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Playstation vita forgotten


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Hi guys and girls. I'm so angry at what sony did to the Vita. I have supported the system so much,i got 350 games. Sure i get it from a salespoint of view that u put your efforts where the money is at. What really bugers me is that the vita never have any christmas deals, or deals like the ps4 has. Most of the games are very expensive, even games that has been out for years. If something is selling poor,is the answer to increase the prices? I livein Sweden,and many of the games are very expensive,don't know about the US, but i guees you can relate to this. I would very much send a mail to anyone at sony about this,but they seem to only work with troubleshooting,not customers asking questions. What do u guys and girls think of this fiasko?


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1 hour ago, zodiaccross said:

Hi guys and girls. I'm so angry at what sony did to the Vita. I have supported the system so much,i got 350 games. Sure i get it from a salespoint of view that u put your efforts where the money is at. What really bugers me is that the vita never have any christmas deals, or deals like the ps4 has. Most of the games are very expensive, even games that has been out for years. If something is selling poor,is the answer to increase the prices? I livein Sweden,and many of the games are very expensive,don't know about the US, but i guees you can relate to this. I would very much send a mail to anyone at sony about this,but they seem to only work with troubleshooting,not customers asking questions. What do u guys and girls think of this fiasko?



We do get digital sales. If you're hoping for cheap physical products, you'll be disappointed, since they are mostly limited in their release.


As far as Sony is concerned, though, the Vita is a sunk cost, and they've moved on. It was probably the right choice for them. But there's still plenty of stuff out there for cheapos (like me!). We've even been getting Vita-only titles in IGC recently (I just started up the Vita version of Broken Sword).

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I'd think 350 games is more than enough games to play on Vita... :o


I personally don't wait for any new Vita releases and I don't need/want them when most of the games are released on other platforms as superior versions. If they come to both Vita and PS4, I could play the PS4 version on Vita via remote play to get a handheld experience. Then there's Switch and 3DS which are dominating the handheld market with their superb exclusives while pretty much no one I know even knows what a Vita is. I understand why Sony gets discouraged with the competition (even though their own marketing/attitude has been at fault too) and developers aren't terribly eager to put effort to developing for Vita.

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I think you should've gotten over it years ago when Sony flat out said they were done supporting it themselves. Why are people still droning on and on about this? It's not going to change, it's not like Sony is going to drop a 60 million dollar AAA Vita exclusive in 2019 because you keep complaining. It's done, it has been for years. At least as far as Sony support goes, why are you not used to it? I got over it ages ago, other publishers and devs still put out games. Not as much, and Switch seems to be taking Japanese games away. But whatever, most of those are still on PS4 too so meh.

It is what it is.

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yeah thats probably right.

but tbh, I bought my first vita  12 month ago, maybe 13 xD

and I love it SO much. I refused to buy one before bc I was SO disappointed in the psp I had that I thought ps vita is the same bs.

as trophyhinter I gave it a try in the end an now i am sad I have not done this earlier.

and of cause now I'm also sad ps vita didn't work for sony but I understand I can't expec that much out of it since they don't support it anymore.


I don't play games on my vita that I can play on PS4 btw, except they have different trophy lists, then I like to doubleplat but there aren't that much (I still have to like the game ;P), mostly 100% games (which I love!)

or very expensive games (yeah I love the physical copies)


I feel like japan is doing much better, there are a lot of games I read about for vita that were never released here and I'd like to play. they apprechiate the console but I think one reason are games like novels which weren't that popular in the west not long ago. this changed in the last year, maybe two but thats too late :/  But I think Sony had that coming from the start, these memory cards really are bs, expensive and hard to get, one of the biggest issues about that thing.


There are a few developer who have told sony they'd like a next gen handheld, vita2 or whatever, bc they have ideas but I don't know if sony will ever try handheld again. at the moment I hope they will one day.



Edited by Ai-ds_low
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I remember back in 2010 when PSP was my main console, how disappointed I was when I heard Star Wars: Force Unleashed 2, a game I was eagerly anticipating, was cancelled for the platform. It sucked major ass, then I got the fuck over it and ended up playing on another console a year or two later.


