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Cassylvania's Miserable Little Pile of Platinums


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You've heard of Freaks and Geeks? Now try Creaks and Greaks!


Platinum #343 - Greak: Memories of Azur



In this game you've never heard of, you play as Greak (no, really). Actually, that's not entirely true. You play as Greak, his sister Adara, and his big brother Raydel, once you've unlocked them. The overall story is that you're trying to...I dunno, save the world or something from the Urlag invasion. You gotta reunite with your siblings, find some MacGuffins, and kill a bunch of bosses. There are a few NPCs and bits of lore sprinkled throughout the game, but all of that takes a backseat to the actual gameplay.


At first glance -- and for at least the first hour -- this is going to feel like a standard action/puzzle platformer. Greak has a jump, a double jump, a wall kick, a dodge (which is awkwardly mapped to the triangle button), and a melee attack. That's pretty much all you're going to get for the entire game. You can't jump on enemies to hurt them, but your melee attack does seem to stun them most of the time, so you kinda just stand still or wiggle back and forth (since making contact with enemies usually doesn't hurt you) to kill stuff. It also means sometimes you're going to take cheap shots. I didn't find the combat to be terrible, but the platforming is pretty solid. Puzzles mostly just involve flipping switches or rotating lights.


There's a central hub where you can accept quests, but the game is fairly linear. Early on, you'll find Adara, and that's when the game's main gimmick becomes apparent. (Technically, you get a preview of what's to come in the tutorial, but Adara doesn't officially join your team until you kill the first boss). You see, unlike TrineDonkey Kong Country, or...well, most every platformer ever made, you control both Greak and Adara at the same time. Or, rather, you CAN control both Greak and Adara at the same time. By tapping L2 while the other character is near you, they'll "lock" together and synchronize their movements. By holding R2, they'll move closer to you, even if they aren't "locked" -- but only up to a certain distance away. Tapping L2 again breaks the lock.


Why would you want to synchronize your characters? Well, because this applies to the entire game. If you exit an area with only one character, the other remains in the previous zone. There's no way to teleport a character to you. This means much of the game is either an escort mission or it's going to have to require playing through some sections or zones multiple times.


Why would you not want to synchronize your characters? Well, a lot of puzzles require coordination, such as having one character stand on a switch to open the door for another character. You also have to consider that each sibling has slightly different movement and abilities. Adara, for example, can hover in midair for a brief period of time. Greak can crawl through tight spaces.


If you're thinking it might be awkward to control multiple characters who have different controls, you'd be correct. It's a neat concept, but it gets frustrating. What will often happen is you'll try to make a jump and only the character you're controlling will succeed. Sometimes even fighting enemies or falling off a small ledge will be enough to de-sync the siblings enough that you'll either need to press R2 to bring them closer together or risk one of them missing the next jump.


This, of course, gets further complicated when Raydel joins your team. Raydel has a shield, which comes in great use for blocking lasers, and a grappling hook, which will the bane of your existence. Greak and Adara obviously can't grapple, so you'll  often find yourself using Raydel to reach high places and then having to figure out another way to get Greak and Adara to join him. Raydel's weakness is that he can't swim. Greak can swim, but he can't hold his breath very long. Adara is practically a fish.


Here's the real kicker. Every character can take damage, even if you're not controlling them. Yes, that means the game expects you to use these awkward controls in combat, even during boss fights. FORTUNATELY, you can disable this option, but it's hilarious that it's enabled by default. I can't tell you how many times an enemy spawned and began attacking one of my inactive characters while I was trying to navigate through a dungeon.


But if you're wondering why that option exists...it's because disabling it breaks the game. Why? Because you now have an invulnerable AI companion. Sure, they're stuck in place, but they'll continue to attack if an enemy gets near.


One of the bosses in the game is in a pit. I dropped Greak down there, switched to Adara, and went to make a sandwich while he killed the boss for me.


You might say I'm abusing the system, but this isn't an easy game, even with the help. Every character has their own HP bar, but they all die in only a few hits, and it only takes one death to get a game over. The checkpoint system can also be unforgiving. There are save points, sure, but they're spread out and they don't restore your health. For that, you'll need to use food, which is somewhat uncommon to find. Your inventory space is limited too.


