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7 minutes ago, duatreve said:

Hello everyone I've been looking at the dispute threads recently anyways I've been seeing a lot of people saying show proof to trophies they earned even tho it happened 8-10years ago I've been thinking about starting a new account and I'm actually really worried about being flagged should i take a picture of every single trophy that pops? and if a glitch happens in a game I'm playing should I post a thread about it sorry just want don't want to ever get flagged also if I create a boosting session here should I take a picture of the gaming session also should I take a picture of the boosting lobby as it happens? Thanks for taking the time to read this


Yes. It's the only safe course of action for proceeding as a trophy hunter. You should also always invite someone from the flagging team to share play watch all of your gaming, although there is no guarantee any of this will guarantee not having a flag in the future. 

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9 minutes ago, duatreve said:

Hello everyone I've been looking at the dispute threads recently anyways I've been seeing a lot of people saying show proof to trophies they earned even tho it happened 8-10years ago I've been thinking about starting a new account and I'm actually really worried about being flagged should i take a picture of every single trophy that pops? and if a glitch happens in a game I'm playing should I post a thread about it sorry just want don't want to ever get flagged also if I create a boosting session here should I take a picture of the gaming session also should I take a picture of the boosting lobby as it happens? Thanks for taking the time to read this

Check this

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32 minutes ago, duatreve said:

Hello everyone I've been looking at the dispute threads recently anyways I've been seeing a lot of people saying show proof to trophies they earned even tho it happened 8-10years ago I've been thinking about starting a new account and I'm actually really worried about being flagged should i take a picture of every single trophy that pops? and if a glitch happens in a game I'm playing should I post a thread about it sorry just want don't want to ever get flagged also if I create a boosting session here should I take a picture of the gaming session also should I take a picture of the boosting lobby as it happens? Thanks for taking the time to read this


Could you point out some examples?

Edited by MMDE
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3 hours ago, MMDE said:


Like, if they had stuff that shows that their PS3 broke and they got it repaired around the time they played the game and they got the trophies when they got back the PS3, I think there's room for lifting the flag. :o 


Uh....that's not true....I can't believe I'm going to use this guy as an example since I can't stand him personally....buuuut, there was one case on the dispute threads where the guy presented a scanned copy of his receipt for his console repair. That still held no merrit since nothing was stated in the receipt where the save data was extracted and given back to him on a usb or whatever. 


I personally didn't buy the story. How would a repair place get the save data off the ps3 but not fix the ylod? I call bs

 Anyways, that's a prime example where a repair bill doesn't mean anything. 


I don't see how any of this has blown up as big as it has. I saw a YouTube video of some guy using a save file to pop all the trophies instantly on Prince of Persia 08 even before I cared about trophies. The first thought that came to my mind was, "that's some cheating ass shit right there." If you don't have 1/2 a brain, or any moral compass, to know using a save file to auto pop trophies, your file or anyone elses, then you deserve a big red flag on your profile.


It's not that difficult people.

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1 hour ago, duatreve said:

you mean of the disputes themselves? if so sure. Or are you talking about glitched trophies?


I was thinking about the dispute threads.

58 minutes ago, Phil said:


Uh....that's not true....I can't believe I'm going to use this guy as an example since I can't stand him personally....buuuut, there was one case on the dispute threads where the guy presented a scanned copy of his receipt for his console repair. That still held no merrit since nothing was stated in the receipt where the save data was extracted and given back to him on a usb or whatever. 


I personally didn't buy the story. How would a repair place get the save data off the ps3 but not fix the ylod? I call bs

 Anyways, that's a prime example where a repair bill doesn't mean anything. 


I don't see how any of this has blown up as big as it has. I saw a YouTube video of some guy using a save file to pop all the trophies instantly on Prince of Persia 08 even before I cared about trophies. The first thought that came to my mind was, "that's some cheating ass shit right there." If you don't have 1/2 a brain, or any moral compass, to know using a save file to auto pop trophies, your file or anyone elses, then you deserve a big red flag on your profile.


