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What are your Gaming HABITS?


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I can definitely see myself in some of these that are already being discussed, but some other issues raised aren't really part of my gaming make -up (like Ive never had an alternate account - that sounds exhausting)


1. Purchase too many games - 100% an issue for me and one that has only really started occurring since the pandemic. Currently I have a stack of games (all hard copy) like Gollum, Saints Row, Callisto Protocol, Nioh collection, Atlas Fallen, Dead Space and so on that I buy without ever reading any reviews or do any background on or read any guides but basically just buy because it may be something I like. And then I buy something else and I play that and I buy something else and play that and so the cycle goes on and I end up with a trail of games that sit continuously outside of games for consideration to play. Im trying to address this problem but its not easy for some reason.


2. I used to be really snobbish about playing games that are only physical copies. This is something I've mellowed on over the years, but honestly I still find it a little uncomfortable playing a 'real' game if it isnt a physical copy. Like I really want to play Baldurs Gate 3 and High on Life but as I cant get a hard copy its unlikely I will unless someone buys it for my b'day (next week, hint hint lol) or xmas. It wont be something I can allow myself to spend that money on if I cant hold the game in my hands. Is that a bit weird?


3. I skip pretty much all cut scenes in all games I play. I get bored pretty easily and Im inpatient and although there are a handful of games where the story captures me and Im actually interested in the characters and whats going, pretty much most of the time Im skipping through the cut scenes. I do this i think becaue a high proportion of cut scenes are 90% exposition and plot and 90% of the time I feel I know pretty much what they are going to discuss and what the gist will be and honestly, I cant think of a single occasion where this has got me in any difficulty in terms of not understanding whats going on or what I need to do. Most of the time any 'twists' the game has Ive usually seen them coming a mile off. Again, I can only think of two examples out of every game Ive ever played where the 'twist' got me and both of those I was watching the cut-scenes so I feel like I kind of have a great built in radar for this habit.


4. Perhaps the worst of the lot - I never turn my PS5 off. Like right now I know its been on since about 3 completed games ago. I dont know why this is. I dont kow why I cant ever seem to turn it off as i dont really have this issue with any other thing I have to plug in, but its pretty much been on since I got it on release. Cant really explain this one but it is a really bad habit.


5. Finishing games Ive started that I dont like and dont enjoy. Again, Ive definitely got better at this since the pandemic. But i still struggle with turning my back on games that I just dont like playing. The drive for the platinum trophy has caused me to pour hours into games i dont like over the years, but as Ive gotten older I have found this one easier to deal with.

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I need to like a game to play it, otherwise the feeling that I have a lot of options to play starts. It's basically FOMO, but it doesn't happen if I'm playing the PS2 or one of my favourite games for the 5th time. 


It doesn't happen often, but it does when I try something out of my comfort zone.


I also buy many games on Steam lol, not that many on PS, but I have my share of games I haven't tried.

Edited by Jeanolt
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1.  Doing the "Collectible Pathway Shuffle" - when a game has two possible paths, so one is probably the "right" way and one is probably an item or a collectible, choosing one, proceeding down it, then thinking "this is too long, not a dead end, better try the other one first"... then going back, going the other way, then going "oh crap, this is too long, this must be the correct path, better go back to the first one".... over and over again!


2.  Buying games not in a sale... then seeing them go on sale 2 days later 🤣


3. Finishing games even if they're bad.


4. Deliberately not finishing a game, or replaying a game I've already played, to stop myself getting too far ahead of my checklist, and having too many outstanding new games to review on it


5. Getting too comfortable with one "build" or weapon, and not wanting to change it, even if it's not getting the job done effectively.


6. hoarding healing items, and finishing the game with all of them!

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Hoarding games is big money sink but I have managed to get down a bit in last year. I still havent started all ps3 games I want to play eventually. 


I keep on buying free games from epic games just because I can. Dont even have pc that can run most of those games. 


Starting new games for new experiences feels overwhelming. Somehow I just cant start something like  Disco Elysium or Outer Wilds. Much easier to start next cookie cutter shooter or whatnot. 


Juggling multiple grind games and wondering why I cant make meaningful progress on those (Eso and Neverwinter for example)


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My sole authentic gaming proclivity revolves around the recurring cycle of revisiting a select few games, despite possessing a substantial assortment of largely untouched titles gracing my bookshelf. Take, for instance, my commendable feat of achieving platinum status in "Fallout 3" on more than 30 occasions, with "Skyrim" fast approaching that count. Conversely, I find myself disinclined to complete the likes of "Red Dead Redemption 2," among others. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that I have reached a juncture in life where video games, in light of the current state of the industry and a notable dearth of innovation, have considerably diminished in significance to me. Frankly, I find myself rather indifferent now.


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Isopropyl alcohol on my controller every time I play Tekken, pretty much every couple of matches. I just need that "new plastic" feeling on the dpad for that game, otherwise it just doesn't feel right under my thumb and I start messing up even some very basic stuff. Other games, I don't care, but Tekken needs that almost sterile dpad feel. 


Hoarding items, because "I might need them later". Most of the time I don't need them. I know I realistically won't need them. Even if I could use them at a specific moment, I won't, because... Well, I might need them later more than I need them now. This is my biggest personal issue with Soulsborne games - the exploration is great, but it just gives me items to put my weapon on fire or whatever and I simply won't do that most of the time. I know it's a me problem, but still. 


