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  2. So I cleaned up all the collectibles today and after finishing everything I did not unlock A Warrior‘s Way. I checked and it doesn‘t count the Spirir Ritual on Mount Itshoka. I completed all 3 challanges multiple times but it still says I need to finish it. I‘m stuck at 80%. It also didn‘t count the trinket on the enduring rite. It shows me 75%. Luckily I still got the trophy for all trinkets. So it counted everything I got out of the challenge but not the challenge itself. any tips? 😔
  3. Started playing Fire Emblem Three Houses for the first time and I've gotta say I'm sorry I waited so long to actually play it. Game is amazing
  4. The game is on sale, and I'm thinking about buying the PS4 version for my birthday, but I don't want to buy it if there are still glitched trophies and whatnot. There is a recent thread here about a new patch fixing stuff, but I couldn't understand if all 3 games are now 100% functional. So, if anybody can confirm it, I would deeply appreciate it. Thanks.
  5. Obtain Trophy via PlayStation stars would be nice. Also no more DLC trophies would be nice too
  6. Hello, did you found an answer to this question because I need to do it aswell, thanks
  7. Making less expensive games isn't THE solution, but it can be a contributing factor. Sony constantly attempted to experiment with less expensive releases, and it hasn't worked in favor of sustainability. It still doesn't do well enough to cover operations. The bigger investments in AAA keeps them in the black; making cheaper games would put them in the red, as much as many would appreciate it. This is why they're investing heavily in GaaS, so they can have a golden goose egg to offset all operational costs and low profit margins on all non-GaaS titles. To say "make less expensive games" is tackling a symptom, not the virus.
  8. #131: Omen of Sorrow The Mountain of Madness (0.67% - Ultra Rare) Earn All Other Trophies. This is a dead fighting game that has been abandoned and left to itself by the devs, consisting of an easy but grinding Trophy list. Additionally, it looks like some Trophies have been broken for years before surprisingly being fixed, which also explains the rarity. Trophies that actually require to play I don't think take more than 20/30 hours: you need to play the Story, Arcade, Survival and Vs modes (A second controller is obviously required), as well as to boost the online with a second console or with a boosting partner, which is super easy to do since it's deadier than dead. In the process of boosting I actually encountered two players: with the first I couldn't fight since it disconnected me in the player select screen, with the other I actually had some matches which I won all with ease. I don't like 2D fighting games at all but I guess being good at Tekken paid off. Also fun fact, thanks to this online self boost, I am now at the top of the in-game leaderboards, for some reason even above of the other Platinum achievers. 😂 By the way, after having done all of this, you need to gather a playtime of 5 hours with all but one of the 12 characters (No idea why Thalessa is not required) and a total playtime of 100 hours. This can be grinded by staying afk with the desired character in the Vs mode, and I did so while being at work, away from home, or while sleeping. Ezpz sub 1% Platinum, but now that I advertised it, I don't know how long it will stay as such. 😂 Since I'm only the 11th achiever, this is the Platinum of mine with the least achievers, beating the previous record of 186 of Brawlout. With its 0.67% rarity, it's also my third rarest Platinum, behind only PlayStation VR Worlds (0.71%) and WWE 2K18 (0.54%).
  9. This is very interesting. Okay, I do indeed have all the Eidos 7 Camps:14/14 (One being just a stool in a cage) (And another probably not counting at all as one as it would be 15 then in that case, and that's the sofa atop the red elevator of the construction zone, which triggers a cut scene. Thought I'd throw that in for reference) Okay, having looked at the posted Wasteland map, mine is the same then, so my Wasteland Camps:11/11 checks out (minus the apparent additional end game two then). Now, Xion is said to have two Camps, right? Are we sure these two count towards Trophy progress? The reason I say this is because I have been to and used both Camps:2/2, but I have a discrepancy of two Camps overall total, count-wise on the Trophy. And I doubled checked Altess Levoire and have made sure that I've been to all five, so my Camps:5/5. My overall count on the Trophy is: 30/89 when according to the updated figures, I should be 32/89 then but I'm not. So there's a discrepancy somewhere and this is a Trophy I don't want to miss as it will be a huge pain to redo... 14+11+2+5 = 32. You guys have any idea on this - I know someone will say at the very end you will be x/x, but I'd rather be sure things are correct much earlier in game than that. I want to keep checks and an accurate count for each area I visit and update the numbers for said areas accordingly, so everything can be traced back.
