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Hello Games break their radio silence... and then immediately disappear again.


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I'm glad you liked the game. Apparently, lots of people that bought it do not share your view that it is "god damned amazing". I don't really know why it would be difficult to "get this hate".

Quite sure because he didn't have any expectations from it and it was amazed with what he got. Probably can't understand the hate because either he can't cope with the hype people got from before launch and the follow up disappointment and/or all the whiny kids that complain about a game they didn't even bother to play, but still care to review.

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Quite sure because he didn't have any expectations from it and it was amazed with what he got. Probably can't understand the hate because either he can't cope with the hype people got from before launch and the follow up disappointment and/or all the whiny kids that complain about a game they didn't even bother to play, but still care to review.


I was being a bit facetious.I know what he was driving at.  


I haven't played the game myself, and have refrained from reviewing it (because, honestly, the more interesting story is the people who created the game), but certain principles hold for ANY product. It's not like the hype train was outside of Hello Games scope. On the contrary, they drove that train. 


Advertising is about pre-release hype. Do I feel sympathy for people who get burned on this purchase? Not really (although some of the rumors about outright lies being printed on the physical box of NMS, if true, might lead me to different conclusions). However, I completely support the right of these people to complain on end, and hope that it leads to an ultimate market correction.


I don't see why anyone wouldn't support purchasers of a product complaining about their own purchase.

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To be fair, I'm not a robot. I understand that people hating what you really like can get to you. However, ultimately, I take the side of my fellow gamer over the side of my favorite game. If a person hates Dark Souls, they might be deluded, but I still act as if they have valid for their dislike. Now, if they follow up with something like, "I hate Dark Souls because I heard it was like Call of Duty", well, that's the kind of hype that gets the hammer. 


But a lot of people were told misleading things by Hello Games. While I can get behind someone saying "I don't buy into any hype pre-release",  that doesn't let Hello Games off the hook for outright fraud. That's why I bristle a bit at this topic.


To be honest, I'm going to have to play this game. I too have listened to zero hype from the developer, but I have to know if it's really that bad, or that good, etc. (at least, as far as games that I like).


I'm hoping for a price cut (or, even better, a free release for PS+, which would almost certainly cause a massive shitstorm thread worth reading).

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Quite sure because he didn't have any expectations from it and it was amazed with what he got. Probably can't understand the hate because either he can't cope with the hype people got from before launch and the follow up disappointment and/or all the whiny kids that complain about a game they didn't even bother to play, but still care to review.



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While I think you're right, I would hope that this might encourage some people to activate 2 step verification on their various accounts.


Now that it's available on PSN, there is no reason not to activate it. Unless your ISP sucks and puts you on a dynamic IP that rotates every day, or every couple of days. Then you're going to have to enter a ton of activation codes. But those cases should be few and far between.

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So tired of this company. Let's hope this is just the final nail in there coffin and none of them every work again in the industry


I don't approve of what Hello Games did either, but saying that is pretty harsh. I mean Sean was the guy who continually ran his mouth. Sony and the games media did their part in hyping the game up way too much as well. You can't really blame the rest of the team for that. They were just doing their jobs.

I'd like to see them leave Hello Games, and either join another development studio, or create their own one. Only then will they be free of the tyrannical reign of Sean Murray. :P

Edited by Undead Wolf
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This is a death sentence for the company. I feel bad for those who were screwed out of their money for false advertisement. I even saw a copy of it being sold for $19.99 a few days ago. Sad..............

17.99 used on GameStop...still too expensive for a used copy.

No Man Sky, is definitely giving chuckles even for ones who spend no dollars on them. They are like Kyrgios/Tomic of the ATP tour...

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Yes, let's have people lose jobs and no longer be able to provide for their families again because some people on the internet didn't like the video game they made. That's totally reasonable.

I agree, this age of entitlement where people can justify putting out crap and then people sympathise with them and their lack of abilities really needs to stop. Does you boss settle for crap performance ..........

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Yes, let's have people lose jobs and no longer be able to provide for their families again because some people on the internet didn't like the video game they made. That's totally reasonable.

They lied to and ripped off thousands of people. If i told you I had a brand new 2016 Ferrari that i was selling and said it had leather seats and all the hook ups and then you pay me for it and you get home and its a broken barely drivable 97 honda civic. wouldnt you feel mad? wouldnt you want me to lose my job maybe even go to jail? 

These guys did that, except with a game and stole thousands from people and then vanished. Theres a reason they are being investigated. I'm glad i never bought the game but i remember when Mass Effect 3 didnt live up to just one promise of Multiple varied endings and EVERYONE wanted there head. They fixed it and half the gaming community still wont accept it. that was one promise. these guys broke like 20 and we are to supposed to shrug that off?

%^$* that. If them and Konami were on fire and i had to put one of them out. id drink the water and walk away

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