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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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6 hours ago, MStalker58 said:


Yes it is pretty bad and that's coming from someone who absolutely loves platformers (both 2D and 3D). The game is just so painfully slow and boring. Honestly, they couldn't have done a better job of completely sucking all of the fun out of the genre even if they tried. A couple of things I hated the most just to give you a quick glimpse.


First, the simple task of moving in the game is a chore. Your character is literally a fish out of water. Imagine the excitement of controlling a fish on land. Yes, that is how slow the movement speed is when playing as Munch. Sure, they included a wheelchair to make it more bearable, but there is a trophy for not using the wheelchair at all so there goes that. Instead, you get to hop along at the speed of a snail. :angry:


Next up is the combat or lack thereof. The game is 3D platformer but the combat plays more like a slow-paced strategy or puzzle game. You have minimal ways of direct combat and they all suck. First, Munch can drink from a soda machine to get a "Zap" ability that shocks enemies. Sounds like it could be fun but the mechanics and how much damage enemies take are a mess. Basically, the power is timed and you can only get off a few shots before it runs out. Enemies take around 8-9 zaps before dying. Each encounter consists of zapping an enemy...they fall down...wait a few seconds for them to get back up....zap again...repeat this 8-9 times for several minutes until they die...go back and drink another "Zap" and do it all again. Then factor in situations where there are 9-10 enemies and it can take forever. Oh yeah, you will usually die during all of this but the damage you've done to enemies saves. So it's basically the pattern mentioned above with the addition of dying and respawning until you've taken out all enemies in the area.


The other method of combat is possessing enemies. That sounds fun, right? Sure, it can be entertaining at times but most of the time is just as boring. Basically, you possess an enemy, run towards another enemy and start slapping them. What follows is you two standing in place just slapping each other until one of you dies. Usually, the enemy you have possessed dies first so once that happens you possess the next enemy and repeat the same thing until all enemies finally die. That's pretty much the combat in the entire game.


I wouldn't say it is a horrible game, just a boring one and the least amount of fun I've ever had with a platformer. Not to mention that the plat requires multiple playthroughs and several glitched trophies. Hate might be a strong word, but there are 1000's of games I'd rather play than Munch's Oddysee. Don't take my word for it. Just summon @DamagingRob. He played it during the last KYC and I believe he hated it more than I did. :)


6 hours ago, DamagingRob said:

Yeah, I don't know if I'll ever go back to Munch's Oddysee. Painful experience. Lol.


As someone who actually finished that game and got platinum, I feel that I need to defend it (and that's totally not influenced by the fact, that I might have a Stockholm Syndrome, given I finished it 7 times or so :giggle:). It's glitchy - yes. But both negatively and positively - I've got the "No wheelchair" trophy though I used it like there is no tomorrow. Then I had to repay my debt by playing two or three more times to get infamous "I regrow nothing" trophy. But, but, butt...! It has this original, Oddworld charm. It's nothing like Stranger's Wrath that is set in this wild west theme. And it has Abe. Stop bullying this game! :D

Edited by zettlock
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3 hours ago, zettlock said:

As someone who actually finished that game and got platinum, I feel that I need to defend it (and that's totally not influenced by the fact, that I might have a Stockholm Syndrome, given I finished it 7 times or so :giggle:). It's glitchy - yes. But both negatively and positively - I've got the "No wheelchair" trophy though I used it like there is no tomorrow. Then I had to repay my debt by playing two or three more times to get infamous "I regrow nothing" trophy. But, but, butt...! It has this original, Oddworld charm. It's nothing like Stranger's Wrath that is set in this wild west theme. And it has Abe. Stop bullying this game! :D

One man's trash is another's treasure. :P I loved Stranger's Wrath. 

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30 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:

One man's trash is another's treasure. :P I loved Stranger's Wrath. 


Calling it a treasure is a longshot, but I guess in the end I liked it :D. Oh, and I just remembered how this game loathed farming kills and you had to kill ALL given targets throughout the whole game, because it didn't count kills when reloading checkpoint. And it wasn't even cumulative throughout playthroughs... Most trophy hunters thought trophies are glitched :giggle:. Ah, good times...

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15 minutes ago, Psy-Tychist said:


Overall, I rate this a Gold and may move it into a Platinum after I finish the main story. Well worth the foray back into how it all started.

@FFHannibal, hope you still are trying it :)


Yeah I am, I'm not giving up. I am playing with a guide though, I'd get way too frustrated otherwise. The scary factor is pretty low with this one (I played like 15 minutes of Resident Evil Revelations 2 on PC once and then I never touched it again). It's even lower with the guide and I think I mentioned it before but the somewhat outdated graphics help a lot too, nothing seems too realistic but that's fine with me (I don't want to get a heart attack :P ). I'm just waiting a bit for a day were I feel kinda 'down', I don't care about scary shit anymore then (or at least a lot less) and hopefully I'll manage some more hours.

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So I thought I was like 90% recovered after my long weekend and went to work yesterday. Hoo boy. Turns out its more like 60% and damn I hit a wall about 4pm. Got home, had dinner, and assed out on the couch at like 9pm. 


I'm off early today so I'll get in my last hour with Nova, then hopefully another 2 with I Am Alive once the kids are down for the night. 


