE, HATE, HATE on companies that don't put trophy support before all other support in their games, including play-ability support.

Ignore everyone who mentions anything about games being fun. They aren't. They are a method to get Platinums and nothing else.

Talk about how many Platinums you have in every post, that way others will always know and will call you out if that number hasn't changed over a period of time.


I think if you can keep up all all those things you will have no choice but to get Platinums faster, easier and have more of an enjoyable time doing so. I'd say good luck, but Platinum hunters know that Platinums aren't about luck, they're about getting Platinums.

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Don't play shitty games for easy plats. It simply isn't enjoyable. Stick to games you like and only look at the guide for missable trophies as you want to reduce playthroughs whenever possible. If the games great that's not so much of a problem. 


Also, I find it more satisfying to earn difficult Plats over lots of Plats.

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Here's my piece of advice:


I played several games just for fun. Like Uncharted, Assassin's Creed mostly of my Plats so far...

But then sometime ago - maybe 1,2 or 3 years later - i redo games and keep looking at videoguides for collectibles, read textguides for missables for completion...

The trophies are a part of second/third/etc. walkthrough to maintain some fun/new aspects for me...


These thoughts crossed my mind when going for trophies:


- How easy to get all collectibles without a guide?

- How many walkthroughs do i have to do?

- Online play required? (--> mostly saying "no" to myself :D )

- DLC required for 100%? (--> waiting for cheap sale to buy)


When i'm playing i think a bit persistance is important. I don't quit a game when i died 2x on a chapter, but maybe after 10th time xD

And i'm keeping the variety up. Playing a RPG, then racing, then action, then adventure  :) 

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I've found it useful to use an alternate account to try out games that are given through the IGC, or borrowed from a friend. Gives you a feel for the game so it's easier to decide if you want to put the effort in to get the trophies or pass. That way you don't get stuck with a bunch of games with a few trophies earned that you'll never go back to finish.

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Do not lose your Trophy Hunting experience. Unobtainable plats are annoying, but don't let it break you down. Play any type of game you like, search for trophy guides, create/join a gaming session (or own at least 2 consoles), and DING will be everywhere.

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1. First and foremost, stick with what you enjoy.

2. Have patience

3. Don't pressure yourself to platinum/100% every game you play

4. Use a guide

5. Prior to starting a game, read said guide and get a good feel for the trophies. Its usually then when I decide whether I'm going to actually attempt the platinum/100% or not...nevertheless STILL PLAY THE GAME. There have been times where I underestimated myself (or overestimated the lists' difficulty) and ended up going for the platinum anyway or still hunted for as many trophies as possible (avoiding the problematic ones) and still saw my trophy score dramatically increase.


6. Also, use #5 to narrow down and organize trophies according to sections of the game. For example, you may be playing a game that according to the guide has a missable trophy exclusive to Chapter 6 and like 2 or 3 others that are easiest to get on the same chapter. So those would be your "Chapter 6 trophies". Try to map out as many trophies as possible in that way as it makes the overall experience a bit more structured and can potentially save you some time by avoiding unnecessary playthroughs or backtracking.


7. Have fun! Own the trophies, don't let them own you...

Edited by merciful84
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Here's my advice if you play a game that requires grinding or replaying sections you've already played (and feel no need to fully immerse yourself with again); download some podcasts. After playing through GTA V several times, I find it much more enjoyable to skip cutscenes and listen to a podcast or listen to a youtube video instead of hearing all the dialogue again.

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I'm not a trophy hunter really; but I do go for the trophies in games I really liked and found fun.  I recommend you do the same, I used to do that whole easy achievement hunting on Xbox, but you never will enjoy that.  Personally a list that has a whole pile of easy completions on it doesn't really impress me, when I see a list of completions that looked like enjoyable games on the other hand though I find that impressive.


Also, my advice is do not read anything before starting a game, let your first playthrough of it be fun without the worry of missing stuff.  You can always replay.

Edited by DEMON
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Well, I'm going to repeat some of what others said, but:


1st - Check if the platinum is achievable (closer servers or glitched)


2nd - Check how glitchy is the game, sometimes even an easy plat that's frustrating is something to avoid (I did so with Ether One, and waited to start it until after the game was fixed and had no problems at all when I played it).


3rd - If you really want the platinum, check how hard/time consuming it is and think if you are up for the challenge.


4th - Sometimes it's nice to get a few quick plats, but mix it with games that you really want to play (in my case, I play mainly RPGs, but sometimes I play point and click or Tell Tales style games for quick plats, but then, I never buy those games and only play them if I think they are interesting). Never play something just for the trophies, always check if you at least like the gameplay (test on an alt account). By doing this, I ended up playing a few games that I otherwise wouldn't (all from PS+).


5th - NEVER BUY GAMES JUST FOR TROPHIES, that's what PS+ IGC is for.. personally I only bought Last Rebellion only for trophies (at €7), since a lot of people talked bad of it, but I was lucky that it was actually enjoyable.. everything else that I played just for trophies was either from PS+ or borrowed from my brother's collection..


6th - For decent quality quick plats, you can always go with Tell Tales and Point and click games, but I think all those are only worth it if you can get them cheap... 


And lastly, I don't think trophy hunting should be the main focus.. yes, it's nice to get a lot of trophies now and then, but if you don't mix in games that you really like, it becomes dull and boring fast..

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First off- Buy games that you KNOW you will like. Never buy games that are remotely 'easy' just to get trophies. That sounds like pure torture.

NEVER force yourself to play games to get trophies. If you don't feel like trophy hunting for days, weeks, months- let it be! Trophy hunting is suppose to be fun, not a chore.

Have fun! Trophy hunting is suppose to be fun- if it becomes brutal torture, lay off of it for a while and come back when you're ready.

Do be warned that trophy hunting is brutal in nature and will have you pulling your hair out at times, remember to not let it take over your life and cause you stress. They are video games after all!

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Things I take into account :

1. Check for missables before you start

2. Start at the highest difficulty required

3. Pick games you will enjoy in function of completion time (3h of a mediocre game is doable, 30 is not!)

4. STOP DOWNLOADING SHIT GAMES FROM PS+ (hindsight is 20/20 :P )

5. Don't worry too much about mp, not worth missing a good game over, and most can be boosted

6. Don't give up when it gets hard, its tricky getting back into a game you put aside a while ago where you're stuck

And finally, only keep going as long as you are enjoying the game (or are nearly there ;) ), a trophy is not worth your mental health :)

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An important tip for encouraging yourself to complete games is to never have more than 3 or 4 games active at one time. You can have a couple of longer projects mixed in with shorter trophies, or 4 really long games, but if you start getting beyond that number it becomes very easy to start procrastinating and leaving a massive trail of unfinished games in your wake. If you truly want to abandon a game because it's too annoying that's one thing, but for me having more than a handful of games up at once starts to sap my will to do the sort of horrendous grinding prevalent in some games, when otherwise I would be determined to knock it out quickly if I held myself to not starting anything new until I did.


You'll definitely want to do some research ahead of time. Make sure a game doesn't have a trophy beyond your skill/patience level, but don't always be turned away if it does. You can always leave a couple of trophies, or even use an alt account just for games you know you won't finish. There's no one way to trophy hunt, so make sure however you decide to approach it is right for you!

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