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The 13 Plats of Halloween

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19 hours ago, Uchiha_Snake__ said:

Too bad there's no other RE games like those, still I believe you could enjoy both Revelations too if you decide to play them someday 1f62c.png


If the Halloween sale has it discounted, then I may buy Resident Evil: Code Veronica X for the PS4 :P 


17 hours ago, Toogie53 said:

If you want my two cents let me know. If I were to do it again, my approach, as compared to the what's in the guide, would be one playthrough shorter and I think easier. 


Yes please! :) I want to try and make the next few games as short as possible as I won't get them done otherwise so any help is appreciated!


13 minutes ago, RVMcypress_grave said:

@RizzleAbbey12 You weren't kidding about it being tough. I just started trying and I'm not sure what is killing me more, the button lag on long jumps or the glitches. I had to restart the second chapter because I became stuck inside a box. I'm just glad there are checkpoints for the 2 sections although it doesn't help much when you have to listen to the rat guy talk for 3 hours every time you retry. ugh


I know right -_- I still couldn't do it even with the checkpoints between the Acts as I just got so frustrated with it. I'll try it again one day but it's still raw haha :P 

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1 hour ago, RizzleAbbey12 said:

Yes please! :) I want to try and make the next few games as short as possible as I won't get them done otherwise so any help is appreciated!


Ok. Start on easiest difficulty first. On that playthrough, find all collectibles and kill at least 10 humans. I’d recommend a collectibles guide and getting them along the way. Cleaning up in chapter select afterwards took me just as long as playing the main game as most well-hidden ones were at the end of each chapter. For just mission 4, make sure not to be grabbed by a synth (android) for a trophy. If you do get grabbed, reload your current save and try again.  Save points are frequent so you won’t have to go back far. The synths are easy to avoid like the zombies in Resident Evil. After mission 4, find an opportunity to kill a synth with just the maintenance jack. Don't use any items on it, even non-damaging things like a smoke bomb. You need to hit the synth a couple of times, run away, and hide until it stops looking for you. Repeat that until dead (about 8 hits). The synths won't go into vents; so the best set up is a single synth near to a vent. There's a trophy for a no death playthrough. When you die, you get taken to a screen to "Load Current Save" or "Load Previous Save" When you die, it adds a death count to your current save. However, your previous save will still be at zero. Since you can choose to reload the previous save, do that. If you pause it when you know you're screwed and reload the current save before the screen fades to black, you will lose even less time. You shouldn’t die enough to get frustrated with going back a save each time because of the easy(ish) difficulty setting. A lot of trophies are directly tied to the story like “Complete Mission 1.” Others are indirectly story related such as the trophy for hacking 10 things. I think you’ll have to hack at least 20 things before the end of the game. You should finish up this playthrough needing just three trophies. As a general tip: use items a lot and play around with them and see how they work. Supplies are common and you’ll be maxed out a lot anyway.


Now you need to play the whole game on hard. There's a nightmare difficulty that was added later, but it's not necessary for platinum or even 100%. Just do hard. On hard the alien is around a lot more frequently. You take more damage than normal, making stealth the best option as you'll avoid all damage if you go undetected. You should be familiar with the game and all those collectibles that make you take extra risks are already out of the way. You can focus on simply getting through the game. Your main concern is not killing any humans this time. As mentioned, going stealth is the better option anyway. The exception is one of the earliest sections (right after picking up the hack tool). I felt it was one of the most difficult in the game because it is so early and you don't have those tools you use to distract to assist with stealth. Just be prepared for that small difficulty spike and know it gets easier. As a note, you can hurt humans, just not kill them. You can also cause them to be killed by doing things like attracting the alien to them, just don’t do the killing blow yourself. If you get killed on this playthrough, just let it ride because you’ll be rewarded for sucking with the trophy for getting killed by the alien 100 times. If you beat the game without dying 100 times to the alien (very likely) you can just load up a chapter late in the game and make a lot of noise so the alien comes for you right away. 


