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EA named one of America's most hated companies...again.


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This should come as no surprise after the Battlefront II fiasco, but EA has been named as one of America's most hated companies. It didn't get the top spot (Equifax has that dubious honor), but it still was up there:


Electronic Arts is 5th Most-Hated Company in US


Go here if you want to see the whole list. No other gaming company made the list.



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1 hour ago, Jigglypuff said:

This should come as no surprise after the Battlefront II fiasco, but EA has been named as one of America's most hated companies. It didn't get the top spot (Equifax has that dubious honor), but it still was up there:


Electronic Arts is 5th Most-Hated Company in US


Go here if you want to see the whole list. No other gaming company made the list.



What really blows my mind is that nowhere in that list do I see Bungie  - who undeniably deserve to be up there way more than EA. 

I'm not fan of EA's business practices, but Bungie in the last few years makes EA seem like a saint.  

Atleast when EA dun goofs with their games and having stuff players rage about, they tend to revert it.  Bungie on the other, allows Luke Smith to take to twitter to call the entire Destiny fanbase jerks for not praising the sequel that was a disasterous flop.  I also think EA kinda gets it up the butt unfairly - because while some of the studios working for them tend to crap out garbage (looking at you DICE) other devs under their branding have produced what I consider some of the best games of all time (Looking at the Mass Effect Trilogy, among others)

Bungie is literally what I consider the lowest possible standards for any developer or company.   They sold the first game with little to no content, sold 2 subpar DLCs - then finally made it good with an expansion nearly the price of a full game.  Now they're rinsing and repeating the exact same process with Destiny 2.  They're a greedy developer.  Bungie also throttles your experiences gains and lies to you to encourage sales of microtransactions - which is arguably worse than the debacle of Battlefront 2.  Atleast EA was honest about swindling you.

But in actuality - as much as I hate Bungie - the real #1 on this list should be Overkill studios and their affiliates at Starbreeze, producers of Payday 2 and Raid WW2 - easily the two single biggest crapfests of games I've ever seen.  Even though they're from Sweden, and exception should be made to put them on this list.

They've sold Payday 2 to consoles twice now, and we still can't get a patch without waiting 9 months, whereas PC gets updates almost weekly... PC gets updates free, whereas consoles have to shell out $40 every time a patch finally does make its way to us - it is also quite easily the second buggiest game I've ever taken part in - trumped only by its newborn sibling:  Raid WW2, the latest venture of Starbreeze literally crashes every damn 20 minutes and is so buggy it qualifies as literally unplayable.  I guess these guys get a pass for being Sweedish instead - but holy hell do they ever set the bar low in terms of what is allowed to be released as a game. 

There is far worse than EA.     

Edited by Lag_The_Ravager
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45 minutes ago, Vampirehunter145 said:

No surprise. Now: ?Where's Capcom?

Capcom may be notorious for bad decisions in the past, but they've been doing a lot right recently. Like Resident Evil 7 being a reinvention and return to the series' survival horror roots. And them releasing SFV AE as a free upgrade, instead of an entirely new game. Which is keeping with their word when they said that if we bought SFV, we'd never have to buy another version like in the past. Then they announced all of the Season 3 fighters up front, just like people were asking for. And of course they recently released Monster Hunter World, which has been a huge success. They're even doing periodic DLC updates for free with more monsters and costumes. Which is something most companies, like EA or Bamco, would have charged for. 


They've been doing a lot of good lately, and making a lot of good decisions. There's really no need to be bashing on them so hard when they're making steps in the right direction.


36 minutes ago, Lag_The_Ravager said:

What really blows my mind is that nowhere in that list do I see Bungie  - who undeniably deserve to be up there way more than EA. 

I'm not fan of EA's business practices, but Bungie in the last few years makes EA seem like a saint.  

Atleast when EA dun goofs with their games and having stuff players rage about, they tend to revert it.  Bungie on the other, allows Luke Smith to take to twitter to call the entire Destiny fanbase jerks for not praising the sequel that was a disasterous flop.  I also think EA kinda gets it up the butt unfairly - because while some of the studios working for them tend to crap out garbage (looking at you DICE) other devs under their branding have produced what I consider some of the best games of all time (Looking at the Mass Effect Trilogy, among others)

Bungie is literally what I consider the lowest possible standards for any developer or company.   They sold the first game with little to no content, sold 2 subpar DLCs - then finally made it good with an expansion nearly the price of a full game.  Now they're rinsing and repeating the exact same process with Destiny 2.  They're a greedy developer.  Bungie also throttles your experiences gains and lies to you to encourage sales of microtransactions - which is arguably worse than the debacle of Battlefront 2.  Atleast EA was honest about swindling you.

But in actuality - as much as I hate Bungie - the real #1 on this list should be Overkill studios and their affiliates at Starbreeze, producers of Payday 2 and Raid WW2 - easily the two single biggest crapfests of games I've ever seen.  Even though they're from Sweden, and exception should be made to put them on this list.

They've sold Payday 2 to consoles twice now, and we still can't get a patch without waiting 9 months, whereas PC gets updates almost weekly... PC gets updates free, whereas consoles have to shell out $40 every time a patch finally does make its way to us - it is also quite easily the second buggiest game I've ever taken part in - trumped only by its newborn sibling:  Raid WW2, the latest venture of Starbreeze literally crashes every damn 20 minutes and is so buggy it qualifies as literally unplayable.  I guess these guys get a pass for being Sweedish instead - but holy hell do they ever set the bar low in terms of what is allowed to be released as a game. 

There is far worse than EA.     

I think you mean to say Activision, as that's who Bungie is currently working under. All of Bungie's terrible decisions were either approved by Activision, or were at their request. Either way, Activision is just as much to blame. 


Unfortunately, even though Activision has made just as many terrible and anti-consumer decisions as EA, it's EA that gets all the attention. As it's actually Activision who showed the concept of loot boxes in a retail game worked with Overwatch.


Really, we should be blaming both companies, as they're both pretty terrible.


Also, people need to start voting with their wallets. EA may be one of the most hated companies, but they're also one of the most profitable gaming companies on the planet.

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19 minutes ago, ExHaseo said:

Also, people need to start voting with their wallets.


We vote, they still don't care, for every voter there are two non-voters.


ps: it's funny that one fifth of those companies is in the list because of recent sexual harassment scandals...

Edited by Lance_87
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  • 3 months later...

Never understood how Activision gets a free pass when they are way worse than EA. I guess there's too many blind cod fanboys. They're just as bad with lootboxes and putting out yearly reskins. Now they're not even bothering with a campaign. They never have actual sales on their games. With EA I can at least buy BF1 with all dlc for half the price of what I could buy Black Ops on the ps3. They're complete money whores.

Edited by HailHale81
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