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New Year's Resolutions

Carrie Kitteh

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Everyone knows new years resolutions can be a bit rubbish and unsuccessful. I mean, how many people vow to go to the gym 3 times a week and by february their membership card lays untouched? Or they're just overly general like 'be a better person' making them impossible to stick to. However I do think it can be a good thing to reflect on the previous year and look for areas of improvement.

So, does anybody have any resolutions this year?

I'll start:

  • Make a new friend.
  • Read at least one new book every month.
  • Learn some new recipes and cook them for friends.
  • Finish off all the half-complete pieces of artwork littering my room...

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I don't make New Year resolutions. I don't know why; maybe it's just a need to go against the grain. If I want to make a change in my life, I do it... I don't feel the need to wait until the new year begins to do so. For example: Last year, after roughly 20 years, I quit smoking.

This should be a fun thread to read though, haha. Thanks for posting :D

Edited by bmj14772
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If I want to make a change in my life, I do it... I don't feel the need to wait until the new year begins to do so. For example: Last year, after roughly 20 years, I quit smoking.

I do agree, I think the massive life changes need to be done at the right point in your life with the right planning, like quitting smoking, and what difference does it make if its the first of January or the first of July? for example I do need to find a job, pass all my exams, be more healthy etc. but either those things will happen, or they won't. That's why mine are kind of little ones, things I know I can stick to that'll enrich my life a little :)

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1. Make some new decent friends (I have bad luck making and keeping friends, don't know what it is. Oh wait, must be me?) possibly people that genuinely like what I like etc. Would be nice to meet people who enjoy games, Walking Dead and obsess over trophies and the like. Maybe one day...

2. Get more of a social life. Started Uni end of last year so shouldn't be that hard, going to start going out more with friends and say yes more when they ask instead of living under my rock.

3. Keep up the healthy eating! Although Christmas and New Year has tipped me off that track a little...

4. Lastly, do well in Uni and finish work BEFORE games, movies or any other type of social time! :)

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my new year's resolution? :hmm:

I'm not sure what my new year's resolutions are.Though I have some in to-do list :hmm:

  • Finish my illustration project
  • Make acoustic songs
  • beat a certain challenges in my game :P
  • update my music collection :P
  • Cook pizza on my birthday this month xD:P
  • Jam with my dance group & music group
  • Finish my Greek Mythology book.


Edited by NightWing127
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Not to be rude but it cant be that hard to make friends can it? Just change your attitude a bit and im sure youll be golden (this is supposed to be a positive comment)

As for myself.

Complete my pre apprenticeship program.

Start an apprenticeship.

Get a chunk of debt gone

Buy a car

And lose some undesired extra holiday weight

Not really resolutions persay but my goals for this year

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Everyone knows new years resolutions can be a bit rubbish and unsuccessful. I mean, how many people vow to go to the gym 3 times a week and by february their membership card lays untouched? Or they're just overly general like 'be a better person' making them impossible to stick to. However I do think it can be a good thing to reflect on the previous year and look for areas of improvement.

So, does anybody have any resolutions this year?

I'll start:

  • Make a new friend.
  • Read at least one new book every month.
  • Learn some new recipes and cook them for friends.
  • Finish off all the half-complete pieces of artwork littering my room...

Well you could read a Recipe Book, and then cook dinner for your new friend who you invited over to look at your artwork. BOOM, all your resolutions done in one night :pimp:

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I never usually make resolutions but here are a few i've come up with this year, sort of goals i suppose.

1. Keep a diary, just to stay on top of things so I don't miss appointments/ important things i have to do, and so I can see what I've already done and tick it off ^-^

2. Get up earlier each morning - already successful :awesome:

3. Get a decent job - I just graduated Uni, so i'd like to find one asap so i can actually afford to go out of the house without worrying about every single penny i spend

4. Continue with my art works/ be more creative - neglected this for too long

Only if I meet my job goal -

5. Move into new flat/house

6. Learn to drive?

I hope I'm successful in most of these by the end of the year :highfive:

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