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Hi there, recently switched over from Xbox(:


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Hello, I'm Kalia. I just recently bought a PS3(12/20/13) with plans to sale my Xbox 360 already in place. I definitely could have kept both but I wanted a complete switch :wave: . These past few days as I have been using my PS3 I've loved the experience. I guess one could say that I'm back to my roots because the PSP was my system for years(: 


But with the change over to a whole new system comes rebuilding your gaming foundation and stuff ((and making some new friends :huh: )) but i'm ready for itttttttttt. So yeah, hi(: I've been playing mostly BO2 and MW3 with future plans to seriously expand my game library :lol:

Hmm, that's all B)

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Hello, I'm Kalia. I just recently bought a PS3(12/20/13) with plans to sale my Xbox 360 already in place. I definitely could have kept both but I wanted a complete switch :wave: . These past few days as I have been using my PS3 I've loved the experience. I guess one could say that I'm back to my roots because the PSP was my system for years(: 


But with the change over to a whole new system comes rebuilding your gaming foundation and stuff ((and making some new friends :huh: )) but i'm ready for itttttttttt. So yeah, hi(: I've been playing mostly BO2 and MW3 with future plans to seriously expand my game library :lol:

Hmm, that's all B)


Hi, everybody I know keeps on moving to the ps4 instead of the Xbox One lol. Anyway enjoy your stay here. Also Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Edited by rhyperiorx
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Hello, I'm Kalia. I just recently bought a PS3(12/20/13) with plans to sale my Xbox 360 already in place. I definitely could have kept both but I wanted a complete switch :wave: . These past few days as I have been using my PS3 I've loved the experience. I guess one could say that I'm back to my roots because the PSP was my system for years(: 


But with the change over to a whole new system comes rebuilding your gaming foundation and stuff ((and making some new friends :huh: )) but i'm ready for itttttttttt. So yeah, hi(: I've been playing mostly BO2 and MW3 with future plans to seriously expand my game library :lol:

Hmm, that's all B)

Welcome to PSNP


A person on here once said to me, welcome to the darkside, consider this me saying the same :D


Feel free to add me on PSN,


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