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Gota's Brief Blogs: The Man Without A PS4


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Brilliant read ! 


''for the next few weeks I will fantasise about something I want but can't have, and something that I'm not even sure I'm ready for. Essentially, it'll be like my Scarlett Johansson fantasies, but with a different kind of box involved'' 



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You see, I lack the financial funding to go out and purchase a PS4 willy-nilly. I'm the type of guy that waits for upwards of a year or more for a console to (hopefully) drop in price, or be placed in a desirable and affordable bundle with a somewhat decent game. I am, for the lack of a better term, a cheap bastard.




I definitely feel your there. For me at least, college has been very punishing to my funds.

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Brilliant read ! 


''for the next few weeks I will fantasise about something I want but can't have, and something that I'm not even sure I'm ready for. Essentially, it'll be like my Scarlett Johansson fantasies, but with a different kind of box involved'' 




Thanks, glad you enjoyed the read, Sir. 


A little consolation is that the americans, while getting the ps4 earlier, also get all the flaws and faults associated with a newly released console. This wait gives Sony some time to fix things in time for europeans :)


Totally agree, my man. I was going to delve deeper into that, but I wanted to keep my random ramblings short. :P 


I definitely feel your there. For me at least, college has been very punishing to my funds.


Yeah, I graduated last year and I'm still feeling the financial pinch of three years in college. 


Is your relationship with Scarlet a postal correspondence one Gota?


It is, but it's a lonely correspondence - she's yet to reply. :(

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Gota that bought a tear to my eye, not only was it the fact that your stories make all the boys and girls here fall in love with you even more, I'm in the same position as you and unfortunately wont be able to get a PS4 any time soon. The cost of moving countries has chewed into what I did have saved up for the PS4 and other toys.


Another great read, keep them coming.

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Well if you werent so far id say come over have a beer and play some games but i cant share. Funny read at least


Well, I appreciate the kind thought. But, enjoy your beer and your PS4, amigo - you've earned it. :)


Gota that bought a tear to my eye, not only was it the fact that your stories make all the boys and girls here fall in love with you even more, I'm in the same position as you and unfortunately wont be able to get a PS4 any time soon. The cost of moving countries has chewed into what I did have saved up for the PS4 and other toys.


Another great read, keep them coming.


Thanks a million, Simpo, I really appreciate that. If people keep enjoying them, then I'll keep writing them. 


Yep. Various costs have added up over the past few months for myself, which has left the piggy bank a crumbled shadow of its former self. Don't worry, one day we'll get our PS4s.




By the way, I hope your move is going well and that you're settling in to your new environment. :D

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Like our European brethren, Aussies are forced to wait another 8 days before the PS4 hits the ground. But I got to see and touch one today :awesome:...well...almost.


It was tucked away in a demo box, hiding beneath a half-inch of solid plastic bound to cook the fucking thing when they finally turn it on. I did however get to fondle the PS4's buttons and it was sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.


To console myself (get it...it's a clever ass fucking pun), I'll be picking up my XB1 in the morning. No games yet, nor any immediate plans to buy any for either XB1 or PS4. I'll just keep repeating "Xbox on. Xbox off." until my voice grows hoarse.


Best of luck Gota. Here's hoping sales of the PS4 crash and burn so you can get your discount wish sooner.

Edited by ant1th3s1s
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Fantastic read, love the wit. 


But rest assured my friend, I did pick up a PS4 at launch and although I may be in the minority here, but I actually still prefer my PS3.


I like the controller better, the XMB and the almost 100 games I have yet to get to. 


I will add that Battlefield 4 does look exceptional on the PS4, But it is the only game i have played on it so far and then shut it down to focus on the great PS3 games I have yet to play.

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So, the Playstation 4 is finally upon us. Well, I'll rephrase that: The PS4 is upon some of us. The people around here of the European persuasion are still rocking back and fourth, salivating at the mouth, and generally anticipating Sony's new box of delight to be unleashed on these shores on November 30th. Let me say this, though - I'm not bitter... but I am a bit bitter. For the next few weeks I will feel like that kid at school who brought Power Rangers toys into school when - much to his dismay - everyone had moved on to Pokémon. But hey, it's cool because in a few weeks I will finally taste the next-gen: I will unwrap that sexy box, peer into its contents and slowly unravel the newest incarnation of the peerless Playstation; I will hear the sweet, sweet beep of my new baby coming to life for the first time; and I will experience the glorious future in the present tense. It will be an almost ethereal experience. However, there's one problem: 


I won't be getting a PS4. 


Well, not for a while anyway. 




