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BTW how's Hibike up to this point? Haven't gotten around starting it yet, stupid finals week ;__;

Plot intensifies I would say =D 


soooo... how is Seraph for you... not that I am not ignoring Satoshi's positive feedback but I am really skeptical about this one.. since errr... vampires...





Feedback enough? xD Now you cannot ignore it! xD

Edited by Satoshi Ookami
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soooo... how is Seraph for you... not that I am not ignoring Satoshi's positive feedback but I am really skeptical about this one.. since errr... vampires...


with Hibike, it is good Slice of life so far for me... it has some humor in between but might not be as funny as other comedy slice of life...


Well the art is decent, the action is cool, has apocalyptic themes (not that post apocalyptic wasteland bullshit), revenge, value of friendship, and the main character's motivation/objective/plan is pretty much the same as every other show targeted at that demographic: Kill 'em All.


There's nothing to be skeptical about, its the same as every other seasonal action show nowadays its gonna depend entirely on what you like/don't like.

Edited by Ramonachan
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Not that big on Anime, have only watched a couple things because of one of my friends, he tries to get me into it all the time lol. But I gotta say Heaven's Lost Property (Sora no Otoshimono) was good, I wish they would have made more. And Soul Eater is just plain awesome, I cannot wait to finish it tonight!

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soooo... after hearing wise words from Squiddy and Satoshi (no, not the loli feedback), decided to watch this one:


  • Seraph of the End (up to) E8 (yes I have a very boring nothing-to-do day) - I will call this one "the fun/exciting part actually begins at Episode 7 since the OP sequence kinda ruined/spoiled episodes 2-7"

I could actually see the comparison with Shingeki no Kyojin but I must say, I liked the MC of this one more than Eren... probably because the Yu-chan at least have sense of humor and not like someone that has 100% serious immakill them all aura 24/7.... but ehe.. must admit.. the one that make me to be 100% onboard on this one is Yoichi, the wimpy bow wielder sidekick :P

Edited by JeieeM
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Well I'm fucked for finals week, procrastination OP.



Serial Experiments Lain




Should've finished this classic a long time ago, I loved every second of it.


Maybe its due to the fact that I major in Networking Systems lol


Gurren Lagann: Parallel Works 1 & 2






I really hope I can concentrate on my exams now......... ;___;

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Well I'm fucked for finals week, procrastination OP.


Maybe its due to the fact that I major in Networking Systems lol


I really hope I can concentrate on my exams now......... ;___;


Join the club !!! xD

I have finals too and I'm going to fail at least 60% of them because of procrastination :P

Also are your networking courses by any chance organized by Cisco (You know, that big San Fran networking company) ?

I major in programming (or I like to think I do if you know what I mean xD), but I have networking aswell and all of it is by "Cisco netacad".

Oh and if you're like me, chances are pretty slim that you'll be able to concentrate on your exams :P

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Join the club !!! xD

I have finals too and I'm going to fail at least 60% of them because of procrastination :P

Also are your networking courses by any chance organized by Cisco (You know, that big San Fran networking company) ?

I major in programming (or I like to think I do if you know what I mean xD), but I have networking as well and all of it is by "Cisco netacad".

Oh and if you're like me, chances are pretty slim that you'll be able to concentrate on your exams :P


Nope, courses at my University are developed by the professors there but, I've read stuff about Cisco certs.. planning to take those someday.


I want to specialize in Security or take it easy, get my masters and go into teaching. I already have a job as a tutor there so... :P


Generally I haven't been able to concentrate as much as I want to this last year, I've gone into this state where I practically know everything already for the exam but don't want accept it, like some sort of denial. xD


Here's hoping we survive with at least a 90% on those fuckers  :highfive:

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Nope, courses at my University are developed by the professors there but, I've read stuff about Cisco certs.. planning to take those someday.


I want to specialize in Security or take it easy, get my masters and go into teaching. I already have a job as a tutor there so... :P


Generally I haven't been able to concentrate as much as I want to this last year, I've gone into this state where I practically know everything already for the exam but don't want accept it, like some sort of denial. xD


Here's hoping we survive with at least a 90% on those fuckers  :highfive:


Wow, you're a senior ? Nice :P I'm only a freshman xD I just came rolling out of highschool and I'm not used to Uni methods yet :S

But you're damn right to take it easy, I think people stress out way too much these days xD I'm sure it'll work out just fine in the end :)

And I admire your optimism, but 90% ain't gonna happen for me :PxD Still, I wish you the best of luck on your exams !  :highfive:

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Generally I haven't been able to concentrate as much as I want to this last year, I've gone into this state where I practically know everything already for the exam but don't want accept it, like some sort of denial. xD


Know this feeling exactly.

Guess IT Unis are the same everywhere.

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I knew I was forgetting something ^_^

Anime completed in April 2015: (8)

One Piece: Norowareta Seiken (rated with 8)

Universe (rated with 10)

Peut-etre Toi (rated with 10)

Tsuki no Waltz (rated with 10)

Sekiranun Graffiti (rated with 10)

Taisei Kensetsu: Bosporus Kaikyou Tunnel (rated with 6)

Future Card Buddyfight (rated with 6)

Sword Art Online: Extra Edition (rated with 8)

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I'm not much into anime since Brotherhood ended, but now that Naruto is done too (manga, dunno about the anime) and SNK season 2 arriving till 2016, I went to look for a nice one to watch. Lost count of disappointments I got in result (don't trust so much on those "Top 5-10 anime to watch from 2013 onwards").


But this one:


While it had a bit too much fanservice for my liking, it's forgiven for the amazing story, and most of likeable characters. It's a blast to watch!

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Prior to today the only animes I ever bothered to watch to completion were Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Z but I just finished watching Kill la Kill. After seeing how popular it became I felt obligated to watch it. I thought it was pretty good, however I'm used to shit like Dragon Ball Z where there's a million episodes so I was kinda disappointed seeing that there were only 24 of them.

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  • Sound! Euphonium E8 - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???? Added Hazuki-chan as possible candidate for my anime Sidekick Squad ^_^
  • My Love Story!! E8 - officially added Suna-kun in my anime Sidekick Squad.


also started the following:

  • Yona of the Dawn E1
  • D.Gray-man E2
  • Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren E4 - errr... I think Kumin-senpai will rob Rikka-chan's "my fave gal" title soon in this anime... I am also starting to like Deko-chan, she might rob Isshiki "my fave sidekick" title in this anime.
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  • I think Kumin-senpai will rob Rikka-chan's "my fave gal" title soon in this anime...


I knew you'd go with Kumin in time :P I'm surprised you didn't go with her from the start xD

... That annoying little Rikka  :shakefist:


Sorry, I'm still butthurt over how the producers shoved Nibutani out of the way... :rolleyes:  *sigh*

But seriously, Rikka is so annoying !

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