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PS3 trophy hunting feels much more satisfying


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Trophies started in what 2008? It's been 14 years, if someone's got that much time under their belt, of course games would feel easier today.

If people are upset at easy trophies, they should stop avoiding the hard games for the sake of their precious account stats. N++, Bleed, Frostpunk, the list goes on when it comes to games that make ps3 games in general look like jokes. 

Edited by VigilantCrow
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Don’t care about difficulty myself. I just don’t waste my money on easy platinums unless the game actually looks like something I’d like. “My name is Mayo” is a good example. I was actually thinking it looked funny. And it was cheap. The plat was just an added bonus. Never got around to the sequel. Not sure I ever will at this rate lol.


I do not miss the snail-loading of the ps3 syncing at all. Was very annoying when it got stuck too. Happened to me a lot.


I guess being a casual trophy adventurer has made the whole experience for me more enjoyable haha. 

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I think it’s good you’re keeping the PS3 alive, I have a couple more games I’d like to play on it before finally laying mine to rest. I loved the PS3 era, I guess it’s probably the nostalgia factor that makes it feel better than current gen. It’s where a lot of people started trophy hunting, so it’s natural to look back on it more fondly than what we have now.


But I agree with what @HusKy said, you can have the same satisfying feeling of completing good games on both PS4/5 that also require time and effort, there’s a lot out there, it’s just choosing what to play more carefully.

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On 28/04/2022 at 8:30 AM, alexhardstyle said:

I remember looking for "easy" platinums like "Megamind", "Terminator", "UP" in secondhand forums and making lot of new friends sendind and receiving games. A 5h platinum like Megamind was the easiest and fastest then. Now in 5h you can have... 40 platinums? Nonsense.


Oh man I miss that times :(


I'd go back to those times in a heartbeat. The way trophies have gone is steeply downhill and it's sad to see everything, including AAA games going in that direction. 

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I can't really compare to PS4/5 games, cause I'm still stuck on PS3 (and certainly stay there until I finally have enough luck to get a PS5 ?). But as I complete my pile over the past months, I can say that most earlier games have very annoying trophy lists. Many of them are not really creative and only contain collecting things or counting stuff instead. Of course its definitely satisfying to get a trophy after 50h of fulfilling all requirements, but the way should be fun and not feel like work. And I don't have a problem with extreme 100%-completing a game (I do this even without trophies ?), but I don't like multiple nearly identical playthroughs for reaching the goal. Playing a game over and over again gets boring at some point. So I prefer games with challenging trophies and not just stupid grinding. I think devs made it better with later games and hope this is also the case on PS4/5.

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On 4/27/2022 at 11:35 AM, Helyx said:

The feeling of finally laying a PS3 game to rest after getting 100% completion is extremely satisfying. Chipping away at a backlog 15 years in the making feels better than stacking a bunch of quick PS4 plats, no doubt.


Totally agree with you. I'm very unlikely to hit trophy level 999, and I don't get the same enjoyment out of watching My Name is Mayo or quick burn-throughs of Ratalaika titles. I'm also slowly rebuilding my PS3 JRPG collection and look forward getting back to it.

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What I miss the most was when games were hundreds upon hundreds of GB. A lot of the PS3 games were relatively small, so you didn't need to get an external hard drive for those digital games. Just wish PSN did one last sale on PS3/Vita before they decide to put it to rest, kek.


The PS3 trophy ping is a lot more satisfying to the ear, though.

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On 4/28/2022 at 5:50 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

Can’t say I really preferred one over the other. :dunno:


 To be honest, I think if you only play the games that appeal to you, and let your trophy hunting be dictated by your tastes, rather than the other way around, then there isn’t a huge amount of difference in terms of trophies from system to system.


I do certainly appreciate how many more indie games were available on PS4 than the PS3, however, that’s more a symptom of the vastly increased indie scene and the PS4 just happening to coincide with that, than it is any specifics of the system itself, I’d imagine.


That said, I do NOT like the slow-as-molasses trophy synching on the PS3! 1f602.png

This! Haha, I absolutely despised trophy synching on the PS3. It took soooooooooooooo long.

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On 29/04/2022 at 2:35 AM, technole said:


Ironically really, since all the DLC, some of the most bullshit hard, glitchy, boring or grindy trophies I have ever experienced in a game. Still haven't got 100% on that game, and I doubt I ever will.