You see, I lack the financial funding to go out and purchase a PS4 willy-nilly. I'm the type of guy that waits for upwards of a year or more for a console to (hopefully) drop in price, or be placed in a desirable and affordable bundle with a somewhat decent game. I am, for the lack of a better term, a cheap bastard. On one side of the coin, biding my time has its perks: The PS4's back catalogue will have grown tenfold in that time, leaving me with plenty of options for when I do unravel that black box or delight and pop its game cherry; and also, as I've mentioned before, it'll hopefully be a little easier on my poor, moth-ridden wallet.


However, fuck waiting, man. I want one now. I know I can't have one, but I want one. I know I don't need one, but I want one. You see what I'm getting at. Also, at this festive period of the year, any spare cash I do stumble across will inevitably be spend on presents and various other things, such as food, travel expenses and tango lessons. It's just not coming up Millhouse: I won't be in that circle of PS4'ers who're discussing the pros and cons of their new devices; I won't be in that circle of people foaming at the mouth at the "truly next-gen" graphics; hell, I won't even be able to be abused by a new generation of people online. And worst of all, I'll have to wait perpetually to experience a seamless PSN Store experience. 


Here's the kicker, though... I know this is just next generation blues. I call it 'Next Generation Blues' because it's that helpless feeling that time is progressing aggressively, and passing by without your consent; what was hip and hop is no longer, and it's time for the PS3 to graciously step aside and accept its fate. The PS4 is here, and with it means the beginning of the lap of honour for the PS3. But, I still feel like I haven't entirely gotten all of the juice out of my beautiful PS3, and I'm terrified that my poor child will get left behind and trampled during the stampede that is the "next-gen." The only way to undoubtedly survive the stampede as a Playstation gamer is to jump on the PS4 bandwagon, and every time you play that PS4, you'll see your once beloved PS3 staring at you longingly, covered in a thick layer of dust, wondering what on earth it's done wrong to deserve being shunted so abruptly.



Every PS3's reaction to a PS4 entering its turf. 


Alas, such is the life of a gamer and their console. I have no control over it, and if I had the financial resources I probably wouldn't even think twice about this new generation of ours. I guess I can just be happy for those out there with their mitts on a PS4, whilst I pace back-and-fourth talking to myself.


Anyway, for the next few weeks I will fantasise about something I want but can't have, and something that I'm not even sure I'm ready for. Essentially, it'll be like my Scarlett Johansson fantasies, but with a different kind of box involved. 


Roll on the gaming. 



Beautiful and your command over the English language is just too powerful. I hope that you can get a PS4 sooner. Just one thing, you're a tango dancer?  :highfive:

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It is, but it's a lonely correspondence - she's yet to reply. :(



Great read!

I truly hope that there's still a ton of things you want, but can't get .... looking forward to the next thing you're dreaming about  :giggle:

Maybe, Gota, if you simply published your letters to Scarlett here you would stand more of a chance. I mean what girl in her right mind wouldnt be interested in a pretty graduate with a decent command of the English language, and one who is published and held in high regard by the the citizens of the best trophy forum in the business.

Its easy to look past the pauper status, the lack of cutting edge gaming technology at your disposal, the hard living and womanising reputation and that bastardised Belfast/Dublin accent (fer fucks sake straighten it out caddy!)

And I for one am so glad that you didn't bump into my daughter last weekend in Copenhagen! :D

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Maybe, Gota, if you simply published your letters to Scarlett here you would stand more of a chance. I mean what girl in her right mind wouldnt be interested in a pretty graduate with a decent command of the English language, and one who is published and held in high regard by the the citizens of the best trophy forum in the business.

Its easy to look past the pauper status, the lack of cutting edge gaming technology at your disposal, the hard living and womanising reputation and that bastardised Belfast/Dublin accent (fer fucks sake straighten it out caddy!)

And I for one am so glad that you didn't bump into my daughter last weekend in Copenhagen! :D


Wait, is Gotakibono better than Mr Blobby?





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Absolutely Genius, Brilliant Read!  :yay: 
Love the humour and it about sums up my cheap ass skint self situation up. Having to replace a broken telly didn't help out either.
The funny part was the girlfriend looking at me like I was all wrong as I glanced at my PS3 and let out a loud sad squeaky "awww" at the PS4 entering its turf image
Its OK though. Its technically going on a shelf next to the PS2 as a bookend. I Recycle  :awesome:

Edited by allsop1986
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Like our European brethren, Aussies are forced to wait another 8 days before the PS4 hits the ground. But I got to see and touch one today :awesome:...well...almost.


It was tucked away in a demo box, hiding beneath a half-inch of solid plastic bound to cook the fucking thing when they finally turn it on. I did however get to fondle the PS4's buttons and it was sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.