It's not that difficult people.


This is why I ask about the date. They did they work on that game right before the date of the receipt, any writing about what the issue was, did they pop it right after when they supposedly got the console back? etc :P You can also tell by the dates if they synched after that or not. Did they earn any trophies while they didn't have a PS3. ;p Was it all the last trophies? etc etc

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9 hours ago, MMDE said:

What sites were these? And why should we care?

Sites included random blogs, various youtube trophy guides, and gamefaqs. You should care because there were not clearly defined rules against this type of trophy earning at the time and those who used these saves to get their trophies would not and could not know that they were breaking future rules.


3 hours ago, starcrunch061 said:

I actually do care because I don't believe it. Save files were taboo on ps3t.org (now just pst.org) long ago; you could be warned, and ultimately banned, merely for discussing them. Further, unless I am horribly mistaken, using external save files went against the TOS for Sony back in the day (with the advent of external hd, I don't know what the current policy is).

I don't know what the past TOS might have been, but the current US TOS only forbids modifying save files. For the save files that are not copy-protected/user-locked, you may upload and download these as you wish if my understanding is correct. I'd move to allow these save files to be used and not be flagged like cross-save is allowed, but that'd open a whole new can of worms.

Edited by kuuhaku
fixing autocorrects
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1 minute ago, MMDE said:


... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


Gotcha? Would it be gotcha if I said what would be required up front? :S


They said they were skeptical about what I suggested, because they didn't think it would be good enough evidence. I said what I wanted to see to be more convinced of the story. Was this really that hard to understand?

I guess you would asking for prove and prove and prove till user couldn't show more proves, and then, Gotcha moment achieved.

I think this is what he means. And I think it too.

I consider many users are taking this too far. Search for hackers it's ok, but the methods are not fair in many cases. I understand everyone wants a clean leaderboard, but this is becoming a witch hunt.

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I posted this in the "Suggestions for Flag System" by damon, but I'll reiterate it here since this seems to be more popular a thread.


I'm fully aware this might not work for every game -- or every person's situation -- but should help some people since many claim they backed up without syncing (perhaps this already exists but I've never seen it).


Allow everyone the opportunity to send their save to grimydawg to review it.  Everyone's should be unique, right???  For games that keep scores, times, tracks various data, this will help some innocent people.  It should be obvious too if they tried to build upon the original save, like that Ninja Gaiden thread that was opened recently.  

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3 minutes ago, kuuhaku said:

Sites included random blogs, various youtube trophy guide, and gamefaqs. You should care because there were not clearly defined rules against this type of trophy earning at the time and those who used these saves to get their trophies would not and could not know that they were breaking future rules.


I don't know what the past TOS might have been, but the current US TOS only forbids modifying save files. For the save files that are not copy-protected/user-locked, you may upload and download these as you wish if my understanding is correct. I'd move to allow these save files to be used and not be flagged like cross-save is allowed, but that'd open a whole new can of worms.


Ah, yes, various youtube videos and gamefaqs... Thanks for telling me about the sites, but I don't see how that makes any difference. Of course you should know better.


With the Sony TOS being against it, it's not okay regardless. Even the unencrypted saves still need tampering to work, tampering as in including your own user data alongside the payload etc.


Sony has a system where they allow sharing of save files, but if you use someone else's save file, the trophies will be disabled.

22 minutes ago, faryneitor said:

I guess you would asking for prove and prove and prove till user couldn't show more proves, and then, Gotcha moment achieved.

I think this is what he means. And I think it too.

I consider many users are taking this too far. Search for hackers it's ok, but the methods are not fair in many cases. I understand everyone wants a clean leaderboard, but this is becoming a witch hunt.




I was the one who brought up this:


4 hours ago, MMDE said:


Like, if they had stuff that shows that their PS3 broke and they got it repaired around the time they played the game and they got the trophies when they got back the PS3, I think there's room for lifting the flag. :o 


The case has already been settled, but here I was trying to help them maybe get it lifted. This was first met by a reply that someone thought what I asked for still wasn't enough. And I tried to be more specific in a defense of my stance of trying to get this flag maybe lifted.