Then it'll be time to figure out whether From Dust or Hyper Void will be game 8. 

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5 hours ago, zettlock said:



As someone who actually finished that game and got platinum, I feel that I need to defend it (and that's totally not influenced by the fact, that I might have a Stockholm Syndrome, given I finished it 7 times or so :giggle:). It's glitchy - yes. But both negatively and positively - I've got the "No wheelchair" trophy though I used it like there is no tomorrow. Then I had to repay my debt by playing two or three more times to get infamous "I regrow nothing" trophy. But, but, butt...! It has this original, Oddworld charm. It's nothing like Stranger's Wrath that is set in this wild west theme. And it has Abe. Stop bullying this game! :D


But I got the platinum (B)) so that's not influencing my thoughts. Congrats on getting the plat too. :highfive: I thought it was interesting that most guides give the game a 3/10 in terms of difficulty but the plat has a rarity in the 1% range. Not complaining, I'll take all those easy UR's.


My problem wasn't with the trophies (though I did think that "no wheelchair" trophy was dumb). My main issue was that I found the gameplay to be boring. Agree that it had some of that Oddworld charm but it wasn't enough to keep me interested. Think you are suffering from a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome. Stay strong, I'll send help immediately. :P For real though, to each their own. Glad someone enjoyed it. 


7 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

I never played Munch's Oddysee but I've played Abe's Oddysee and the remake (New 'n' Tasty!) and I thought they were excellent, though you shouldn't try the old version at this point i you've never played it, just play the remake right away. I still haven't played any other Oddworld game.


By the way, speaking as a fellow platforming enthousiast, I'm really loving Shovel Knight.


So glad to hear that you are loving Shovel Knight. I was worried you wouldn't like it since you seem to prefer 16-bit over 8-bit and I recall you saying that you don't normally like modern games trying to be retro. I appreciate how the developers are making so much free DLC content and they really seem to love the genre. I'm looking forward to playing the new "Specter of Torment" expansion. The new content has given me the motivation to go back and finally play "Plague of Shadows" soon. Planning on doing that once I finish Horizon Zero Dawn and maybe Mass Effect 2. 


I've heard good things about New 'n' Tasty and am looking forward to playing it. So far I've liked one Oddworld game and didn't care for another. Interested to see which one was the exception and which was the norm.

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7 minutes ago, MStalker58 said:

Think you are suffering from a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome. Stay strong, I'll send help immediately. :P


But... but... my mom says I'm normal... And mentally stable... and I haven't got imaginary friends named Abe and Munch... 


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7 minutes ago, MStalker58 said:

So glad to hear that you are loving Shovel Knight. I was worried you wouldn't like it since you seem to prefer 16-bit over 8-bit and I recall you saying that you don't normally like modern games trying to be retro. 


Yeah, occasionally there seems to be the exception that proves the rule. It helps that Shovel Knight isn't ugly 8-bit like something like Monaco but they took the effort to make it NES-like. It also helps that I'm playing on a small screen.


7 minutes ago, MStalker58 said:

I appreciate how the developers are making so much free DLC content and they really seem to love the genre. I'm looking forward to playing the new "Specter of Torment" expansion. The new content has given me the motivation to go back and finally play "Plague of Shadows" soon. Planning on doing that once I finish Horizon Zero Dawn and maybe Mass Effect 2. 


All the extra content is why I decided to support them and buy it on the Switch for the new full price instead of waiting on a sale :)


7 minutes ago, MStalker58 said:

I've heard good things about New 'n' Tasty and am looking forward to playing it. So far I've liked one Oddworld game and didn't care for another. Interested to see which one was the exception and which was the norm.


I think New'n' Tasty is probably the best Oddworld out there though.

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3 hours ago, MStalker58 said:

I've heard good things about New 'n' Tasty and am looking forward to playing it.


I liked it.  There are a couple difficult trophies, but nothing too terrible.  Thankfully, the speedrun one is done on a chapter by chapter basis (it takes your best time from each chapter and adds them up).  So if you're too slow or mess up, you can just redo the necessary chapters.  It would be a much bigger pain if it were a continuous speedrun through the whole game.

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Bad news guys, I can't get my copy of The Crew to work so I can't play it as my 8th game. So I have 2 solutions:

- I just abandon game 8 and go back to play the other games of the event or

- I replace The Crew with another game


I've decided to go for the 2nd option and so I will play Super Toy Cars as my 8th game, I'm downloading it right now, it's not that big so that shouldn't take long.


@Hemiak Could you please change my 8th game from 'The Crew' to 'Super Toy Cars' in your opening post? Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!

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So I'll be firing up Life is Strange in about 10 hours and was looking for some guidance from those who have previously played it. Looks like most of the trophies are for taking photos.  Is it rather obvious where these photos should be taken? I wasn't planning to follow a guide or walkthrough, but I don't want to have to replay an entire game just to do a collectible photo run. 

My aim was to go in blind as this is a new type of genre for me and I know next to nothing about the story.  I feel using a guide might spoil some of the things the game has to offer, but I also don't want to replay a 20-hour game just to shoot a photo here and there.

suggestions? Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!!


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