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Pick The Plat You Are Jealous of.


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Well there are just too many plats to choose from so I will just choose one at random. Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland it is :)



I'm Jealous of your EA Sports Active 2 platinum, that platinum is just beyond rare congratulations :D 



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I haven't gotten the chance to play it yet, but I really want to. Jealous of anyone who has had the opportunity to play it, more so those who have the platinum.


I'm actually silently jealous of your Bioshock 2, I will eventually get around to replaying that game and get the platinum :) 



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I haven't gotten the chance to play it yet, but I really want to. Jealous of anyone who has had the opportunity to play it, more so those who have the platinum.

FFXIII-2 is soooooo boring, the first one is a good game but boring to plat because of all the items but XIII-2 is just boring as a game IMO

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