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                                                                                  Mushishi Zoku Shou 




Great show , very calm , relaxing and comfy to watch. Don't know why i waited so long to watch , maybe cause i watched the 1st season a long time ago and wasn't very familiar with the concept when season 2 was released.

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Finished up Twin Tails, My Wife is the Student Council President, and Akagami. Seriously though, this anime right here -> My Wife is the Student Council President, is NOT a romantic comedy like I thought it was. I got much more skin and ecchi scenes than I expected. I finished it for you all just to say that no, they do not go all the way. Just third base and a tentative inching to fourth.

Akagami is really cute. I got what I expected since I already read the manga so it's a nice watch seeing the character come to life. That and the main girl isn't some whiny and spineless girl like most shoujos. She actually stands up for herself. 

Twin Tails was alright. Very power ranger like. Fun watch though. 

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Akagami is really cute. I got what I expected since I already read the manga so it's a nice watch seeing the character come to life. That and the main girl isn't some whiny and spineless girl like most shoujos. She actually stands up for herself. 

You forgot to mention the most important thing...s!

1) Saorin is godly!

2) It has Atelier games feeling =D


It wasnt bad, no where near the level of Persona but Meh, Makes me kinda wanna play the game now, but I don't want to play my 3DS ¬_¬

Lol, nice =D I was the same =D Anime also made me play the game =D

Ideal for PC emulation, rather than playing it on DS :D

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You forgot to mention the most important thing...s!

1) Saorin is godly!

2) It has Atelier games feeling =D

Uhhh... All I remember about Atelier is that it's a bunch of crafting and the designs for the characters in the new one are really cute....




And somehow I feel like I failed you....

Got to most recent episode of One Punch Man and Heavy Object. One punch man was good like expected. Not mind blowingly good but above average for an anime. Something I'd expect out of jump and it's interesting enough to watch weekly without waiting for it all to end so that I could just marathon it. Heavy object so far is a really typical shonen. theres barely any plot so far but the action scenes are well animated and interesting to watch. The characters have to fight/destroy a big war machine thing called heavy object and the parts where you watch them do that are the most interesting ones. Other than that it's pretty generic and predictable so far.

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Man, it started out so great, had so many fine ideas, then feels like the writers and animators got lazy at the last minute (or rather, the last fight scene with omegamon, which SHOULD have been a visual feast for the eyes).


But yeah, I'll be waiting for the next one, and unless that one somehow blows digichunks, will follow it all the way to the end.

Edited by RedRodriguez87
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