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PSNP Interviews: Yuna4353 - Submit Your Questions!

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Hello one and all back to the Member Interviews 2021. Please welcome our second interviewee of April, @Yuna4353! Ever patient, they have stood vigil, participating and reading every interview update and thread. As a big fan of the community project, Yuna now gets their turn :highfive:




You may be asking, who is this person? Well, let's find out. Questions can be submitted starting now until April 26th, 2021. Yuna4353 has provided the community a snippet about themselves to help with coming up with questions :)


About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Yuna4353. I mainly dabble in JRPGS as my main genre (Final Fantasy, Persona, Trails you name it), I try to branch out into other genres but for me, I like longer games more than shorter ones because I can experience a world and its characters at it fullest.  I am physically disabled that I have lived with my whole life (Cerebral Palsy, I cannot use my right hand at all so I only play games with one hand). School wise, for me, I plan on going into the education major to become a teacher the best I can. I can’t wait to answer your questions, and I am honored to have this opportunity.




Interview setup 

The setup for all PSNP interviews will be as follows:

  1. After the new interviewees have been revealed, the PSNP community will have 10 days to ask their questions. While the community is coming up with questions, the interviewees has the time to work on the 17 standard questions
  2. After those 10 days, those question along with the standard question will be sent to the interviewee.
  3. The interviewees will have another 7 days to answer as many of the questions as they want.
  4. The interviewees will also have the chance to complete a bonus side activity presented by the prior interviewee.
  5. Once the interviewees has finished answering the question, I will post the whole Interview in a new thread.


How to be a Interviewee

If anyone wants to be interviewed all they have to do is say they would like to be added on the interview signup thread. After that the member will be added to the list of potential interviewees.




List of questions

Standard Questions

  1. How did you come up with your PSN name?
  2. What games convinced you get your PlayStation 3, Playstation Vita, PlayStation 4 and Playstation 5?
  3. What are your top 5 game series and why?
  4. What are your top 5 games and why?
  5. Which unreleased game(s) are you looking forward to the most and why?
  6. Do you have any other hobbies outside of gaming?
  7. Top 5 TV shows, Movies, and/or anime, why, and would you recommend them to people?
  8. Top 5 favorite music bands/group/artists/composers/ost?
  9. Your favorite platinum and why?
  10. Your least favorite platinum and why?
  11. Have you ever been tempted to switch over to the Xbox/Nintendo/PC gaming ecosystems?
  12. If you could have one game from any gaming generation be remade or re-released, which one would it be and why?
  13. How far are you willing to go for a platinum?
  14. If you could give Sony direct feedback of business decisions in the last year, and the latest console generation, what would you tell the,?
  15. What is your favorite thing about PSNP?
  16. What is your least favorite thing about PSNP?
  17. Is there anyone in the PSNP Community you would like to give a shout out too and if so why?


PSNP Community Questions (updated periodically)

  1. What was your first Yakuza game and how did you get into the series? So for example did somebody introduce it to you or you just found it by chance?
  2. Favourite character in the Yakuza universe and why?!
  3. What was the first game ever that you remember playing and do you still have it?
  4. Cats or dogs or both or neither?
  5. Favourite season of the year?

  6. Favourite day of the week?

  7. Do you believe in ghosts, or phenomena adjacent to the paranormal? Have you had an unexplained experience you would classify as such?

  8. If you could switch two colours, so that colour A would turn into colour B and vice versa, which colours would you choose, and why?

  9. Do JRPGs have too much grind for grind's sake, or is grind one of the things that define those games as JRPGs?

  10. Have you ever felt sad right after finishing a good game with a great story and cool characters you had got in fond of?

  11. What was the first jrpg you really fell in love with, and why?

  12. Have you delved back into the older jrpgs of the 8-bit and 16-bit eras, and if so, as a younger gamer (younger than me anyways 1f602.png) how do you feel about how they compare to the more modern ones?

  13. You are heading out on a long journey to save the world - and you are the main character! Which 3 Final Fantasy characters (from any of the games) will you choose to be in your party... and what role will you take? Healer? Tank? Support? 

