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Do you feel "Incomplete" if you didn't get the Platinum in a game you liked?


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On 20/05/2021 at 2:29 AM, AJ_Radio said:

Or you can just turn off trophy notifications or you can play on Steam, whose achievement system is completely worthless. Everybody on this website seems to forget these things.



Turning off notifications wouldn't solve the problem for many people though - you still know you have trophies to earn even if they're not actively popping up on your screen.  If you disable the notifications and then play through a game and complete it without any trophies popping up, you're still going to check your trophy list to see which ones you got and which ones you still need.


Plus, many people - myself included - don't have a PC/Mac/whatever that is capable of running advanced current-gen games, so Steam is only really a viable option for older games or those with unremarkable graphics.

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2 hours ago, StewartBros said:

Plus, many people - myself included - don't have a PC/Mac/whatever that is capable of running advanced current-gen games, so Steam is only really a viable option for older games or those with unremarkable graphics.


Why is this a bad thing? A lot of PC ports for AAA games have been proven to be wonky on release. Look what happened to Batman: Arkham Knight when it released on Steam, that's a good example of a horrible PC port, and it wasn't until later that the glaring issues were fixed.


Unremarkable graphics doesn't necessarily mean the games are bad. I have plenty of indies and some AA games on Steam, but I don't bother doing any sort of achievement hunting as I play them purely for fun.

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26 minutes ago, AJ_Radio said:


Why is this a bad thing?


I didn't say that it was. :P


26 minutes ago, AJ_Radio said:


Unremarkable graphics doesn't necessarily mean the games are bad.


Again, I didn't say that.  I've been playing video games since the mid 80s, and the earliest one I can remember playing - Pong - wasn't even in colour.  Combat had a grand total of 4 colours.  I knew the graphics were basic even back then, and they're prehistoric now, but the games were actually fun to play.


The first MGS game back in 1998 was a graphical tour de force in its day, but now?  Let's be honest... graphically, it hasn't aged well at all.  It's still great fun to play though. 

I've never been of the mindset that graphics are the make-or-break point of a game - if the game is fun to play, then its graphics hardly matter.

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On 5/20/2021 at 1:51 AM, LukeTheGooner said:

sometimes I wish trophies wern't a thing so I could just finish a game and move on, would be so much easier but also more boring


Without trophies I would probably still have a massive "I am the best elitist ego" and play WoW all day ?.


Thank god for single player games with trophies.


On topic: So far only 6 games killed my 100% streak and it absolutely sucks. It's always the DLC's that fuck me over ?

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6 minutes ago, StewartBros said:

I didn't say that it was. :P


I know you didn't say that, but you said your Mac/PC isn't capable of running the latest AAA games in 4K, 60 FPS. My computer can't run those games either, I bought my computer for work and it does what I want it to do. Building a custom PC desktop costs a lot of money, and it's especially bad now because computer parts are overly expensive due to the economic downturn that started last year.


You don't need this stuff, it's purely a luxury. As a matter of fact playing games at all and playing them on your PS4/PS5 is a luxury. It's a hobby we enjoy doing.


9 minutes ago, StewartBros said:

Again, I didn't say that.  I've been playing video games since the mid 80s, and the earliest one I can remember playing - Pong - wasn't even in colour.  Combat had a grand total of 4 colours.  I knew the graphics were basic even back then, and they're prehistoric now, but the games were actually fun to play.


The first MGS game back in 1998 was a graphical tour de force in its day, but now?  Let's be honest... graphically, it hasn't aged well at all.  It's still great fun to play though. 

I've never been of the mindset that graphics are the make-or-break point of a game - if the game is fun to play, then its graphics hardly matter.


I started in 1992. You were just one generation ahead of me.


I'm in the same mindset. But I'm just saying that not having a PC that can run the advanced games on Steam isn't holding you back. I have friends who can run these games, I have friends who can't. It's all about personal preference.

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On 5/16/2021 at 4:19 AM, Kizer26 said:

I definitely feel this, the example of it for me is Stardew Valley. Loved the game, played it for a long time, but never got the Platinum for it. There's 2 trophies that require you to do a perfect run of a twin stick shooter in the arcade and I just can't do it. I'm garbage at the genre and don't really enjoy it, so I'm not willing to put the time in to perfect a minigame for that platinum.
Same thing with Yakuza 0, loved the game, beat it on Legendary and got 100% in-game completion, but I suck at the bonus Climax battles. After a save fail wiped my progress on them I got demoralized and stopped trying.