Not giving games a chance. This is actually something that is potentially bad for my gaming experiences, but changing it would result in so much lost time that I don't think it's worth it. If a game doesn't hook me up with something story-wise, I'm gonna skip the hell out of it. I don't need much really. One extraordinarily well written character, one voice that I want to hear more of, a bit of mystery to the story itself... ANYTHING. Most of the time it's just generic. A story or characters I've experienced multiple times already. If something "special" doesn't make me invested in the game - even if it has the best plot twist ever at the end, I'll just miss it. 





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- I need to have a drink beside me at all times. I am the queen of nursing drinks (to the point my family makes fun of me for it) and I will make them last all day but as soon as it's done, I need another. Doesn't matter what it is.

- if I turn on my RGB lighting, it has to be set to a colour that matches the theme of the game (playing Digimon atm so it's currently set to orange/yellow) and the downstairs light has to be on as well so I can see it's on but it's not in the corner of my eye like the hall light would be. 


I'm sure I have more but these two are the big ones that came to mind that weren't about buying too many games or focusing too hard on trophies.

Edited by Vulpine9Tails
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I have to save at an inn or at a "save point".  This all started with Pokemon Red.  I always saved by the PC in the Pokecenter.  Even though save points are mostly gone, there's still heal circles or rest spots and I save there.  I can never stop in the middle of a hallway or at the entrance.


I pick my party by favorites and focus solely on them.  Trails is trying to break that habit.  But there's still four characters that outpace the other fifty.  And even still, those other parties are built on favorites.


I tried practicing good spending habits.  One new game for every two beat.  That didn't last too long.  And I tried focusing on one but I'm easily distracted.  I don't drop games cause in bored,I just get in the mood to play something else 

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1) I plan my games that I want to play in advance I choose around 20 at a time.

2) I play games in a certain order like one easy game that only takes one session to finish, then a medium game that takes between 2-7 sessions, then a long game that takes 8 sessions+ to finish.

3) I follow platinum guides to games with missable trophies with no chapter select on YouTube, if there isn't a guide I write them down so I don't forget.

4) When there is a sale on the PS store, I write down which games I may want then I check the trophy guide/forums to see if any trophies are glitched.

5) I have my laptop near by to look up information if I get stuck.

6) I only wear headphones with platforming games or moderate horror games. 

7) I look at any existing trophy guide on here or PlayStation trophies and then I write the steps down in the order I want to do them in.

8) I download all games I buy and put them into folders >easy>medium>long>100% no platinum. 

9) I always take a day off from gaming to do other things after I've completed the four game types listed above, to stop me being bored as it's get repetitive playing games every day of the year. 

Edited by Jinxcendant-XIII
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  • 5 months later...

Gaming at night is my usual habit, im most alert, and free too, most of the time I will have my reg cherry dr pepper or coke, and beef jerky is a must. My dog usually always watches me play, but she passed away last month, its a bit odd playing still, like calling out her name. 😥 

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My habits are:


- I tend to drink a lot more water while gaming I don’t know why.

- I use my iPad for guides and I also hate when the screen goes black.

- Pretty much always in a party chat talking to my friends unless i'm on the PS3.

- Recently got a desk so I've been putting my feet up and usually rock my chair, feels more comfortable. Except when I need to focus...then I sit upright lol.

- I genuinely look forward to coming home after work and playing playstation, no matter how frustrating the games can get.


Probably a lot more things I could list but this is good for now.

Edited by RaidenART_
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- Lights must be off, or sunlight blocked with curtains. I find it hard to play when there's light as I find it distracting.

- To add on to the above, I mostly play at night for this reason. It feels better to me, less things to distract you compared to throughout the day.

- I always wash my hands before playing and I rarely eat whilst gaming, I like my controllers to feel clean.

- Headphones are a must. It's feels so much more immersive compared to speakers, especially with horror games.

- Starting games up and not finishing majority of them 😅 I just enjoy trying many different things or genres I may not like, so these tend to go against each other.

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Must have drink n snacks.

must be dark or blackout curtains closed if day so no glare.

need ipad to look at guides if needed

music playing if grindy game .


Pretty basic 

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- must have a drink at all times

- if eating, stop playing; it's break time

- I prefer my cats not be on my lap if I'm using my laptop for a guide but I usually have at least one on me at all times

- always have a blanket even when it's meltingly hot summer time, whether I'm under it or on top

- if it's dark, lamps and colour matching RGB behind the tv (game theme colours) are on

- if you're talking to me, game is paused and all my attention is on you. If it's a souls game, please wait for me to die beforehand

- if playing a racing game, Spotify is replacing the shitty soundtrack



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Step 1: Buy way too many games on multiple platforms (PS, PC, Nintendo). Fail to resist sales even though I know I already own enough games to last me probably 3-4 years. Occasionally get a bit sad with the realization that I will never be able to play all the games I want to. Ignore all of this and continue to buy games and claim lots of free games on PC whether I'm interested in them or not.


Step 2: Hesitate for unknown reasons to install anything new on any platform. Why? Who knows. Probably working through some background processing in the brain of committing myself to a new game.


Step 3: Once something is actually installed, continue to delay in actually launching the game for another undetermined amount of time, ranging from days to years. Why? Who knows, but probably related to whatever reasons exists for step 2.


Step 4: Finally play some damn games and have fun while doing it.

Step 4A: While playing those games, have some background thoughts about what I'd really like to play next. Change mind about 4-7 times, depending on the length of game currently being played.


Step 5: When the time comes to start playing a new game, sometimes just punt and play something that was never under previous consideration at all.


Step 6: Repeat.


Is this anyone else, or just me?

Edited by ZitMeatloaf
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