Vita is dead. Has been for ages. I loved it, I moved on. You should too.


Hell, go buy a Switch. You want a high quality portable console with a library of great games? Here's a thought, quit crying at the grave of a long dead one, and jump on the bandwagon of the latest, far more successful one. 


We've already got Zelda, Mario Kart, Super Mario, Splatoon, Arms, Doom, Skyrim, Xenoblade 2, LA Noire, Rocket League, Steamworld Dig 2, a tonne of NEO GEO games, Resident Evil Revelations, and so on. See what's in that list? A bunch of indies, a bunch of ports, and most importantly, a bunch of high quality exclusives. Vita died for a number of reasons, not the least of which, was the lack of exclusives. If you can count on Nintendo for one thing only, it's exclusives. The rate the Switch is going, it's gonna be around for a good while, and it's looking more and more like everything the Vita should have been every day. 


Vita's 5 years old now. And in those 5 years, it had maybe a year and a half or so worth of hope at most. I love the thing, and I wish things were different, but it's dead and complaining won't get you a kickass portable console, but there is always the option of making the Switch

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dude, I checked your profile and you have way more Vita games than me. 


1 hour ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Vita is dead. Has been for ages. I loved it, I moved on. You should too.

Delete your account.

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It's a six year old console. It's done. And you have 350 games for it already. That's far more than I have for ps4, which is where Sony's attention has been. (Up til VR when they started barfing out low quality games for that)


No one is crying for PS3 not getting new games and they sold tons of those. The reason is because it's done. 

It's better for you to just move on. 

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does no one of you play out of the house?

I bought my vita to hunt some trophies while on the train to work or on vacation or at my parents in law's. its far away so we stay long and there is always time to play a bit.

I cant use a ps4 on the train ;) so thats not a point for me.

And since I love to hunt I don't do nintendo anymore. I totally dont miss nintendo.

I do have Nintendo Ds consoles, 3 of them (and every nintendo console until Wii U) and I don't even know why anymore bc the games didn't make me happy when I bought it ^^" was kind of a habit thing to by the latest console but touched the last DS for exactly one playthough of the latest pokemon game that time.

I love zelda but one game is not enough of a reason to buy the switch I will borow it for breath of the wild from my friend.


So I don't cry bc I knew what I was buying when I got my vita, but I still hope for the next gen version of it :)

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The Vita's problem was that it was too good for its own good when it launched. Dev costs for a Vita AAA game like Uncharted: Golden Abyss were not far off those required for a full AAA home console title at the time, yet the pricing model for handheld games tended towards $40 as opposed to the $60 standard for home console releases. 


So after a few early toes in the water, AAA publishers quickly realised that not enough people had bought a Vita to justify development and marketing costs. With no AAA support to attract them, consumers gave the console a miss. This cycle was self-reinforcing. 


The exorbitant costs of bespoke memory cards didn't help either. 


If you have a Vita now, you have to accept it for what it is - a great platform for indie and JP games (in the latter case, where publishers think they'll make a return on localisation costs as far as the Western market is concerned) and a great place to play your PS4 games when the TV is otherwise occupied or you just want to lie in bed and play. Personally, I'm happy with that, but if you're not you should stay away. 


My hope is that Sony sees what Nintendo has achieved with the Switch and brings out another handheld one day. If they do, it needs to be fully back compatible with the Vita's existing library, be capable of deeper integration with the PS4 (the fact that we still can't manage Vita content from PS4 is crazy to me), have a full suite of controller inputs (R2/L2 anyone?!), and have a slightly larger screen. The PS4 should also be able to run Vita games, at least from that point on, via some sort of emulation. Nintendo has shown that there is a market of gamers that want to be able to Switch (get why they named it that yet) between on-the-go and TV playing. If Sony makes a Vita2, they need to get on board with that and support it.


Edit: Oh, and the Vita2 needs to support standard memory cards - fu*k that proprietary sh*t.


2nd Edit: Oh, and the charging/transfer cable needs to be the standard micro-USB too, as it is on the 2nd generation Vita. 

