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How's the performance?


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While I appreciate the graphical improvement I want to know about performance.


How are they load times? Are they better than on PS3? Faster? Same? Longer!? 


How does the game run? I don't really care about 60FPS but is a locked 30FPS? Uncapped?


Bugs!? Are there bugs!? I hope not! There better not!

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You're totally right. I should be suprised...


But it being a remaster, it shouldn't have any.


Trust me, I've played many remasters before that didn't even attempt to get rid of the bugs. Now this remaster seems like it's had more effort put into it than those ones, but still, I'd be shocked if they suddenly fixed all of the bugs. I mean thee were A LOT of them. :giggle:

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Will let you know after midnight.

Thanks. I really appreciate it.

Trust me, I've played many remasters before that didn't even attempt to get rid of the bugs. Now this remaster seems like it's had more effort put into it than those ones, but still, I'd be shocked if they suddenly fixed all of the bugs. I mean thee were A LOT of them. :giggle:

I remember upside down dragons and getting launched into space. Good times, good times.

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i've experienced three gamebreaking bugs on the ps3 version... really tore me appart... i hope they are not still there... but this game is so much epic... i don't like the way you are looking down on it... it does not have great story maybe... but it engulfs you... you take your sword, you take your shield and you enjoy the heck out of it... stop nagging bout the bugs

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I played long enough to get out of Helgen. Graphic textures are much improved, except for hair, it still looks like helmet hair but maybe in a little more higher resolution. Textures look less flat. Draw distance is much better and so are the lighting effects. Didn't notice any of the heart stopping hiccups that the PS3 version had, seemed to run smoothly, but then again I only got as far as the first dungeon. Don't ask me about frame rates, because I can't tell the difference between 30 and 60. Character animations are not changed, which is to be expected, because Bethesda's always been terrible at character animation. No real noticeable change in load times that have splash screens, maybe one or two seconds less. What's different though is that when the game autosaves, like when opening the Inventory menu, the game doesn't come to a complete stop until it finishes like in the PS3 version; it's almost unnoticeable. I have work soon, so I can't play any more until later in the day, but I'll restart and record a video so people can see what it looks and decide for themselves.

Edited by damon8r351
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You're totally right. I should be suprised...


But it being a remaster, it shouldn't have any.

not quite right, remember Silent Hill Remastered collection, it ran far much worse than the original ps2's.

there's also Zone of the Enders Remastered collection, the funny thing is that the ps2 run both games at 60FPS, in the collection on day one both games run at 30FPS, Konami release a heavy patch to improve the performance of the collection, I never played the HD Collection but I heard it now run at 1080p and 60FPS.

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While I appreciate the graphical improvement I want to know about performance.


How are they load times? Are they better than on PS3? Faster? Same? Longer!? 


How does the game run? I don't really care about 60FPS but is a locked 30FPS? Uncapped?


Bugs!? Are there bugs!? I hope not! There better not!

I played long enough to get out of Helgen. Graphic textures are much improved, except for hair, it still looks like helmet hair but maybe in a little more higher resolution. Textures look less flat. Draw distance is much better and so are the lighting effects. Didn't notice any of the heart stopping hiccups that the PS3 version had, seemed to run smoothly, but then again I only got as far as the first dungeon. Don't ask me about frame rates, because I can't tell the difference between 30 and 60. Character animations are not changed, which is to be expected, because Bethesda's always been terrible at character animation. No real noticeable change in load times that have splash screens, maybe one or two seconds less. What's different though is that when the game autosaves, like when opening the Inventory menu, the game doesn't come to a complete stop until it finishes like in the PS3 version; it's almost unnoticeable. I have work soon, so I can't play any more until later in the day, but I'll restart and record a video so people can see what it looks and decide for themselves.



Video doesn't do the graphic improvement justice, but I assure you the game runs pretty smoothly at least for the first hour. They might've even tweaked a bit with the scripting, because Ralof didn't try to run in the opposite direction of the Guardian Stones like he usually does during the trek to Riverwood. Again I stress to anyone viewing the video, the crappy resolution of my video is no way indicative of any graphic failing of the game.