24 minutes ago, B1rvine said:

I posted this in the "Suggestions for Flag System" by damon, but I'll reiterate it here since this seems to be more popular a thread.


I'm fully aware this might not work for every game -- or every person's situation -- but should help some people since many claim they backed up without syncing (perhaps this already exists but I've never seen it).


Allow everyone the opportunity to send their save to grimydawg to review it.  Everyone's should be unique, right???  For games that keep scores, times, tracks various data, this will help some innocent people.  It should be obvious too if they tried to build upon the original save, like that Ninja Gaiden thread that was opened recently.  


Wouldn't help much if they edit the saves...

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1 hour ago, duatreve said:

Hello everyone I've been looking at the dispute threads recently anyways I've been seeing a lot of people saying show proof to trophies they earned even tho it happened 8-10years ago I've been thinking about starting a new account and I'm actually really worried about being flagged should i take a picture of every single trophy that pops? and if a glitch happens in a game I'm playing should I post a thread about it sorry just want don't want to ever get flagged also if I create a boosting session here should I take a picture of the gaming session also should I take a picture of the boosting lobby as it happens?


If you're that worried, sure. But, a better policy might instead be just to avoid save files, glitched lobbies, and the like (as if you didn't already know).


1 hour ago, duatreve said:

Thanks for taking the time to read this

You're welcome!

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Do we know what we're exactly asking now? Receipts? 

I'm the son of an accountant and even I wouldn't save a receipt from that long ago!


This is not a thread, this is a circus.


@Parker @Stevieboy I have always had a lot of respect for you, so I take your words seriously. And I know you can't admit publicly that the mods are overworked because that would look badly on @Sly Ripper

But please look at what's going on.

I don't personally believe in safe spaces at all, and I'm not asking that. I'm asking you to understand that this is not healthy for a forum.

I'm requesting this thread to be locked.


It's just going around in circles with the end result always being

you can't be 100% positive if a trophy is hacked or not. 

(betting all your own trophies on it *positive*). 


And worse If sly really wanted input and data then my thread a few days ago regardless of how ridiculous one of the questions were, it was still at least gauging how the community felt about the current system. And it wouldn't have been locked immediately by sly and then again myself out of respect. So I don't understand how this has survived so long. 


This is just bringing drama and traffic to the site in a negative manner with it constantly popping up on the front page. 

This never would have been up for so long 2 years ago, so what's changed. What's changed @Sly Ripper, what's changed. 


Personally if It was I, I would converse with the developers of the other leaderboard sites as the owner of psnprofiles. Converse with them about what they've experienced, what they did, and adopt a universal system that worked for them. 


Again I'm requesting this thread to be locked as it is no longer serving its true purpose. 

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52 minutes ago, faryneitor said:

this is becoming a witch hunt.


Nah. People are taking it more seriously, sure, but a witch hunt? That would suggest something more sinister, and that's just not the case.

3 minutes ago, Dav9834 said:


you can't be 100% positive if a trophy is hacked or not. 

(betting all your own trophies on it *positive*). 


Sorry, but I had to delete all of the pther drama here.


is this the metric upon which you insist? Because literally no other trial has this requirement. The strongest (in America) is "beyond all reasonable doubt" (emphasis on the word "reasonable"). In civil court, the metric is the balance of the evidence itself. 


 Certainly, the latter condition has been satisfied. The former? I can only comment on the threads I've read, but in each and every one, that metric has ALSO been met.


Again, the problem is that people seem to think that the mere existence of a hypothetical immediately ends any debate.

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1 hour ago, Phil said:


Uh....that's not true....I can't believe I'm going to use this guy as an example since I can't stand him personally....buuuut, there was one case on the dispute threads where the guy presented a scanned copy of his receipt for his console repair. That still held no merrit since nothing was stated in the receipt where the save data was extracted and given back to him on a usb or whatever. 