Even if I somehow got all the fish in Stardew Valley and all the monster slayer goals, I don't think I could ever got those Prairie King trophies.


I don't feel incomplete when I don't platinum a game, even in games I like or love. Most platinums are challenging at the least, intensely difficult at worst. I simply don't have the desire to put that much time and effort in, and sometimes I just lack the skill.

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59 minutes ago, ChiefMichigan said:


Even if I somehow got all the fish in Stardew Valley and all the monster slayer goals, I don't think I could ever got those Prairie King trophies.


I don't feel incomplete when I don't platinum a game, even in games I like or love. Most platinums are challenging at the least, intensely difficult at worst. I simply don't have the desire to put that much time and effort in, and sometimes I just lack the skill.


I definitely understand that sentiment, my most recent trophy grind was Monster Hunter: World, where getting all but 3 trophies took 140hrs. If I were to get those last 3 trophies, it would bring the expect time up to 300-400hrs. The game was fun, but that time commitment for a pure grind isn't worth the platinum in my eyes.

For Stardew, I really enjoyed the trophies, it gave me more goals while playing. If you look up a list of fish, it takes less than a year to get them all (Which I did during one of my regular playthroughs), and i don't think there was anything associated with slayer goals so i never did those. Prairie King just wasn't fun for me, so I decided not to do it, but it still is disheartening :P

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honestly no. i love payday 2 as it lets me live that dream of committing high crime sprees with the horde shooter aspects with different builds but what stops me getting the platinum is the stealth trophies which i don't enjoy because stealth itself is very dull and tedious less than it is feeling like a cool slick puzzle to avoid stuff and try and ghost it and be in and out without anyone knowing you exist like in say splinter cell. there's also the Deathwish stuff which even without the stealth needed which just boosts the tedium on higher difficulties the difficulty is a complete crapshoot of oh this is a pretty alright fun challenge to oh there's no cover lets abuse the even with the nurf swan song and dodge and just grab inspire and double medic bags and brute force it and its just not fun doing that honestly.

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No, as long i enjoyed it enough and know the experience was worth it. (White Day Labyrinth is one example)

SD Gundam Generation Genesis for example isn't anything hard, just plain boring so didn't even want to waste any more time with it.

Edited by Nelson_Otaku
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  • 2 years later...

Well, video games aren't important enough to make me feel incomplete (although I've got plenty of real life reasons to feel insufficient already), but leaving anything unfinished has always caused me angst, whether it's regarding trivial matters like games or something more essential. Once I get it into my head that a certain task "needs" to be done, I can't seem to stop myself, often to my own detriment. On one occasion, for example, I decided that I needed to finish replacing the radiator on my shitty old car TODAY, so I stayed awake past midnight, working in subpar lighting until it was done. My mentality is really inflexible and perfectionistic like that, and I guess it bleeds over into my hobbies, such as gaming.


I'd actually prefer if I didn't think this way, because it's clearly unhealthy, but I haven't had much success in changing my behavior thus far. It is what it is.

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No, not too much. I tend to finish a game and then if the plat is doable I can try it, but if it requires too much time or feels frustrating, I skip it. One example that comes to mind is that while I really enjoyed NNK2, the post-game grind for plat seems too tedious for me right now. Maybe I'll return to it, maybe I wont.

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Before I'm starting a game, I check the trophy list, some guides and reviews, if I see that the platinum will be too much of a job for me, so I make the decision to play the game for the experience and less for trophies, so I earn as much trophies as I can, because why not, it will raise my rank and trophies points anyway, but I just skip the platinum.


I was kinda obsessed with platinum to the point that I found myself skipping so many good games just because I knew that I won't be able to get the platinum, so I decided to calm down about it and play games for the fun and if I can get the platinum pretty easily, so I give the extra hours to earn it.


I recently played FF7 Remake after skipping it for a long time and I'm happy about this decision, but I won't work on the platinum, too much grind, I can't wait to play Rebirth soon B)


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No, I don't really care how many trophies I get tbh anymore. Example Last of Us I got just 2 trophies, 1 bronze for completing the game. I've bought multiple games lately with no intention of getting the platinum. 

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No. Its a minor annoyance to see them unfinished but generally its due to hating whatever content was leftover. And id rather be irritated by an incomplete than actively do something i hate. KH2 is one of my all time favorite games for example but that gummi garbage, and by extension the plat, can rot. 

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