There's also a speedrun trophy (beat the game in under 3 hours) and a trophy for beating the game with five or less saves. I combined the two and didn't have any trouble, but you're definitely going to want to save that for your second playthrough. First run took me around 9 hours. (I didn't even bother to finish. Just started a new game once I got to the final boss.)


I realize that's probably not a raving review, but I liked the game. The graphics are really nice to look at and I was surprised how fluid the animations were. That's always a concern of mine when I see a hand-drawn art style. I'm not going to recommend this game because I think the controls would piss a lot of people off, but if you're like me and can get past that, I think this is worth a play.

Edited by Cassylvania
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Platinum #344 - Xenon Valkyrie+



Ha... haha...




... In other news, I finished the Outer Wilds DLC. My feelings on the game remain. I think I just don't like the time limit aspect. Having to redo the first few minutes of the game over and over -- whether because you die or simply run out of time -- gets tedious fast. If only the game had a secret code that you could enter that made you invincible and a second code that instantly warped you through any section you didn't want to play...

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12 hours ago, JEDI_BROTHERS said:

How do you discover the smaller games you play? 


Besides YouTube? I use this website: https://www.50gameslike.com/


You can type in a game or genre and find similar games. For example, if I type in XCOM and then filter by console (PS4), Othercide is the 11th result. I've already done the 1st result (XCOM), 2nd (Mutant Year Zero), and 4th (Valkyria Chronicles 4). It's not perfect -- you'll often get games that are radically different than the one you're searching for -- but it's a good starting place. Generally, I'm looking for tactical RPGs, farming sims, Metroidvanias, etc.


Sometimes people suggest games for me in this thread.


1 hour ago, Rally-Vincent--- said:

Exactly how I experienced Othercide. Good review. And since it worked, I'll no be waiting for the 13 Sentinels review.


Will probably be less of a wait. November is all about cleaning up my backlog.


And yes, that means every game I can finish. You know the one of which I speak.

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22 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Besides YouTube? I use this website: https://www.50gameslike.com/

I tried that site and typed in Dark Cloud 2, the game I just recently finished on my KYC first run. I didn't realize that Garden Story was a game in the same genre. :)


I'll probably use it to find indie titles that I can finish because I've only got a few AAA blockbusters and those take a while.

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I am not really into AVGN as I've seen trailers of his reviews and his early reviews had him literally crap on every bad game. (I know that the pooping was fake but it was gross none the less.) Still, to have someone make an 8-bit platformer starring him was genius. I did see someone do a longplay of all of the AVGN games and the Tower of Torment and liked it. Glad you enjoyed that title and hope to see more fun reviews coming from you. ^_^

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On 11/4/2022 at 8:34 AM, Cassylvania said:

Will probably be less of a wait. November is all about cleaning up my backlog.

I see Tactics Ogre has entered the room...


I just started it too and even though the graphics are pretty old, I am getting hooked right in and enjoying it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Platinum #347 - CrossCode



It's rare for me to go almost six months without earning a trophy on a game that I'm actively playing. You probably thought this was going to share the same fate as That Which Must Not Be Named. And yet, on the two year anniversary of that fateful day, I finally completed it. So, what was the problem? Was the game too long, too hard, or did I just simply not enjoy myself? Well... Believe it or not, it was a little bit of all of those. Let's discuss.


CrossCode is a futuristic action RPG set in a fictional MMORPG. If that seems a bit fourth wall-breaking, it kinda is. You play as Lea, who awakens in the game with no memory of who she is and being completely unable to speak. You may think the "silent protagonist with amnesia" schtick has been done before, but this may be the first time I've seen it explained away with in-game reasons. Having played through the whole story now, I can assure you that this game does not have a problem with lazy writing. Unfortunately, because this game is so heavily story-driven, I don't want to say much more about the plot. What I will say is that Lea makes friends with other players in the game-within-the-game, and it's their interactions that really drive the story.