Edited by StrickenBiged
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With my digital + physical collection it's probably around the same as yours. I only buy digital vita games unless they're on sale or if it's a game I tremendously want immediately and they don't make it physically... Majority of the time I buy digital vita games when they're on sale, which is extremely often. I mean I know there's different sales depending on what region you are (I'm US). But also these games do go on sale in the US as well, physically. GameStop is the only retailer I've seen that carries physical games, even if you don't pre-order them. The online alternative would be Amazon. (BestBuy, Target, Walmart.. nope) I work at GameStop and I've seen so may of these games go on sale lately and drop in price. (ex. Drive Girls dropped down to $20)


But it may be harder for you since, if I'm not mistaken GameStop owns Game that's in the UK? I'm not sure if those stores even carry vita games.


And also for those that don't pay attention to this system... the vita isn't dead yet.. Maybe in production of the actual physical system, yes. But Amazon and GameStop keep this system alive by (GameStop) selling used vita games, traded in by customers who just don't want theirs anymore or (both Amazon and GameStop) developers who are actually producing more games for them. There's another otome coming out next year, not to mention the confirmed Catherine remastered coming out for both the PS4 and the Vita. Not everyone is abandoning this system. Clearly if you don't like weeb games, the vita isn't for you.


*I'm only speaking for the US side of things lol.


Also wasn't there some sort of statistics that show that the Vita is more popular than the PS4 in Japan?

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8 minutes ago, DuckSwimmer said:

I'm not mistaken GameStop owns Game that's in the UK?


You're mistaken. GAME is a publicly traded company on LSE. Gamestop may or may not own shares. Anyway, it's not a wholly owned subsidiary or else that would have to appear on the public records. 


9 minutes ago, DuckSwimmer said:

I'm not sure if those stores even carry vita games.


My local GAME has a small shelf with only 10 or so of the most evergreen Vita titles on it. You have to go online to actually buy the console itself tho. 


10 minutes ago, DuckSwimmer said:

some sort of statistics that show that the Vita is more popular than the PS4 in Japan?


Yup, at least in lifetime sales. PS4 and PS4 pro are currently outselling new Vita consoles though, at least according to the last stats I read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_game_consoles_by_region#Japan

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1 minute ago, StrickenBiged said:


You're mistaken. GAME is a publicly traded company on LSE. Gamestop may or may not own shares. Anyway, it's not a wholly owned subsidiary or else that would have to appear on the public records. 



My local GAME has a small shelf with only 10 or so of the most evergreen Vita titles on it. You have to go online to actually buy the console itself tho. 



Yup, at least in lifetime sales. PS4 and PS4 pro are currently outselling new Vita consoles though, at least according to the last stats I read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_game_consoles_by_region#Japan

1. ooo ok. Gotcha. Never knew, thank you.


2. At least it's something :P

3. I'm actually slightly surprised with that one

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1 hour ago, StrickenBiged said:

The Vita's problem was that it was too good for its own good when it launched. Dev costs for a Vita AAA game like Uncharted: Golden Abyss were not far off those required for a full AAA home console title at the time, yet the pricing model for handheld games tended towards $40 as opposed to the $60 standard for home console releases. 


So after a few early toes in the water, AAA publishers quickly realised that not enough people had bought a Vita to justify development and marketing costs. With no AAA support to attract them, consumers gave the console a miss. This cycle was self-reinforcing. 


The exorbitant costs of bespoke memory cards didn't help either. 


If you have a Vita now, you have to accept it for what it is - a great platform for indie and JP games (in the latter case, where publishers think they'll make a return on localisation costs as far as the Western market is concerned) and a great place to play your PS4 games when the TV is otherwise occupied or you just want to lie in bed and play. Personally, I'm happy with that, but if you're not you should stay away. 


My hope is that Sony sees what Nintendo has achieved with the Switch and brings out another handheld one day. If they do, it needs to be fully back compatible with the Vita's existing library, be capable of deeper integration with the PS4 (the fact that we still can't manage Vita content from PS4 is crazy to me), have a full suite of controller inputs (R2/L2 anyone?!), and have a slightly larger screen. The PS4 should also be able to run Vita games, at least from that point on, via some sort of emulation. Nintendo has shown that there is a market of gamers that want to be able to Switch (get why they named it that yet) between on-the-go and TV playing. If Sony makes a Vita2, they need to get on board with that and support it.