On that hard part I mentioned, go up the stairs to the right and quickly get to the far side of the room. Three people will be walking away from you and one guy will be walking towards you. Hide near the door to the room with white couches and watch the lone guy. Keep out of his sight and wait until he turns around. When he does sneak up and bash him once with the maintenance jack. Then sprint forwards to the door directly ahead of you. He'll be busy recovering from the stagger and the other people should be too far away to hurt you. When the door opens, you'll see a stairwell. They will chase you but once you've gone down the stairway you'll be ok. The woman chasing you will refuse to go down the stairs and call the others off. 

Edited by Toogie53
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16 minutes ago, Toogie53 said:


Ok. Start on easiest difficulty first. On that playthrough, find all collectibles and kill at least 10 humans. I’d recommend a collectibles guide and getting them along the way. Cleaning up in chapter select afterwards took me just as long as playing the main game as most well-hidden ones were at the end of each chapter. For just mission 4, make sure not to be grabbed by a synth (android) for a trophy. If you do get grabbed, reload your current save and try again.  Save points are frequent so you won’t have to go back far. The synths are easy to avoid like the zombies in Resident Evil. After mission 4, find an opportunity to kill a synth with just the maintenance jack. don't use any items on them, even non-damaging things like a smoke bomb. You need to hit the synth a couple of times, run away, and hide until it stops looking for you. Repeat that until dead (about 8 hits). There's a trophy for no deaths. When you die, you get taken to a screen to "Load Current Save" or "Load Previous Save" When you die, it adds a death count to your current save. However, your previous save will still be at zero. Since you can choose to reload the previous save, do that. If you pause it when you know you're screwed and reload the current save before the screen fades to black, you will lose even less time. You shouldn’t die enough to get frustrated with going back a save each time because of the easy(ish) difficulty setting. As a general tip: Use items a lot and play around with them and see how they work. Supplies are common and you’ll be maxed out a lot anyway. A lot of trophies are directly tied to the story like “Complete Mission 1.” Others are indirectly story related such as the trophy for hacking 10 things. I think you’ll hack at least 20 things before the end of the game. You should finish up this playthrough needing just three trophies.


Now you need to play the whole game on hard. There's a nightmare difficulty that was added later, but it's not necessary for platinum or even 100% so just do hard. You should be familiar with the game and all those miscellaneous tasks that make you take extra risks are done. You can focus on simply getting through the game. You're main concern is not killing any humans this time. On hard mode, going stealth is usually the better option to deal with humans anyway. The exception is one of the earliest sections (right after picking up the hack tool). I felt it was one of the most difficult in the game because it is so early in the game you don't have those tools you use to distract to assist with stealth. Just be prepared for that small difficulty spike and know it gets easier. As a note, you can hurt humans, just not kill them. You can also cause them to be killed by doing things like attracting the alien to them, just don’t do the killing blow yourself. If you get killed on this playthrough, just let it ride because you’ll be rewarded for sucking with the trophy for getting killed by the alien 100 times. If you beat the game without dying 100 times to the alien (very likely) you can just load up a chapter late in the game and make a lot of noise so the alien comes for you right away. 


Thank you for the tips! :D I think I'll start on Hard first just so I can get that one out of the way and have a good scare :P, and then do an easy playthrough to do the collectables and kills/deaths! Wish me luck, I'm starting now! :) 

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On 10/5/2017 at 8:51 AM, RizzleAbbey12 said:


Thank you for the tips! :D I think I'll start on Hard first just so I can get that one out of the way and have a good scare :P, and then do an easy playthrough to do the collectables and kills/deaths! Wish me luck, I'm starting now! :) 

Oh yeah, that will totally work. It's probably better as it will be a blind playthrough and you'll keep all the excitement in tact. Just avoid killing humans on that hard playthrough. You need one playthrough for killing them and one for not. I'd be sure to grind out the remaining deaths by alien before starting the easy playthrough. If you do this, you'll still complete it in just two playthroughs. Also, I edited my previous post to give a walkthrough of that section I struggled with. I just wanted to point your eyeballs back to that. 

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18 minutes ago, ImplyingYouCare said:


I'm at about the same point in Revelations. I'd love to partner up for raid mode sometime if you want. 


Awesome! What time do you usually play? I'm a little busy tonight, but I have tomorrow and Saturday completely free.


I just reached level 18 on Raid mode, with 9/60 S ranks earned. I'm assuming you need to finish all of the stages to unlock the harder difficulties?