To console myself (get it...it's a clever ass fucking pun), I'll be picking up my XB1 in the morning. No games yet, nor any immediate plans to buy any for either XB1 or PS4. I'll just keep repeating "Xbox on. Xbox off." until my voice grows hoarse.


Best of luck Gota. Here's hoping sales of the PS4 crash and burn so you can get your discount wish sooner.


There's a rumour floating around my Dublin-based friends that a Gamestop in the city centre has a PS4 in a plastic case, just waiting to be fondled. I will probably gather with those friends over the weekend and partake in something of a group PS4 fondling/ogling. However, the fact that a gorgeous PS4 is being sentenced to death by plastic box is a little hard to stomach; it's essentially a see-through coffin. 


And thank you, Sir. Here's to the future misfortune of Sony and the ensuing PS4 price-cuts. . 


Also - DAT PUN:




Fantastic read, love the wit. 


But rest assured my friend, I did pick up a PS4 at launch and although I may be in the minority here, but I actually still prefer my PS3.


I like the controller better, the XMB and the almost 100 games I have yet to get to. 


I will add that Battlefield 4 does look exceptional on the PS4, But it is the only game i have played on it so far and then shut it down to focus on the great PS3 games I have yet to play.


Thanks, glad you enjoyed the read. I must admit, I will be sad to see the XMB go; I've grown very fond of its simplicity and its general layout. As for PS3 games, I still have a lot to get through myself. Damn that back catalogue... 


I too am a man without the means to afford a PS4, and in the US no less.  On one hand I have plenty to wrap up on the PS3.  On the other hand, backlog be damned, I want to live the dream of playing a last(?) generation game with new and improved graphics (Ghost).  


Good read man.


We will live our dream one day, man. Guess we could always just close our eyes and pretend the PS4 isn't there. And thanks for the feedback. :)


Beautiful and your command over the English language is just too powerful. I hope that you can get a PS4 sooner. Just one thing, you're a tango dancer?  :highfive:


I dabble in something called, 'The Drunken Tango.' It's essentially a bastardised version of the Tango, with some elements of confusion added in. :highfive::P


Also, I very much appreciate the kind words. 


Great read!

I truly hope that there's still a ton of things you want, but can't get .... looking forward to the next thing you're dreaming about  :giggle:


Haha! Don't worry, I will whine some more at some stage. Until then, thanks for reading!




Maybe, Gota, if you simply published your letters to Scarlett here you would stand more of a chance. I mean what girl in her right mind wouldnt be interested in a pretty graduate with a decent command of the English language, and one who is published and held in high regard by the the citizens of the best trophy forum in the business.

Its easy to look past the pauper status, the lack of cutting edge gaming technology at your disposal, the hard living and womanising reputation and that bastardised Belfast/Dublin accent (fer fucks sake straighten it out caddy!)

And I for one am so glad that you didn't bump into my daughter last weekend in Copenhagen! :D


Haha! My command of the English language would swiftly disappear if I were to meet Scarlett:




Wait, is Gotakibono better than Mr Blobby?






That's Altered Formula under that suit. :P


IMHO I don't want a ps4, even if I could afford it I would still play my ps3 because I love trophies (specially with those upcoming price drops for ps3 games) :ninja:  :ninja:


The one major positive is the inevitable PS3 game price-drops. I can't wait to pick up Beyond: Two Souls and Splinter Cell: Blacklist on the cheap. 


I just had a second child, and put a down payment on a newer, bigger house to shelter said children. So I doubt I'll be getting one anytime soon either. :sadpanda:


Well, you're more of a man than I. I hope your family's keeping awesome, and that your new child is healthy and happy. :)


Absolutely Genius, Brilliant Read!  :yay: 

Love the humour and it about sums up my cheap ass skint self situation up. Having to replace a broken telly didn't help out either.

The funny part was the girlfriend looking at me like I was all wrong as I glanced at my PS3 and let out a loud sad squeaky "awww" at the PS4 entering its turf image

Its OK though. Its technically going on a shelf next to the PS2 as a bookend. I Recycle  :awesome:


It is an adorable image. :P And thanks so much, I'm just happy you liked reading my shite. I might actually steal that bookend idea down the road - that's properly genius. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

i guess i'll be getting a ps4 maybe in 2015 or something like that  :(


so.. by that time there'll be more games to play whether new or old, i still feel like i haven't really got enough of my ps3, and when the time will come and get a ps4 i wonder what will gonna happen to my ps3 after all the attention is gonna go all eyes on ps4?  :hmm:


well i still have my fat ps2 setting on a shelf silently... it's broken though, don't read discs anymore, until i get a ps4 sure the ps3 got the best exclusive so far but the ps2 is still my favorite gaming console to date.  

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