Edit: Oh, and the Vita2 needs to support standard memory cards - fu*k that proprietary sh*t.


2nd Edit: Oh, and the charging/transfer cable needs to be the standard micro-USB too, as it is on the 2nd generation Vita. 

I agree, but let's make the Vita2 use USB-C (not Micro-USB), because it's the future. And it's still a non-proprietary standard, unlike the 1st Generation Vita. Trust me, if you haven't experienced USB-C on the Switch, newer MacBooks, or certain newer phones, you've never lived! Micro USB sucks, I always hated that stupid plug. Sadly I still have devices that use it.


The real question is, will Sony do anything about Switch's success? If so, that's good for us gamers. But they may think they can just stick with PS5 being a standard console, and ditch portables altogether.

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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14 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

but let's make the Vita2 use USB-C (not Micro-USB), because it's the future


Oh yeah, a much better idea. That definitely.


15 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

they may think they can just stick with PS5 being a standard console


Personally, I don't think Sony should chase Nintendo quite that hard that the next numbered PS console is a Switch copy. It should be a powerful home console capable of delivering cutting edge games just like the PS4 is. 


I prefer the idea that the Vita2 be the Switch-copy, with the PS4/PS5 capable of playing Vita2 games while the Vita2 can RemotePlay PS4/PS5 games. I want my portable to be a dedicated portable and my home console to be powerful, but I want my PlayStation library to be ready to play on whichever device I feel like playing it on, if that makes sense. I don't want the compromises between portability and power that the Switch entails. 


If it helps to explain my point, I am not interested in the Switch as a device what I want is seamless cross-play between my devices, but with each being good at what it is supposed to be, without having to be a hybrid.  

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34 minutes ago, StrickenBiged said:

Personally, I don't think Sony should chase Nintendo quite that hard that the next numbered PS console is a Switch copy. It should be a powerful home console capable of delivering cutting edge games just like the PS4 is. 


I prefer the idea that the Vita2 be the Switch-copy, with the PS4/PS5 capable of playing Vita2 games while the Vita2 can RemotePlay PS4/PS5 games. I want my portable to be a dedicated portable and my home console to be powerful, but I want my PlayStation library to be ready to play on whichever device I feel like playing it on, if that makes sense. I don't want the compromises between portability and power that the Switch entails. 


If it helps to explain my point, I am not interested in the Switch as a device what I want is seamless cross-play between my devices, but with each being good at what it is supposed to be, without having to be a hybrid.  

I probably didn't word my comment clearly enough. I have a Switch and I love it. A hybrid device is fine with me, power compromises and all (I'm fine with a hybrid portable in between portable and full-blown console power). I wouldn't mind the PS5 being a more powerful Switch-style hybrid device, therefore eliminating the need for a Vita2. I doubt Sony will go this route though.


But the other part of my comment was the idea that Sony might make a traditional PS5 and just abandon portables altogether. I don't know if they will release a traditional portable again, since the Vita failed from their perspective. They seem ready to abandon the portable space entirely.


Also, in your post you say you want a Vita2 to be a Switch copy, but for it to be a copy, it would need to play PS4/5 games WITHOUT Remote Play. That's the whole appeal of the Switch: it's completely portable. As cool as Remote Play is, you need either to be home and close to your PS4, or remote and with access to an internet connection. The Switch does not need an internet connection for you to play a console game on your daily commute. And sadly, the reality is that in some parts of the world, being disconnected is something people encounter daily. I have an unlimited data plan from my cell phone provider, but that DOESN'T include unlimited hotspot usage. So I can't just sit there with my Vita connected to my phone hotspot and use Remote Play on my commute. And that's if I even had steady cell phone data coverage on my commute, which I don't. By the way, I work in Washington DC and live an hour away, so the fact that I don't have internet access in one of the most prevalent commuting areas in the country is a sad comment on the USA's internet provider infrastructure.