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16 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:


Awesome! What time do you usually play? I'm a little busy tonight, but I have tomorrow and Saturday completely free.


I just reached level 18 on Raid mode, with 9/60 S ranks earned. I'm assuming you need to finish all of the stages to unlock the harder difficulties?

Yes, after completing the 20 stages in one difficult you will unlock the enxt one, and once you compelte every stage in Abyss you will unlock the Ghost Ship stage

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1 hour ago, Cassylvania said:


Awesome! What time do you usually play? I'm a little busy tonight, but I have tomorrow and Saturday completely free.


I just reached level 18 on Raid mode, with 9/60 S ranks earned. I'm assuming you need to finish all of the stages to unlock the harder difficulties?


I'm free all day tomorrow, so we can start then if you want. I'll go ahead and send a friend request.

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Hey guys! I decided to do a Friday update. I like it when @cassylvania does them. Feel free to post yours!


I've definitely not accomplished what I predicted this week. For the past three days, I haven't really found any time for gaming. I've either been too tired or too busy. I'm probably going to have to work late today because my boss is out of town and his responsibilities are my responsibilities temporarily. Saturday is my daughter's birthday party; so that day is going to be busy as well. I'm in chapter 3 of 15 on my first playthrough of The Evil Within. I'm in chapter 5 of 12 on my final playthrough of The Last of Us. I still have lots of multiplayer left to do on TLOU. I was hoping to plat TLOU this weekend; but didn't take into account a busy schedule. I usually have very little going on. If I manage to finish the single player campaign TLOU this weekend, I'll be happy. 

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29 minutes ago, Toogie53 said:

Hey guys! I decided to do a Friday update. I like it when @cassylvania does them. Feel free to post yours!


Okay! (Not so) random Friday update! Not much new to report on, since I literally just made a post two days ago, but I did manage to finish Claire. @ImplyingYouCare and I are working through Raid mode on RER. I figure I'm maybe...a quarter of the way through it? I mean, level-wise, I'm halfway. I'm a third of the way there with the bonuses, and about the same with the S ranks. So, yeah, the math definitely works.


As for the remaining games, I'm considering RER2. I don't know if I really want a third RE game, though, and I am trying to get a variety of genres into this event (even if they all share a common theme). So far, no two games have really been alike, and that includes both RE games. I haven't ruled out The Evil Within, but I may have already had my share of difficult games. Any word on when the Halloween sale is happening? That will ultimately decide my list.

  1. The Escapists: The Walking Dead (23/25)
  2. Metro: Last Light Redux (48/50)
  3. South Park: The Stick of Truth (49/51)
  4. Batman: Arkham Knight (102/110)
  5. The Deadly Tower of Monsters (22/24)
  6. Dead Synchronicity (23/25)
  7. Resident Evil (43/45)
  8. Resident Evil Revelations (30/56)
  9. Claire (14/16)
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Here's my Friday update! :P 

I've had quite a productive week this week in terms of game progress! :). I've managed to get Resident Evil 0 finished and that is now ready to pop and I have also started Alien: Isolation! I've been sat playing it and I've literally screamed when the Alien has grabbed me but that then makes my dog bark so she's looking after me haha! :D Man, that Alien would give a ninja a run for it's money! I'd say that I'm doing well in it so far as I'm on Mission 5 and doing my No Death/ Survivor and No Kill playthrough and I suppose I'm just asking for trouble but I wanted a challenge :). My goal is to get it done by next Friday at the latest which I think is doable.


Here's my stats for you,


Resident Evil - READY TO PLAT

Resident Evil 0 - READY TO PLAT

Alien: Isolation - 14%

Kona - WTS

The Escapists - WTS

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 Friday update! 


I couldn't go to work because of the weather, so I started playing really early today, I'm 4 trophies away of getting the plat for Puppeteer but 3 of those are for play with a 2nd controller so it will take a while since I have no one to play with right now, I downloaded The Wolf Among Us and I will plat it this weekend too (it was about time to pick one easy plat), so @Toogie53 you can add itto my list right now... or wait til I finished is the same ?