Edited by damon8r351
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Game runs well

It seems to play a lot smoother than it ever did last gen

Load times are quicker

Menu navigation is faster and the combat and movement is extremely fluid

Seen a couple objects bounce around glitch wise but otherwise it's all good

My one niggle is the placement of the save menu being in the same menu as the quest journal can be a slight hindrance

Nothing major though

Truly a well made remaster, also there's close to 50 mods now, adding 'new' locations, questlines, new ways to play and even companions

So much for only in game sourcing ruining mod capabilities

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Truly a well made remaster, also there's close to 50 mods now, adding 'new' locations, questlines, new ways to play and even companions

So much for only in game sourcing ruining mod capabilities


You seem to be in the minority thinking that. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-10-28-the-skyrim-special-edition-launch-day-mod-difference-between-ps4-and-xbox-one

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Bugs!? Are there bugs!? I hope not! There better not!

There's one bug. If you have low health, then heal before the enemy attacks again and the enemy uses a finishing move, it doesn't count that you healed your character and you still die even though you have enough health to survive the attack. It seems that the calculations for a finishing move are somewhat off and decide whether you live or die before the enemy even attacks.

Edited by viech54
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Expecting a remaster to have no bugs is a false expectation and will only lead to disappointment.


Agree on the expectations, so far I'm almost on Level 20 and havent experienced any bugs but doing a lot of manual saves just in case. Hoping not to encounter bugs

The only thing that would give me the incentive to get this game again on PS4 is if the loading screens would be significantly shorter.


Loading screens so far have been far less shorter the the PS3 version tbh

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The Loading screens are waaaaaaay shorter. I don't know why people aren't talking about this to much. I'm about 15 hours into the game and i can honestly say after the first loading screen when you staret up the game, I hav'nt waited more than 5 seconds on a loading screen. I would wait up to 2 minutes sometimes on the ps3 version. The imersion into the game is so much better now with the fast loading times. Makes the game seem totally different in my opinion. I use to wait so long with the old game for a loading screen I would watch a movie in between, now you can't even read the messages in the loading screens it goes so fast.

Edited by Fozzyabear
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The Loading screens are waaaaaaay shorter. I don't know why people aren't talking about this to much. I'm about 15 hours into the game and i can honestly say after the first loading screen when you staret up the game, I hav'nt waited more than 5 seconds on a loading screen. I would wait up to 2 minutes sometimes on the ps3 version. The imersion into the game is so much better now with the fast loading times. Makes the game seem totally different in my opinion. I use to wait so long with the old game for a loading screen I would watch a movie in between, now you can't even read the messages in the loading screens it goes so fast.


The longest I ever waited on a loading screen (without the game locking up) on the PS3 version was nearly 20 minutes. I only knew the system wasn't frozen because the smoke still moved. It was horrific lol

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Either my ps3 was on roids or I'm just lucky but I've never had any issues with loading times on ps3. I even had a save with over 100hrs and noticed no change regarding less fps or more stutters. so.. idk how people are saying they've had loading times up to minutes, as opposed to seconds

Also my loading times were cut down from about 30 secs to 10-15 secs after I disable autosave when leaving or entering doors.

Idk if people are recalling the time they've played skyrim before patches or after but for me ive been playing on the latest patches with no issues whatsoever.

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Either my ps3 was on roids or I'm just lucky but I've never had any issues with loading times on ps3. I even had a save with over 100hrs and noticed no change regarding less fps or more stutters. so.. idk how people are saying they've had loading times up to minutes, as opposed to seconds

Also my loading times were cut down from about 30 secs to 10-15 secs after I disable autosave when leaving or entering doors.

Idk if people are recalling the time they've played skyrim before patches or after but for me ive been playing on the latest patches with no issues whatsoever.

I'm cleaning up on stuff on the PS3 version right now fully patched and the game runs horrifically. Loads times are normally 30 seconds or more, while in main Skyrim the game averages maybe 15 fps and grinds to a halt regularly. Think you were extremely lucky if you had a save with over 100 hours and didn't have any issues.

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