Anyway, back to your point, it sounds like you want something that isn't a Switch copy, but is instead just better integration between portable and console. The PS4 could play Vita games now, if Sony created a Vita emulator for PS4. The reason the Switch is successful is that it offers a new way to play (the Vita did some of those things, as did the Wii U, but it did not offer the full package) and it's getting supported with major games. I don't know if any console manufacturer will be successful by simply copying that concept, but your suggestion just seems like a better version of Vita and Remote Play, which doesn't overcome Sony's reluctance to make and produce another portable system.

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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My region is Japan and I use my Vita for just Digital Otome games and visual novels, but yes they are all expensive. Otomate do discount some occasionally though, but all of them are 5-6000 yen.  My collection is small though and I mostly only buy games on sale or free on plus.


The only physical copies I have are



Tales of Hearts R

Tales of Innocence R


Digital copies

Hatsune Miku Diva F

Persona 4 Golden (bought on 70% sale ages ago)

Amnesia V Edition

Kokuchou no Psychadelica

Collar X Malice

Disgaea 4 (Free with PS Plus)

Atelier Sophie (Free with PS Plus)

Tales of World Radiant Mythology 3

Psycho Pass (bought on sale)

Steins Gate (Free with PS Plus)

Steins Gate 0 (Free with PS Plus)


I use my Vita for mostly easy games as I play it commuting and travelling, where I may need to stop the game any moment. I save all my RPGs and tougher games for my PS4, but now my vita is just for otome games as I've really got into them. 

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3 hours ago, StrickenBiged said:

The Vita's problem was that it was too good for its own good when it launched. Dev costs for a Vita AAA game like Uncharted: Golden Abyss were not far off those required for a full AAA home console title at the time, yet the pricing model for handheld games tended towards $40 as opposed to the $60 standard for home console releases. 


So after a few early toes in the water, AAA publishers quickly realised that not enough people had bought a Vita to justify development and marketing costs. With no AAA support to attract them, consumers gave the console a miss. This cycle was self-reinforcing. 


The exorbitant costs of bespoke memory cards didn't help either. 


If you have a Vita now, you have to accept it for what it is - a great platform for indie and JP games (in the latter case, where publishers think they'll make a return on localisation costs as far as the Western market is concerned) and a great place to play your PS4 games when the TV is otherwise occupied or you just want to lie in bed and play. Personally, I'm happy with that, but if you're not you should stay away. 


My hope is that Sony sees what Nintendo has achieved with the Switch and brings out another handheld one day. If they do, it needs to be fully back compatible with the Vita's existing library, be capable of deeper integration with the PS4 (the fact that we still can't manage Vita content from PS4 is crazy to me), have a full suite of controller inputs (R2/L2 anyone?!), and have a slightly larger screen. The PS4 should also be able to run Vita games, at least from that point on, via some sort of emulation. Nintendo has shown that there is a market of gamers that want to be able to Switch (get why they named it that yet) between on-the-go and TV playing. If Sony makes a Vita2, they need to get on board with that and support it.


Edit: Oh, and the Vita2 needs to support standard memory cards - fu*k that proprietary sh*t.


2nd Edit: Oh, and the charging/transfer cable needs to be the standard micro-USB too, as it is on the 2nd generation Vita. 


I agree 100% percent.


btw 5 minutes ago I unpacked my new cable bc my vita cable broke and it wasnt that easy to find a god new and had wait for shipping. I have billions of USB cables around it would be so much easier ?



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Seeing how Nintendo is dominating with the Switch, it gives me hope that the PS5 will introduce the Vita 2.0 with it. Perhaps to the point where PS5 games look like a current PS4 game on the go, but at home you get the full PS5 experience. 

That's the direction Sony has to go to keep competitive in this handheld race. Granted, if the PS5 has a Vita 2 included, get ready for your wallet to scream.

I personally found the Vita highly disappointing, in so many ways. It makes complete sense to me why Sony abandoned support for it. But all you can do is hope that if they are doing a new one, that they learned from their mistakes. And that they're paying attention to what Nintendo is doing.

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