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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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P.S. about Tearaway, don't know if anyone else had this but my female messenger glitched to the male messenger's colors when the messenger edit menu was tutorialed to me. Very annoying because I liked her colors much more, which was one of the reasons I chose her instead of him (the other was his X eye annoyed me).


41 minutes ago, Fredoline05 said:

Ok, it may look a bit childish but don't give up on it yet, it gets better and more challenging later on, and it uses the controller like I haven't seen in any other game yet. You should definately try to stick it out and make an opinion about it once you've at least finished 1 playthrough and have seen it's full potential


Thanks for trying to motivate me and yeah I'll definitely go for at least one whole playthrough, we'll see how I feel about 100%ing it after that though.


21 minutes ago, Crimson Idol said:

Sorry to say that but I will drop out of the event due to some personal reasons. Honestly I don't know if I will have the engagement to participate in any events  on this site any longer caused by some recent happenings. On top of that I lack the motivation to start any of the remaining games, even those that I could use as a replacement. Good luck and much fun to everyone else!


That's too bad, good luck in dealing with your stuff and I hope it's not because of some bad apples on PSNP that you're giving up on the whole site!

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14 hours ago, Myu said:


No, no, not that much! 

Actually, I found the answer here


If the player plays for 100 hours 256 times, the game's internal clock will reset. This can be used to obtain the Excalibur II without playing for less than 12 hours. However, the player would be required to play for 25,600 hours, 1,067 days, or 2.92 years. The in-game clock color changes whenever it "rolls over" 100 hours from white to red to yellow to cyan to purple, and finally green. At 600 hours (after the timer has been green for 100 hours) the timer changes into a glitchy font and continues counting for 1 hour. At 601 hours the timer reverts to a green 99:59:59 and stops counting and nothing happens until the 2.92 years pass by when it overflows, returns to white 00:00:00 and starts all over.


I had no idea :D 


So you played for 601h+? I've got something around that in Cities: Skylines and I know how much effort it took. And it's not grinding, mind you. Anyhow, I really respect that :D

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My next game's review supposed to be Wastelands 2, but I had kid under my supervision for a whole week and made something like 2h into the game. And that's like half of it in character generation, and everybody knows it's half of time you spend in RPG :D. It's a cool game, fallout-like (yeah, I know which game came first, calm you buns). A mix of that and XCOM. It looks like postapocalyptic dog raped by a radioactive rabbit, but that's ok. On a side note, I created this character that supposed to by my badass, mohawk, heavy gun wielding lady and I gave her this quirk "Born in circus". +50% to evasion and just 2 penalty to leadership (she's not the main talker, so who gives). Little I knew that it LITERALLY meant she was born in circus and my mohawk became a full blown f-king clown lady with an AK47. Seriously, she is wearing a clown suit :giggle:. Pennywise AKA Violet in my game says hi!


Edited by zettlock
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1 hour ago, zettlock said:


So you played for 601h+? I've got something around that in Cities: Skylines and I know how much effort it took. And it's not grinding, mind you. Anyhow, I really respect that :D


I have no idea as I was rather young. I do remember that I didn't have a lot of games on PS1 at the time so it's possible but I can't help but think that 600 hours is a HUGE amount of time 0_0 

The only PS1 games I had are still on my shelves : Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX, Grandia and Tail Concerto :P 

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3 hours ago, Crimson Idol said:

Sorry to say that but I will drop out of the event due to some personal reasons. Honestly I don't know if I will have the engagement to participate in any events  on this site any longer caused by some recent happenings. On top of that I lack the motivation to start any of the remaining games, even those that I could use as a replacement. Good luck and much fun to everyone else!

Hope it isn't as serious as it sounds. Be well!

1 hour ago, zettlock said:


It's not my pic, since I'm at work, but that's literally what I have to deal with...



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6 hours ago, Crimson Idol said:

Sorry to say that but I will drop out of the event due to some personal reasons. Honestly I don't know if I will have the engagement to participate in any events  on this site any longer caused by some recent happenings. On top of that I lack the motivation to start any of the remaining games, even those that I could use as a replacement. Good luck and much fun to everyone else!

I'm really sorry to hear that man. You've brought a lot to the events and you will be missed. I hope you're able to resolve your issues swiftly and positively. Don't hesitate to say hi if you do return. 

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6 hours ago, Crimson Idol said:

Sorry to say that but I will drop out of the event due to some personal reasons. Honestly I don't know if I will have the engagement to participate in any events  on this site any longer caused by some recent happenings. On top of that I lack the motivation to start any of the remaining games, even those that I could use as a replacement. Good luck and much fun to everyone else!