I personally didn't buy the story. How would a repair place get the save data off the ps3 but not fix the ylod? I call bs

 Anyways, that's a prime example where a repair bill doesn't mean anything. 


I don't see how any of this has blown up as big as it has. I saw a YouTube video of some guy using a save file to pop all the trophies instantly on Prince of Persia 08 even before I cared about trophies. The first thought that came to my mind was, "that's some cheating ass shit right there." If you don't have 1/2 a brain, or any moral compass, to know using a save file to auto pop trophies, your file or anyone elses, then you deserve a big red flag on your profile.


It's not that difficult people.


It's just that simple. But internet forums are internet forums, and we need to talk to death the dumbest, most inconceivable possibilities, and then clutch our pearls at the very idea that anyone would hypothetically require them. Won't someone PLEASE think of the children?!?

Edited by starcrunch061
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Perhaps someone could summarize the ideas put forth so far in an unbiased manner?...I'm getting really confused so perhaps that might help some of us...I'm happy to do it but will take 24 hours or so as I'm currently working on something else...it might also help to split up the categories in "site rules", "dispute suggestions", and "general site discontent"...then we could continue from there? Or at least see where we're at?...

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It got off track pretty quickly. It's originally about why enforced rules aren't clearly laid out in a single place that's accessible everywhere (not just the forum). There's at least two open topics, one reopened by me and the other by kuuhaku, where I think discussion about how to fix the dispute system can be addressed.




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I would like to chime in here. I would like to say that if I played Black Ops II for the first time, and the lobby I end up in accidentally ends up popping my whole list or perhaps big leagues or such, that I should be able to get a pass on it. I always believe games with hacked lobbies that you can accidentally stumble into so easily should all be exempt. Black Ops II should easily be white listed because of Such things. I remember someone joining a lobby in Modern Warfare 2 and it popped all their trophies at once. It marked him as a hacker and he wasn't allowed to come back into the official leaderboard. You guys should really white list all games like CoD that are well known for popping trophies just by joining an online lobby. It isn't fair or right that that someone who stumbled upon a hacked lobby and it pops all their trophies in the game.

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13 hours ago, MMDE said:


Do you have any e-mails etc about your PS3 getting repaired or something? Anything you can show to verify this?


Yes, I have! BUT is it allowed on this site to ask people to post in public their name, adress, birth date, credit card number and some more to you because you need more proof? Did @Sly Ripper  @Parker @Stevieboy know that you asked people to do that? Even if I had the chance to post it in private. I would ONLY trust Sony and give them all my private data so this site needs a varify way without telling me that I have to offer all my private stuff to a person I don't know in real life and  who don't verify to me that this acting and proofing is a save one to me! In the terms of the PSN it is not allowed to ask people to post their private data like name, adress, birth date and credit card numbers, you know that? Safety FIRST! Please!


13 hours ago, DaivRules said:


If there were emails, a printed statement showing serial numbers of consoles repairs and a legal signed affidavit from a deposed repairman, would that overturn a flag? There is no need for you to respond to the question. Just as there is no need for you to ask your question. It wouldn't overturn a flag and everyone here knows it. 


Right you are! I already contacted @Sly Ripper and on this site BOTH is not allowed. There is no way to 100% proof that you use your own save but even if you proof like I already does in my german forum, on this site is both forbidden and you'll gettin flagged for that!


13 hours ago, MMDE said:


Like, if they had stuff that shows that their PS3 broke and they got it repaired around the time they played the game and they got the trophies when they got back the PS3, I think there's room for lifting the flag. :o 


No, there is no room! That is the reason why I asked not for unflagging but for a think over if there is another way for penalty then hiding games if for example only ONE game is flagged for using the OWN save!


9 hours ago, faryneitor said:

I guess you would asking for prove and prove and prove till user couldn't show more proves, and then, Gotcha moment achieved.

I think this is what he means. And I think it too.

I consider many users are taking this too far. Search for hackers it's ok, but the methods are not fair in many cases. I understand everyone wants a clean leaderboard, but this is becoming a witch hunt.