  10. Update Added: Plat# 179 Far Cry 3: Classic Edition (PS4 Ver.) Up Next: Final Fantasy XVI DLC: Rising Tides
  11. That's an easily solved problem, make less expensive games. Sony has this ridiculous notion in their head that their games need budgets in the $200 million range when other studios are making best sellers with a fraction of the budget. Outside of the Big annual releases like COD and the odd game like Baldur's Gate, studios are throwing themselves into this pit out of their own volition for no reason other than their own stupidity
  12. I 100% missed behemoth on my NG+, I think that’s the only one. So I’ll kill that shortly, and then speed through eidos 9 and the ending. Fingers crossed!
  13. All good. I know the PSN guide tells you what to do, I just figured since I was already focused on another game, might as well pop the characters into the secret arena until I am fully ready to commit. I think there's somewhat a three day limit, which makes sense since the guide says move the calender three days (Oddly I think I did two days in real time and one of the characters levelled 3-4 times compared to a week, guess it was so people didn't just leave the game for a month and come back to 99 lol). Since Valhalla is still taking time and I like to get back to Stranger of Paradise, I don't mind just waiting a few days then doing it. At the rate of the other 2, everyone will be 99 anyways lol. Also having some fun in the battle simulation, man the combat can be fun once you get the hang of it. Although some are glass cannon (There's a girl who carries a heavy battlehammer, massive damage but it leaves her open to being defeated and the enemies dodging her attack),
  14. Maybe these are already obvious to you, but I'll list some things just in case. If you have the thief class, you can try debuffing the boss (lower attack and lower defence). Don't forget attack, crit buffs, etc. on your big damage dealers. Recruiting some NPCs with the characters can help break the shields. The more you try different classes on your characters and purchase skills for them, the more you unlock useful support abilities that can make a difference. Remember you can utilize the latent power skills too. Also have you remembered to equip better gear? I often tend to forget to buy new gear myself in games and in the end I wonder why the game was so difficult. 😅 Oh yeah, and if you have only 4 characters so far, maybe that is the issue? Having access to all 8 different base classes and their skills might be the key to success. So maybe visiting the other parts of the world to recruit the rest of the characters would help. You can follow their stories at a later point (I think?) if you feel overwhelmed by following too many at the same time. I hope you don't get totally discouraged by the game and find a way to overcome the boss fights!
  15. #468 - Peppa Pig: ZA WARUDO Adventures Citizen of ZA WARUDO "Unlock all Trophies in Peppa Pig: World Adventures." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoyment: 10/10 Difficulty: 1/10 Completion time: 2 hours, 7 minutes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the peak, the pinnacle of video gaming. This masterpiece deserves over 9000 video game awards being the absolute best video game in gaming history.
  16. Well, the performance of the PS4 nowadays completely blows, unless you mainly focus on decade old games like I do. Flee while you still can.
  17. Already mentioned under other topic titles, this problem is obviously still not solved and worth a separate and new thread: PS5 - Game crashes always on start screen when online. When you take your console offline, it‘s possible to enter and play the career. But without being online, you can‘t play the dlc‘s you paid for. Starting offline and switching to online when you passed the start screen doesn‘t work, the game crashes. The problem is known for a longer time and numerous players are affected. Does anyone have a solution?
  18. Thanks for the replies. I must've miscounted before - I bought the nameplate and nickname today, and popped the trophy! Thank God, as the latest update makes kudos even harder to get. I repeat, Epic Games Support has no clue what they're talking about.
  19. Make it optional but give a swanky cape/armour set if you do link accounts. That was all Sony had to do. It was that easy. Instead, they flubbed this in the worst way possible. Even though they've walked it back and people are changing their negative reviews back, the damage is done. The trust isn't there anymore from PC players and I can't blame them for that.
  20. I played a bit of coop but I mostly did it solo
  21. You really do enjoy taking things out of your ass and pretend it's the truth, don't you?😉
  22. That was fast, thank-you so much - but I get "this account cannot be restored", guessing the ban process leaves the account in a semi-broken state
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