So, to avoid Inception-levels of confusion here, let's just separate out CrossCode (the game) from CrossWorlds (the game-within-the-game). In CrossWorlds (the MMO), players can select various classes to be and travel throughout the world, completing quests, forming parties with other players, and raiding dungeons. This might make you think you can change your character or your class, but you cannot, because you are playing CrossCode (the game). You play as Lea and she is a Spheromancer, which means you'll be a Spheromancer the whole time, regardless of the fact that the developers apparently made other classes for the NPCs (who are actually in-game PCs in the game-within-the-game). Are you confused yet? Good. I think that's what the developers intended. The developers of CrossCode, I mean. Not the developers of CrossWorlds, who also play an important role in the story.


Anyway, uh... The game -- the one you are playing -- has ten chapters. Your basic goal is to unlock the four elements and then save the world or something. The four elements are, of course, heat, cold, shock (?!), and wave (?!?!). Each of these is mapped to a separate gamepad button. For example, once you're unlocked heat, you can press Up on the gamepad to infuse Lea with the heat element. This applies heat to all of her attacks. This is necessary for two reasons: (1) attacking enemies that are weak to that element, and (2) solving puzzles that involve that element. Heat and cold are opposites -- so are shock and wave for some reason -- so figuring out which element you should be using at any point in time is often just a matching game.


I guess I should talk about combat first. Lea has a melee attack, ranged attack, dodge, and shield. Each element also has its own skill tree and various stronger attacks you can perform by building up "SP". I'll be honest -- because you can adjust the difficulty sliders without affecting the trophies, I didn't really feel the need to learn the combat system or grind for gear or higher levels. That doesn't mean combat was easy, but I never found myself getting overly frustrated. There are some battles that you're scripted to lose or that losing still allows you to continue the story.


The problem with the combat system is Overload. If Lea attacks too much while being infused with any element, she'll go into Overload, which prevents her from using any elemental attacks for several seconds. Your options are to allow this to happen and wait, or stop attacking and...wait. This makes some battles take significantly longer than they should. You're often only given a small window to attack your opponent, so it's not uncommon to use an elemental attack to weaken an enemy or break their shield, only to go into Overload and have to rely on weaker neutral attacks while you wait for your abilities to return.


Puzzles are also a big part of gameplay. I'd say they're very Zelda-like, with most dungeons introducing a new gimmick and then gradually increasing in complexity. They usually involve using your elements in some way. For example, you can freeze bubbles with your cold attacks, but you can also turn them into steam with your heat attacks. You're generally just trying to move blocks or flip switches so that you can advance further into the dungeon. Fortunately, I think most puzzles are confined to a single room, so they're not TOO confusing, but I found it very difficult at times to figure out where I was supposed to go or which puzzles I had already solved. That's actually the main reason I stopped playing back in May. I was in a dungeon and I didn't know how to solve a puzzle or if the puzzle even could be solved with the abilities I had at the time.


I also thought the story was overly complicated. I stopped playing about halfway through it. I had planned to get back into this game, finish it (which is basically all you have to do for the platinum), and give it a mediocre review...and then I got to Chapter 7.


I take it all back. This was a wonderful experience. I still think there's too much filler, the game is about 10 hours longer than it should be, and the devs really needed to chill down with some of the puzzles, but I felt emotions in this game that I don't normally feel. Lea is a great protagonist and probably my favorite character in any game I've played this year. "But wait, Cass," I hear you argue. "She's silent. How can that be done in an interesting and emotional way?" To that, I say, "Remember Bye Bye Butterfree?" Or, if that's too far removed from the world of video games, what about Super Mario RPG? Mario had no dialogue in that entire game (per usual for his character), and yet he was more expressive than some protagonists who never shut up.


Besides, Lea isn't completely mute. She learns to say a few words, such as "Hi," "Bye," and her name. You'd be surprised by what you can do with that. Her facial expressions are also great. It's not hard to know what Lea is thinking or feeling at any point in the story. For the most part, I'd say the story takes itself seriously, but this is also used for comedic effect.


There's also at least one boss fight that I thought was extremely cool -- but, again, I can't say more for spoiler reasons.


