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The last anime you saw?


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The Seven Deadly Sins on Netflix. Finished the first season in a few days. They're supposed to be releasing the second season sometime next year. 


Besides that, I've been watching old episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh!, angrily calling out all the moments in the show where someone should be disqualified for cheating in a duel (Like the first episode when Kaiba is able to summon three Blue-Eyes White Dragons on the field with out sacrificing any monsters, or when Joey summons Flame Swordsman without using a Polymerization card).

I don't know for certain about the flame swordsman but as for the Blue eyes, it was only at the start of the Battle city arc where the rule about sacrificing monsters is put into place *adjusts nerd glasses* but when I started re-watching it I had the same thought :P Also is seven deadly sins any good?


As for me I just finished Tokyo Ghoul and boyyyy is that a good show! Can't wait to start Root A as there are so many questions I have! :P

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Was it for all the cuteness?

Even MORE obvious reason :awesome:

One that can be... heard :awesome:


I don't know for certain about the flame swordsman but as for the Blue eyes, it was only at the start of the Battle city arc where the rule about sacrificing monsters is put into place *adjusts nerd glasses* but when I started re-watching it I had the same thought :P

Or Ancient Rules :awesome:

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I don't know for certain about the flame swordsman but as for the Blue eyes, it was only at the start of the Battle city arc where the rule about sacrificing monsters is put into place *adjusts nerd glasses* but when I started re-watching it I had the same thought :P Also is seven deadly sins any good?


As for me I just finished Tokyo Ghoul and boyyyy is that a good show! Can't wait to start Root A as there are so many questions I have! :P

I thought it was pretty good. I would recommend it. I loved the second opening them for the show. Here's a link for you to give it a listen. 



How is Tokyo Ghoul? I don't believe I've seen that one yet. 


As for the Flame Swordsman, despite have the card frame identifying it as a fusion monster, I don't think they counted him as one, since he never actually fused masaki the legendary swordsman and Flame Manipulator together; as opposed to Yugi performing fusion summons for monsters like Dragon Master Knight and Gaia the Dragon Champion (yet never producing the card for them). 

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I thought it was pretty good. I would recommend it. I loved the second opening them for the show. Here's a link for you to give it a listen. 



How is Tokyo Ghoul? I don't believe I've seen that one yet. 


As for the Flame Swordsman, despite have the card frame identifying it as a fusion monster, I don't think they counted him as one, since he never actually fused masaki the legendary swordsman and Flame Manipulator together; as opposed to Yugi performing fusion summons for monsters like Dragon Master Knight and Gaia the Dragon Champion (yet never producing the card for them). 

Tokyo Ghoul was really good! A lot is left open but I guess that'll all be answered in Root A :P

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The last Anime I saw was Attack on Titan. I was kind of waiting until they'd release it in Germany, but it took way too long. Since I've been hearing so much about it, I decided to see what all the fuss was about. And I totally enjoyed it. I was hooked from the first episode on and finished the first season in a course of 1 week. I would have watched it faster, if I didn'd have to work ;-)

Watched it 2 week later with my brother all over again.

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Watching Joshiraku atm.


I like it because there's cute girls.





Seriously ?????????????????   That made my freaking day right from midnight  :D


I assume that scene is from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure . Yea i dropped Jojo in like ep.5 of 1st season , i wasn't understanding asingle thing and actions were going out really fast without much of explanation so i was really confused and decided to stop folowing.




Mushishi Special : Hihamukage 




Fantastic OVA imo . Watch it after watching 1st season a long time ago so my memories of the series were very blurred atm. But now i've been more hyped to go watch the Zoku Shou seasons . After finishing Charlotte i might do it  :D


I get a feeling of relaxing and security whenever i watch a episode of Mushishi , don't know why .

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Monster Musue no iru Nichijou


Lols halfway done with this show myself and it's pretty darn funny. Nothing to take seriously and like most harems, have barely to no story to speak up but it's a real fun watch. Innuendos, badly concealed naughty hands, and sex jokes every few mins. Just what I needed to cheer me up from the slowly approaching finals.

That and got to the most recent episode of Ushio to Tora. Somewhat Interesting twist. Quite a few cliche scenes where I had to skip due to second hand embarrassment but hey I wanted a mindless shonen to watch and it delivered.

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