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Sony E3 2018!


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A next-generation PlayStation Portable.


And in all seriousness, the games they've been showing over the last two years that have yet to release, with maybe one or two new announcements sprinkled in, and probably this year's Call of Duty and Destiny DLC again.


I imagine their new announcements could range anywhere from Naughty Dog B-Team project announcement, Demon's Souls remaster, Gran Turismo 7 tease, the obvious Spyro remaster, or something out of left field like a first-party PUBG-alike.


Meanwhile, Xbox will finally blow the lid off of the next Halo (and hopefully Fable), plus a mouthwatering ID@Xbox showcase, and then Nintendo will go all-in with a Smash Bros. Direct.

Edited by Zondares
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I used to get really excited when they'd give us all sorts of news on new and remastered games.  Then, nothing.  Games I was looking forward to vanished, remakes were stopped.  It is pretty much now that IF I see it in the stores or preorder, then I might get it.

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I don't see them announcing anything major from the first party studios; I suspect they will mostly just be showing off the games they have already announced along with release dates. The reason being is that any big games that are still a ways from being finished will probably be for the PS5. We're getting towards the end of this generation after all.

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6 hours ago, madbuk said:

God of War? Spider-Man? Crash Bandicoot? The Last Guardian? Horizon Zero Dawn? Detroit: Become Human? These are all average or bad? :huh:

Of course, they are AAA, you know me :awesome: 


On more serious note, yes, those are quality titles but we've known about them long before E3 announced them. Thus, as 'surprises', they didn't particularly work.

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I used to be overly obsessed with these kinds of events as a kid, because I looked forward to the latest and greatest games that were coming out.


These days I just pick and choose what I feel like playing, and that's really the standard I go for. I look at a game like this year's God of War and eventually I'll play it, because I wanted to play it since E3 2016 two years ago. But with so many games to play on multiple platforms from Steam to Playstation, there's already more than enough to keep us occupied for a long time.


God of War and Detroit: Become Human will release before E3 2018 so there will likely be nothing Sony will showcase from those two games. However Horizon Zero Dawn: Frozen Wilds DLC WAS revealed at E3 2017 last year so having either game with DLC at the event is very likely possible.


I'm a little disappointed Days Gone was delayed to 2019 but there's nothing we can do about it. I don't know when Insomniac's Spiderman releases, but I may consider renting a couple Spiderman games from Gamefly just to get a feel for the Spiderman character and the setting. I haven't read the comics in a long time.


We'll likely see footage from The Last of Us 2. All I've seen so far was the trailer and I felt it was a little disappointing. Sucker Punch's new IP looks promising and we'll probably see more of that. A Samurai open world game sounds very appealing. The closest games I can think of that give off a Samurai appeal is Shadow Warrior and Nioh.


There could be more shown of Hideo Kojima's upcoming game but I think that's still a good ways out.


Sony's E3 2017 was mostly the stuff we had already seen, so I'm hoping this year they will try a little harder to impress the Sony fanboys out there eager to play the latest Sony exclusive. A new IP is always nice, but you never know.

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9 hours ago, Satoshi Ookami said:

Same here. 4-5 years ago, I've been eagerly awaiting everything.

Now? I just watch it out of habit...


It's really not nice :/ :D


It’s not necessarily that. It’s just you grow older and thus your tastes in games change.


For me it was mostly any game that had a full one page advertisement in a magazine. Then one day, several years later if not a decade later you wake up and realize that those games may not of been nearly as good as you thought they were. 


AAA games sell partly because developers are constantly trying to one up the graphics. That appeals to children and young adults who likely haven’t played video games for long. I’m sure plenty of kids out there wanted their parents to buy for them Horizon Zero Dawn because the graphics are so gorgeous and crisp.


A lot of games that are indie and/or are retro themed typically aren’t going to sell as well. Yes, Undertale and Shovel Knight both sold well and are critically acclaimed, but you’re never going to see either game come anywhere close to the attention and recognition modern AAA games are getting. 


Shovel Knight is one of my favorite indies, but it’s retro theme isn’t recognizable to kids because well, they weren’t old enough to remember the 8 - 16 bit era. Plenty of 30 - 40+ year old guys likely got swamped in nostalgia when they saw Shovel Knight. 

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