Sorry to hear that. :( Don't be a Drifter for too long, and come on back to us. ;) 


56 minutes ago, xFalionx said:

Man, I hate it when RPGs do that. It's one of the very few things which annoyed me in Persona 4 Golden. It's especially annoying in that game because the bosses tend to do really strong (like almost insta-kill strong) attacks on a regular basis which you have to block, so if you miss the signs of an incoming super attack and don't select block, you're pretty much done for. 

Did P4G have that? I played on the easiest difficulty, so I may have never really noticed. 

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1 minute ago, DamagingRob said:

Did P4G have that? I played on the easiest difficulty, so I may have never really noticed. 

Yeah, if the MC dies, you instantly loose the battle which was pretty annoying against some of the later bosses. On easy it shouldn't be a problem anyways since your characters can just get up whenever they die, so you basically can't loose any battles. I even managed to kill the reaper on my first visit to the castle in my second playthrough since I played that one on easy. 

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9 hours ago, Crimson Idol said:

Sorry to say that but I will drop out of the event due to some personal reasons. Honestly I don't know if I will have the engagement to participate in any events  on this site any longer caused by some recent happenings. On top of that I lack the motivation to start any of the remaining games, even those that I could use as a replacement. Good luck and much fun to everyone else!


Best of luck with whatever it is you need to resolve! Take care and don't be a stranger!

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4 hours ago, xFalionx said:

The last one had me staying up until 3:30 AM because I had several tries where I got to 25XXX points out of 26000, and I felt like I'd loose my feel for the course if I were to stop back then. At least the second challenge earned me the trophy for scoring 25000 points or more along the way. :D 



Good job knocking out that one - it caused me to rage so much. I finished with 25,990 points on just my second attempt, then a few minutes later would have got the 26,000 points, but it didn't count because a drift that is still in progress when time expires isn't added to your score. I finally managed to beat it one and a half hours later... good luck with the rest of those challenges!

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  1. Operation flashpoint DR PS3
  2. Fifa 17 ps4
  3. cod 4 ps4
  4. battlefield 1ps4
  5.  resogun multi
  6. knack ps4
  7. titanfall 2 ps4
  8. knee deep ps4
  9. medal of honour ps3
  10. uncharted GA vita.                                                                                                        If this forum means to boost your completion rate then these are my games. Not to tough but some have been on my list since I started my trophy hunting campaign in 2014?
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3 minutes ago, afc-razor-84 said:
  1. Operation flashpoint DR PS3
  2. Fifa 17 ps4
  3. cod 4 ps4
  4. battlefield 1ps4
  5.  resogun multi
  6. knack ps4
  7. titanfall 2 ps4
  8. knee deep ps4
  9. medal of honour ps3
  10. uncharted GA vita.                                                                                                        If this forum means to boost your completion rate then these are my games. Not to tough but some have been on my list since I started my trophy hunting campaign in 2014?


The title of this thread is "kill your completion" so this is exactly the opposite, read the first post for more info! :D 

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37 minutes ago, Myu said:


The title of this thread is "kill your completion" so this is exactly the opposite, read the first post for more info! :D 

Ok my bad, will I already killed my CR when I got my Ps4 and promised not to trophy hunt, then I got a preowned PS3 and forgot to delete the hard drive which had 6 games already on it which are games I wouldn't touch with a 6 foot barge pole? I just can't get over 87% either way thanks for the info mate.

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1 hour ago, Myu said:


The title of this thread is "kill your completion" so this is exactly the opposite, read the first post for more info! :D 


Just now, Fredoline05 said:

Game 6, Day 2: Bully




playtime: about 7-8 hours


I played a bit more and got myself a couple more trophies, all bronze so far but that's ok, the rest will follow. The longer I play this game the more I like it. I'm getting used to the bad controls and the story is fun enough to get me going. Even when besides the missions it's one huge grind. But what can I say: I like beating up guys (in the game) and doing all what my parents told me wasn't nice to do :)


After the event I guess this will be one off the first games I'll get back to.

Just remember the hidden cloths shop that ain't marked on the map by a clothing icon it can be found in the greasers territory?

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17 hours ago, Crimson Idol said:

Sorry to say that but I will drop out of the event due to some personal reasons. Honestly I don't know if I will have the engagement to participate in any events  on this site any longer caused by some recent happenings. On top of that I lack the motivation to start any of the remaining games, even those that I could use as a replacement. Good luck and much fun to everyone else!


Hope everything works out. You will be missed. I always found your posts informative, considerate and helpful.


Until your return...✌?

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