Also I managed to clear far Cry 3 from my backlog (it has been on my profile almost for a year) and I wanted to know what you guys think about adding to my list, because in spite of being one FPS game, the whole game is about you and your friends getting kidnaped by a crazy lunatic while you were on vacations... in an island in the middle of the sea, also you will find out there's som weird black magic or arcana stuff happening in the island. Idk it sounds like a horror movie for me ?

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3 hours ago, Uchiha_Snake__ said:

 Friday update! 


I couldn't go to work because of the weather, so I started playing really early today, I'm 4 trophies away of getting the plat for Puppeteer but 3 of those are for play with a 2nd controller so it will take a while since I have no one to play with right now, I downloaded The Wolf Among Us and I will plat it this weekend too (it was about time to pick one easy plat), so @Toogie53 you can add itto my list right now... or wait til I finished is the same 1f602.png


Also I managed to clear far Cry 3 from my backlog (it has been on my profile almost for a year) and I wanted to know what you guys think about adding to my list, because in spite of being one FPS game, the whole game is about you and your friends getting kidnaped by a crazy lunatic while you were on vacations... in an island in the middle of the sea, also you will find out there's som weird black magic or arcana stuff happening in the island. Idk it sounds like a horror movie for me 1f602.png


I don't know anything about that game which is also part of why I decided that everyone can choose for themselves what goes on their personal game list. If you say Far Cry = scary and scary = Halloween then I can get behind the idea that Far Cry = Halloween for you, regardless of whether or not I think it is a Halloween game for me. That was basically my logic for my Alien Isolation pick. Not much in that game reminds me of Halloween except for the feelings it inspires. Sneaking down a dark hallway hoping an alien doesn't jump out at you is very similar to sneaking down a dark hallway hoping a zombie doesn't jump out at you in Resident Evil.


A good example of picks that I wouldn't make is the Batman games. I didn't even consider them for my own list. There just wasn't any tie to Halloween in those for me. They feel more associated to summer for me because of all the summer blockbuster movies. I can't remember who, but someone explained that they dressed as Batman for many Halloweens. I think that is a great connection and that it totally makes sense for them to put Batman on their list.

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1 hour ago, Toogie53 said:

A good example of picks that I wouldn't make is the Batman games. I didn't even consider them for my own list. There just wasn't any tie to Halloween in those for me. They feel more associated to summer for me because of all the summer blockbuster movies. I can't remember who, but someone explained that they dressed as Batman for many Halloweens. I think that is a great connection and that it totally makes sense for them to put Batman on their list.


Batman (the character) is not very related to Halloween for me, but the villians he fought mostly are, my very favorite is Scarecrow, he is such a villian in both comics and the Arkhan series of videogames, he honours his own name btw.. ?


Also last year it was nearly imposible to go to any Halloweem party (for adults) or any Halloween related event without finding at least one girl dressed as Harley Queen (the Suicide Squad movie version) ???


PS: I will add my recent Far Cry 3 platinum to my list them :D https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/1741-far-cry-3/Uchiha_Snake__


EDIT: Do you guys want URs? cuz I can give you freaking URs :awesome: I just plat Puppeteer i thought the Co-Op trophies will take a lot of time but they were faster than I expect it... https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/2110-puppeteer/Uchiha_Snake__ :yay:

Edited by Uchiha_Snake__
New achievement in the event
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1 hour ago, Uchiha_Snake__ said:


Batman (the character) is not very related to Halloween for me, but the villians he fought mostly are, my very favorite is Scarecrow, he is such a villian in both comics and the Arkhan series of videogames, he honours his own name btw.. 1f631.png


Plus, Arkham Knight takes place on the night of Halloween. And Gotham is a city that's almost always portrayed at night, with (mostly) evil people in costumes running around and causing mischief... Personally, I would've played through the entire Arkham series during this event if I had the time. But what's left of AK and the Telltale game will have to do.


Anyway, looking at the past, the PSN Halloween sale took place on October 19 last year and October 21 in 2015, so I expect we won't be seeing a sale for at least a couple of weeks. That puts me in a bit of a bind. I figure I'll only have time for one, maybe two, of the games they offer...so that still leaves one unknown game to play between now and then. Will it be The Evil Within? Do I really have it in me?


Or will I chicken out and play one of those easy point-and-click games?