So...begrudgingly, I must admit that I was wrong, that this is a really good game, and I probably shouldn't have let it go for so long. I'm going to give it a recommendation and say it's probably a GOTY contender from me. Sorry, Lea. I was dumb.



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On 11/27/2022 at 7:53 PM, Cassylvania said:

I also thought the story was overly complicated. I stopped playing about halfway through it. I had planned to get back into this game, finish it (which is basically all you have to do for the platinum), and give it a mediocre review...and then I got to Chapter 7.


I take it all back. This was a wonderful experience. I still think there's too much filler, the game is about 10 hours longer than it should be, and the devs really needed to chill down with some of the puzzles, but I felt emotions in this game that I don't normally feel. Lea is a great protagonist and probably my favorite character in any game I've played this year. "But wait, Cass," I hear you argue. "She's silent. How can that be done in an interesting and emotional way?" To that, I say, "Remember Bye Bye Butterfree?" Or, if that's too far removed from the world of video games, what about Super Mario RPG? Mario had no dialogue in that entire game (per usual for his character), and yet he was more expressive than some protagonists who never shut up.


Woof... I was holding my breath reading your review up until this point since I distinctly remember raving about the game despite not totally loving it like some people do ?. I'm glad to hear you were absolutely enamored with the final few chapters. I still remember the game quite fondly a year and a half later. You say that the game is too long and I kind of understand that but I also appreciate just how full and fleshed out it is. Imagine someone who loves that game. They can gorge on all of the side content and the intricate action gameplay. I only wish, as in your case, that perhaps difficulty sliders didn't trivialize a lot of the experience and would have "forced" me to learn some of the mechanics more in-depth. 


I'm with you on the puzzles... I'm not a puzzle person. I played with a guide like a coward. I know that for those who enjoy them and don't mind racking their brain it can be a real thrill but it just isn't my lane. There is absolutely some retro Zelda fan's favorite game ever that they just haven't played yet and I hope with your review a person scanning the thread can stumble into something they adore like we found something we enjoyed! 

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4 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

If there's one thing I wish this game had borrowed from DKC, though, it's the soundtrack. The music in this game is horrendous. It's catchy for the first level or so, but then you realize how short the loop is and it's grating on your ears.

You wanna know what's grating to the ears? The Elite 4 battle them in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. I thought Game Freak had lost their marbles with the droning bass... but then I found out that I was only hearing the first five seconds on loop because the game had an audio burp that causes the first five seconds of that music to loop indefinitely so I had to mute the damn sound. I also muted it for the Champion battle as I heard that glitch happens in the Champion fight. WHY DO YOU NOW FIX THIS, GAME FREAK??!! ?

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You know, I think you would love Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, Cassy. It's basically the same thing - a giant open world, and you ride a dragon and there are three major stories that I enjoyed playing through. I've been on the fence for a while about Genshin Impact because I didn't know what it was about, but your review enlightened me. I might try this game in a couple of months. (I have downloaded it onto my PS5, haven't touched it yet.) I probably would pay the money too(I spent $200 on Crowns in Wizard101 before I had to delete it because the game now crashes when I try to go into my quest menu :(), but I luckily have a rental house so I only pay $500 for rent, internet, water and electricity together and $250 a month on food. (I buy $24 in rice cakes every week because I had to give up chips due to my diet.) So I could afford to buy gatchman. But I'll take your advice and avoid buying wishes. (Mini Me: "Yeah, that's what you saaaay..." ?)

Edited by Taruta13
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On 01/12/2022 at 3:32 AM, Cassylvania said:

When you put your controller down -- for only fifteen seconds, mind you -- your damn character will start monologuing. These aren't short monologues either. Some of them will recite an entire story, and there are often only two or three lines they choose from. You're going to hear the same lines over and over and over and over...


"ReSpEcT mUsT bE gIvEn To ThE wiLl Of EvErY cReAtUrE. EaCh FiSh In ThE oCeAn SwImS iN iTs OwN dIrEcTiOn." - Kokomi, probably


'Ozmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memories?' - your local Zhongli main.