    Sadly, but it feels the same to me. This site or some user on this site are not interesting in to bring up a fair system to all people who comes up here or like to use this site! People stands right here, in public and telling about their problems with the site rules or flagging thing on this site and this should always be respectful handled in my opinion. :)

    We don't need judges! We need a better way of handling it!


    In my case, I don't come over here for asking to unflagging or change the site rules or something else. I come her for asking to USE this site in future too cause I really like this site!!! I wanna stay here! ^_^ If I hide a single game, all trophy sites out there will be removing me trom their 100% leaderboards and that is important to me cause I am a 100% Completist player. I am not allowed to hide a single game! I can accept  the rules over here even if I don't do nothing wrong in the past and I can proof that but I wish for another way of penalty then hiding a game. Hiding a game means that I have to decide: Removed on this site or removed on all the other site for doing nothing wrong. This isn't fair in my opinion!


Edited by Dini_at_home_400
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8 minutes ago, Dini_at_home_400 said:

Yes, I have! BUT is it allowed on this site to ask people to post in public their name, adress, birth date, credit card number and some more to you because you need more proof? Did @Sly Ripper  @Parker @Stevieboy know that you asked people to do that?


Well he didn't ask you for any of that at all. He only asked for proof that you had a PS3 repaired around February 2010.


If the proof contains personal information, you can edit that out.

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9 minutes ago, Shadiochao said:


Well he didn't ask you for any of that at all. He only asked for proof that you had a PS3 repaired around February 2010.


If the proof contains personal information, you can edit that out.


This isn't true! I just watched at the E-Mail. If I edit all that out there is no real proof that this is my email, my PS 3. I could just print something which is not my own and to be clear! I have this E-Mail but it won't change anything for flagging someone on this site so WHY people ask for that proof on this site??? To be clear: Using your OWN safe even if your PS 3 was broken and you can proof that you can't synch your trophies before, will you get flagged cause this is forbidden on this site!

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Just now, Dini_at_home_400 said:


This isn't true! I just watched at the E-Mail. If I edit all that out there is no real proof that this is my email, my PS 3 I could just print something which is not my own and to be clear! I have this E-Mail but it won't change anything for flagging someone so WHY people ask for that proof on this site???


Even if you left in all the personal information, that's still no proof it's actually yours. So that can all be safely removed.


I think the main thing he wanted to see was some sort of confirmation of a repair from January/February 2010, which is so specific that it won't be easy to just find on the internet.

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12 minutes ago, Shadiochao said:


Even if you left in all the personal information, that's still no proof it's actually yours. So that can all be safely removed.


I think the main thing he wanted to see was some sort of confirmation of a repair from January/February 2010, which is so specific that it won't be easy to just find on the internet.

Yes, and why? Why should I present my name and some more to other people over here? To proof I'm not cheating? AH, no, there is NO proof! Then why? All people seems to be guilty to come up here and have to proof and to proof and to proof and in the end....there is no 100% proof and all people are cheaters?


I'm a teammember on an german trophy site community. Do you think other trophy sites don't proof their teammembers very well? Is it possible to be a teammember over here with 'flagged' games? This is senseless as the rules are like they are. I'm doing nothing wrong and for the flag I can't use this site anymore cause I'm not allowed to hide a game. This makes me sad and I would love the see another solution then this.





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1 minute ago, Dini_at_home_400 said:

Yes, and why? Why should I present my name and some more to other people over here? To proof I'm not cheating? AH, no, there is NO proof! Then why? All people seems to be guilty to come up here and have to proof and to proof and to proof and in the end....there is no 100% proof and all people are cheaters?


I don't know if it'll help, it's just that he asked for proof and you said you'd only give it to Sony because of the personal information on it. You don't need to post your personal information along with it like you originally thought, so I don't think it'd hurt to edit that out and post the rest here.


You don't have to do it and it might not change anything anyway, I was just pointing out that you certainly weren't asked for your credit card information or anything of the sort.

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