  14. I always personally loved FFX for the theme of self-sacrifice. What's the reason why you love it so much?
  15. What underrated JRPG gem would you recommend everyone to play?
  16. You are stuck in a castle guarded by the biggest, baddest Dragon ever and can pick 1 character from Final Fantasy, 1 character from Trails, and 1 character from Persona (see what I did there?) to come to your rescue.
    1. Who do you pick and what equipment do they have?
    2. How does this team function well together despite being from different games?
  17. What is the next platinum you will go for and why is it Star Ocean 4?
  18. Do you also like monster-raising RPGs (like Digimon)?

  19. Also, how did you platinum P3D and P5D with one hand? Respect.

  20. Was FFX your first FF or even first JRPG?

  21. Are you ever going to 100% FFX?

  22. Not a question, but you can tell me how you react to it. Finish FF9.

  23. What are your top 3 favourite anime genres?

  24. What is your favourite anime that you have watched?

  25. What upcoming games are you looking forward to?

  26. Any pets?

  27. Waffles or pancakes?

  28. If you were a tree, what kind would you be?

  29. Do you like dragons?


Bonus Questions

  1. By amazing coincidence (maybe?), the only other time I've ever seen anyone bring up having cerebral palsy in a gaming context happened to be once on the GameFAQs FFX board... the poster was inquiring about other games that lend themselves to being played with the use of only one hand... was that you?
  2. Do you see any progress in the industry with regards to accommodating any additional challenges your CP throws up, in regards to gaming?

  3. Do you find such assist modes etc. beneficial / necessary?

  4. Have you found there to be particular developers or games publishers that are particularly good, or bad, at implementing accommodations for players with additional physical challenges in their games?

  5. Do you mind explaining your personal experiences with CP and educating us all on the matter as someone who's lived with it?

Edited by Dreggit
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Woohoo! I've got some questions


1) What was your first yakuza game and how did you get into the series? So for example did somebody introduce it to you or you just found it by chance? 


2) Favourite character in the Yakuza universe and why?!


3) what was the first game ever that you remember playing and do you still have it?


4) Cats or dogs or both or neither? :o


Looking forward to your answers!

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Heya! It's always cool to see someone else whose PSN name was inspired by that one there game ? 


1. Favourite season of the year?


2. Favourite day of the week?


3. Do you believe in ghosts, or phenomena adjacent to the paranormal? Have you had an unexplainable experience you would classify as such?


Also, I know it varies wildly from person to person how much people really feel like discussing their disability, so I'll leave the last as an unnumbered optional question... anyway, by amazing coincidence (maybe?), the only other time I've ever seen anyone bring up having cerebral palsy in a gaming context happened to be once on the GameFAQs FFX board... the poster was inquiring about other games that lend themselves to being played with the use of only one hand... was that you? Answering is completely at your discretion, even if I'll probably lose sleep from not knowing ?


Enjoy your time in the spotlight, and may the questions keep flowing. Looking forward to reading your answers ?

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Hi Yuna ?


I’ll add a few questions:


1. What was the first jrpg you really fell in love with, and why?


2. Have you delved back into the older jrpgs of the 8-bit and 16-bit eras, and if so, as a younger gamer (younger than me anyways ?) how do you feel about how they compare to the more modern ones?


3. You are heading out on a long journey to save the world - and you are the main character! Which 3 Final Fantasy characters (from any of the games) will you choose to be in your party... and what role will you take? Healer? Tank? Support? 


Also - these next questions are only for if you are comfortable answering them, of course, but as you have a more unique perspective, I’d certainly be interested if you are - 


1. Do you see any progress in the industry with regards to accommodating any additional challenges your CP throws up, in regards to gaming?


2. Do you find such assist modes etc. beneficial / necessary?


3. Have you found there to be particular developers or games publishers that are particularly good, or bad, at implementing accommodations for players with additional physical challenges in their games?

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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I always personally loved FFX for the theme of self-sacrifice. What's the reason why you love it so much?


What underrated JRPG gem would you recommend everyone to play?


You can completely ignore this one if you want to. Do you mind explaining your personal experiences with CP and educating us all on the matter as someone who's lived with it?


And the curve ball:


You are stuck in a castle guarded by the biggest, baddest Dragon ever and can pick 1 character from Final Fantasy, 1 character from Trails, and 1 character from Persona (see what I did there?) to come to your rescue... Who do you pick and What equipment do they have? How does this team function well together despite being from different games?

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