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Should All PSN Titles for PS4 Be Platinum?


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No i don't think so , in my opinion it would ruin some of them 


that being said it they did all have Platinums it would boosts their sales .

Exactly, if some of these indie developers want to boost their sales they could add a platinum trophy. I don't think every PSN game should have one, though I wouldn't mind either way.

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Rather, look at it this way:


Platinum titles typically have 1100-1200 points and 24-51 trophies. The less trophies they have, the more you'll see they have higher level trophies trophies like gold (90 points each) and silver (30 points each) to reach that point total. Non-platinum titles typically have 315 points and 10-15 trophies. So in order to pull that off, we'd have to do it a couple ways:


Raise the point total to 1100-1200 for them, and give them a crapload of trophies to match. How you gonna give 30 trophies for Flower?


Keep the trophy number at 10-15, but make them all gold to raise the point total to 1100-1200 to qualify for a plat. Gold trophies now become completely meaningless. Look at Trine 2 to see how retarded that looks.


Keep the trophy number at 10-15, and the non-platinum trophy point total at 315, but just tack a plat on top of it (adds 120 points to the total). How stupid will this look: 1 plat, 1 gold, 4 silvers, 7 bronzes. Plus, platinums become meaningless because most PSN games can be completed in a weekend.


And that's why it's a dumb idea.


That's not to say that some non-platinum PSN titles really deserve a plat. Knytt Underground immediately comes to mind. The trophy reward for that game is definitely not commensurate to the amount of effort you have to put in it.

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XBO  arcade titles are going to have 1000p, so I don't really see any reason for PSN titles not to have platinums, especially when a lot of them are getting more substantial - eg. Castle Crashers, Tokyo Jungle, Fat Princess or aforementioned Contrast comes to mind, with dozens of hours of gameplay required for 300p game 100% - they could totally use platinum-level score limit.


It's not that 315p games are a rule or something - there is a bunch of downloadable games, some with very little number, all/almost all gold trophies and platinum on top. I always thought downloadables should have, from the start, their very own "little platinums", summing them up to ~400p, but I totally won't mind every game having regular plat.

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Like the above post, I've always thought whether a game should have platinum or not should be determined by how many trophies it has.  Games that have 10 trophies and a platinum are ridiculous, but if a game developer takes the time to flesh out their trophy list then they should certainly have a platinum.


It's totally uncool when a digital game abuses the trophy system for sales though.  Compare Trine 1 with Trine 2.  Trine 1 had a nice list of reasonable (if not very easy) trophies, but Trine 2 was an obvious abuse of the system.  A bunch of gold trophies and a platinum that can be earned in an hour or 2, withotu even finishing the game?  Blah.


I like platinums, but I think there needs to be some sort of quality assurance as well.

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While I dont think it should be directly tied to the length of a game, there needs to be some consideration of the time it takes to get the full trophy list.

I personally think that Braid and Limbo are much better games than Skyrim, but to have a full 1200 point for those games (which can be completed in under an hour each) would completely devalue the platinum for a game as big as Skyrim with its 50+ hour game time.

Trophy hunters would simply give up on long games - there's already enough of a problem with games like Megamind and Hannah Montana having full platinums hurting the integrity of the system, no need to bust it further!

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No, otherwise there'll be 9 (or so) gold trophies and a :platinum: for every PSN game which would ruin the system.

I'm pretty sure system works other way around - small games have limits, so they only put limited number of trophies and would put more if they could. There are only very small number of games, that put in "as many golds as possible + maybe a bronze to reach limit" and with downloadables having 1000GS on XBO I think we will see limited trophy lists, compared to achievements equivalents (like eg. RE4 HD for some reason) much more often, than 10x100GP lists.

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I'm pretty sure system works other way around - small games have limits, so they only put limited number of trophies and would put more if they could. There are only very small number of games, that put in "as many golds as possible + maybe a bronze to reach limit" and with downloadables having 1000GS on XBO I think we will see limited trophy lists, compared to achievements equivalents (like eg. RE4 HD for some reason) much more often, than 10x100GP lists.

If a game has a platinum trophy, the total points range anywhere between 1000 and 1230 points (15 for a bronze, 30 for silver, 90 for gold and 180 for a platinum). If every PSN game would have a platinum, there has to be at least 1000 points. 9 or so gold and a plat would be roughly 1170 points, which would totally destroy the trophy system. Because most PSN games can be completed in a day or 2 while other games (like Call of Duty, Skyrim, Uncharted, Burnout) take days/weeks to achieve the platinum.

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If a game has a platinum trophy, the total points range anywhere between 1000 and 1230 points (15 for a bronze, 30 for silver, 90 for gold and 180 for a platinum). If every PSN game would have a platinum, there has to be at least 1000 points. 9 or so gold and a plat would be roughly 1170 points, which would totally destroy the trophy system. Because most PSN games can be completed in a day or 2 while other games (like Call of Duty, Skyrim, Uncharted, Burnout) take days/weeks to achieve the platinum.

Sorry to break it to you, but there are A LOT of games with platinums that are < 10h to plat, and even more with < 15h. There are, seemingly random, downloadable games with plat level scoring, there are long as hell downloadables (would argue upper 5% of all games on Playstation platform) with 315p. There is no integrity to that system anyway. If you have free week and some cash for bunch of imports/disney games, you can pretty easily net 20+ plats in a week from full-fledged boxed releases.


Also, as I've said, there is very, very small probability, that games would be getting "9 golds and plat" - in most cases they will just get much more trophies, if only because more trophies would help keep more people playing and maybe they'll stay with game long enough, to get a DLC. There is no benefit to having small number of trophies for developers, unless they just don't care. Look at revised list in Trine 2 on PS4 - devs done ham-fisted job on PS3, trophies were doable even without beating the game once(!!!), they provide hardly any satisfaction from completing, generally meh, even with game being amazing. So with re-release they've put their mind to it and new list looks way more interesting. Achievements and trophies are part of gaming experience, most devs understand it, and see that going with "9 golds and plat" wouldn't serve anyone.


I would even argue, that indies could put in much more interesting achievements - look at Limbo - only going through game hardly gives you anything. Lone Survivor - Jasper Byrne negotiated with Sony putting in info for players, to disable Notifications on first playthrough, because they are not meant to be seen during it. And, if I see correctly, there are none that you just "get", like in all your CoDs and Uncharteds, where finishing the game once or twice is enough to get ~80% trophies and the rest are collectibles and 2 sometimes fun, sometimes gimmicky bronzes or multiplayer grinds extraordinare. Which option have more integrity in your opinion?

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