Great review, I haven't platted it yet and have barely touched Inazuma and Sumeru, but I fucking love Genshin. Tried explaining the wishing system to my friend and he was turned off instantly. Meanwhile I've already put at least £150 into buying Welkins, the BP and I did buy Genesis Crystals... In my defence it was for Kazuha and the Freedom Sworn. (seriously though, fuck the weapon banner, that thing is a scam)


I've had a bit of a hiatus from it due to burn out but this really has made me want to jump back in. Keep up the great work!


Edit - What is the tracking site you got for the Koko pic by the way? Looks very clean.

Edited by HelixNebula_x
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On 12/1/2022 at 5:23 PM, realm722 said:

So I guess at the end of the day... you're welcome?


I'll find a way to pay you back. Trust me.


In all honesty, though, it's nice to have a game I can always turn to whenever I want something to play. I know some people who have been playing a very long time say they've run out of things to do in Genshin, but I haven't found that to be the case for me. They're constantly adding new content, I have a bunch of characters I still want to level up, and there are obviously some DLC trophies that I haven't touched. One of the neat things is seeing the evolution of the game over time. Not only did the newest element make Kokomi even more useful, but getting her new constellations after having her at C1 for so long breathed new life into the game for me.


On 12/1/2022 at 10:32 PM, Taruta13 said:

You know, I think you would love Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, Cassy. It's basically the same thing - a giant open world, and you ride a dragon and there are three major stories that I enjoyed playing through.


Eh... Pokemon is going to need to do a lot more to win back my trust. I lost most of my interest after Gen 3.


Have you looked into Temtem?


On 12/2/2022 at 7:54 AM, HelixNebula_x said:

Great review, I haven't platted it yet and have barely touched Inazuma and Sumeru, but I fucking love Genshin. Tried explaining the wishing system to my friend and he was turned off instantly. Meanwhile I've already put at least £150 into buying Welkins, the BP and I did buy Genesis Crystals... In my defence it was for Kazuha and the Freedom Sworn. (seriously though, fuck the weapon banner, that thing is a scam)


The weapon banner really is a scam. I'm pouring all my wishes now into it because I'm not particularly interested in new characters (just cons for a few of my favorite 5 stars), but the only thing I've gotten so far is Nilou's signature weapon. Fortunately, I got Nilou too, but I was really hoping for the Primordial Jade Cutter for Jean. (I also bought Jean's summer outfit with my leftover genesis crystals because I've lost control of my life...)


On 12/2/2022 at 7:54 AM, HelixNebula_x said:

Edit - What is the tracking site you got for the Koko pic by the way? Looks very clean.


This one: https://enka.network/


Not sure if it's still in beta, but it will only capture characters that you have in your public showcase (so, a maximum of eight). I threw in a custom image of Kokomi. Working on my Yun Jin and Diona builds now. They're all pretty easy since they only want HP% or DEF% boosts.


I'll probably keep you guys updated on my status as I continue playing through the game. There are at least 20 characters that I'd really like to build...even though I've already beaten the Spiral Abyss. I should probably talk more about that. Maybe I'll make a part 3 of the review at some point.


Anyway, I did NOT make a lot of progress in my backlog like I wanted to in November. I also see House Flipper dropped another DLC on me. Kinda fitting since I'm currently trying to renovate a house in real life that needs an absolute makeover. Note to all current and future landlords out there: inspect your rental properties at least once per year...

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11 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Have you looked into Temtem?

Eh... after the hot mess that was Wizard101(stupid game crashes when I try open any menu) and my apathy towards FFXIV after finding out I can't have my own island for a birthday gift since you have to get to Level 90 and complete all the main story up past Endwalker, an MMO like Temtem is going to need a lot more to make me pay a sub again. xD


Ah, I'm just jaded. Today is the day I officially enter middle age(50 years on this planet) so I am feeling my loss of youth. Still, I understand. Pokemon isn't for some people and I would be a criminal to push anyone to like it. At least my nephew got the extra physical copy of Scarlet I had (since I panicked and digitally pre-ordered Scarlet on my old Switch because I thought my double-pack order was canceled :P) so I'm hope he enjoys the early Christmas gift. (We have to give gifts to my elder sister's family when they come over for Thanksgiving since they live 5 hours away.)

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