Tune in tomorrow -- same Cass time, same Cass channel!

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I was going to wait till the Halloween sale showed up to change my list but I'm going to change 3 of 4 of my remaining games now.

I am working on Dead Space atm and I'm going out to pre-order South Park tomorrow.


1. Claire - done

2. Costume Quest 2 - done

3. Daylight - done

4. Dead Space - in progress

5. Dying Reborn - done  

6. Kholat - done

7. Salt and Sanctuary - done

8. SOMA - done

9. South Park: The Stick of Truth

10. South Park: The Fractured But Whole

11. Telltale The Walking Dead Season 3 - done

12. White Night - done

13. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood


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30 minutes ago, RVMcypress_grave said:

@Uchiha_Snake__ Congrats! I heard The Wolf Among Us was good but I never really looked into it.


I loved The Wolf Among Us. The characters, the lore of its universe, the palpable sense your actions changed how others reacted to you and the events that transpired, all made for a gripping experience. It's also an easy and short platinum, so what's not to love?


Having since played Game of Thrones, I appreciate The Wolf Among Us so much more. Also, made me weary of other Telltale Games.

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It's been a while since I've provided an update. To be fair, I've done little more than gnaw away at Diablo and avoid White Night.


1) South Park: Stick of Truth - done

2) Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

3) Lone Survivor

4) Dying: Reborn - done

5) Goosebumps - done 

6) Amnesia: Collection

7) Murdered: Soul Suspect - done

8) Grim Fandango

9) Salt & Sanctuary

10) Oxenfree - done

11) Dead Synchronicity - done

12) White Night - done

13) 101 Ways to Die - done


Finally mustered up my will power and plowed thru Chapters 3 thru 6 of White Night. It really isn't a bad game. The atmosphere, story, and graphics all compliment each other well. However, I was not a fan of the "combat" and the limited resource of the match while hunting collectibles. Perhaps if the game did not pepper so many books, notes, newspapers, etc to find, it would have been a much better experience. I think fans of old school RE may enjoy this.


Next up was Oxenfree. The first play thru was great. The story was interesting and creepy, the art and music fit the mood well and even though it felt like I was moving slowly around maps, the game somehow maintained a fast clip. The platinum requires 3 playthrus, and this is where things got less rewarding. The game itself is fine to play multiple times due to the decision making thru conversation choices leading to different results, but the dialogue... geez that dialogue.  If teenagers currently speak this way, I am glad to not know one. I recommend the game overall, but prepare to cringe a bit on the subsequent play thrus if trophy hunting.


Finally, finished 101 Ways to Die. I finished all of the labs and their requirements with joy. The only grinding was figuring out the last 40 or so Ways to Die. Very fun puzzle game and a good addition of variety to my event list.


Next up is Amnesia: Collection. I should be able to finish all 13 before Halloween. I think the biggest game left of my list is Salt & Sanctuary, but I have plenty of time.

Edited by blu3st4rdust305
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I didn't really plan to do this as part of my 13, but I got the plat for The Wolf Among Us too. I started it as a game to take a mental break between playing TLOU and The Evil Within. But last night, I woke up in the middle of the night and couldnt fall back asleep. After an hour or two of just laying there, I started playing this and finished the story. I was still mostly awake so I decided I might as well do the clean up for the book of fables too. I'm going to swap it into my list since it fits the event. 

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I played "Emily Wants to Play" the other day and it was pretty bad but surprisingly scary. The final hour was poorly done though which was sad. It came down to a lot of luck whether you could avoid the dolls since they spawned too fast (you have to stay still for one doll and run out of the room for the other. Impossible to do together).

Today I've been playing "Extreme Exorcism" which I got on sale like a month ago. It is a lot of fun and although I hate challenges I plowed through all 50 in the morning without much trouble.

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Given a few problems irl, gaming time got nerfed hard for me. Could I replace Resident Evil 6 with The Wolf Among Us (platted it early Sept).

Need to get back to The Evil Within for Cleanup, plus DLC, and the same with Until Dawn. Really enjoyed my blind playthrough of it!

Then I need to start TLOU and give that some serious hammering it seems it multiplayer, amongst other things.

If I haven't already reported it, Murdered: Soul Suspect has been completed!

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