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 Yes I agree, ps3 trophy hunting days were way more challenging and satisfying. Only thing I don't miss are those games with crappy tacked on multilayer trophies. Like someone here mentioned,  beating the game on the hardest difficulty was pretty much standard almost every game on ps3 even early-mid ps4 days and I believe thats part of the reason why it's not as satisfying nowadays cuss most games don't require that.. Getting a Plat should be a CHALLENGE, not something you pay for. I WILL ADMIT though,  I did have my days of trophy and plat whoring, getting easy plats on ps vita like mayo and etc but those days are faaarr gone. Nowadays I look forward to challenging and low rarity plat games, when I look at trophies fir a new game and I see beat it on the hardest I immediately smile and say bring it onnnn.. kena  bridge of spirits anyone? I wonder wharf the plat rarity would have been had there never been that glitch to bypass master diff. What's more disappointing is that games today play waaay better , are much more fun, n responsive than they ever been. Plus that smooth 60fps on ps5 should be no excuse for anyone not being able to beat almost any game on the hardest diff. I miss those challenging trophies on ps3 but it's hard going back after being spoiled by how smooth n responsive ps5 is.  I hope one day they do something about thosed cra0py cheap games with easy plats, like remove the plats from them, n devs go back to implementing hardest diff trophies on their games. 

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On 4/27/2022 at 6:50 PM, Fr_0zt said:

It's the DING! I miss that sound 1f622.png

Now it's Blang !!

But because of how hard/long ps3 plats are, i will never be done with it even if i spent another 10 years trying to beat them.

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8 hours ago, enaysoft said:


Ironically really, since all the DLC, some of the most bullshit hard, glitchy, boring or grindy trophies I have ever experienced in a game. Still haven't got 100% on that game, and I doubt I ever will.

For sure. This doesn't make sense to me. Aside from completing the main story with mates online with all of the Borderlands games, I never have the strength of will or even the interest to plat those games. 

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On 29/04/2022 at 3:25 PM, CsGetDegree said:

It is the 1 minute wait thinking you didn't get the trophy then then hearing the DING sound. Nothing beats that sweet relief. 

I always used to enjoy that delay those few seconds waiting. It always popped eventually but knowing only a few seconds were left in some cases after hours of trying was good times. 

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It's safe to say that most of us prefer trophy hunting on PS3 as at least the plat felt like something you put time and effort into and not just a simple AAA game with an average list, hell these days lists just say beat the game and gift it you even Sony's 1st party games have got easier over the years just in general trophy lists was better on PS3 and PS3 is the GEM that a lot of people have forgotten about and left behind it's got some of the best games for sure.

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22 hours ago, Wolf_Town_Spider said:

I always used to enjoy that delay those few seconds waiting. It always popped eventually but knowing only a few seconds were left in some cases after hours of trying was good times. 

Like after those God of war speedruns lol. 

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Meh, I'll gladly be the outlier in this thread and say that I prefer that games have gotten easier. Not EZPZ's...but your average AAA title. I just never shared the sentiment with people that Challenging = Fun/Rewarding. Challenging = a headache and frustration and making me feel like I'm wasting my time putting myself through that, and then once I have the Plat I never feel like I earned it...it's just more of a sigh of relief that the pain over with. 


Don't get me wrong, I loved the PS3 days. But I definitely prefer not having to play most games on the hardest difficulty now, or even having to play a game 3+ times to unlock the hardest difficulty, or not having to get to max rank online. I have a mere 16 games left on my PS3 backlog and I keep putting them off because they all require multiple playthroughs or hardest difficulties. I have to be in the mood for that...which doesn't come often.


I like that trophy lists now are more streamlined and focused on you just having fun. That's what gaming is supposed to be me...a relaxing fun hobby. Not something you have to challenge yourself over to feel good about yourself. Life's hard enough...I don't want it out of my escape from reality. 

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On 4/27/2022 at 0:43 PM, Rataclies said:

I still really enjoy my PS3. Love the game selection


I think this plays a major part. The PS4 has some of my favorite games of all time, but I feel the PS3 had a larger quanity of solid games, guilty pleasures and games that gave you value for money, this in turn leads to more enjoyable trophy collecting in my experience. There used to be a pelethora of AA games, movie tie-in games, super hero games that fell between the AAA games and indie games...now it's just feast or famine with these games.

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On 5/5/2022 at 11:36 AM, roto-ninja said:


I think this plays a major part. The PS4 has some of my favorite games of all time, but I feel the PS3 had a larger quanity of solid games, guilty pleasures and games that gave you value for money, this in turn leads to more enjoyable trophy collecting in my experience. There used to be a pelethora of AA games, movie tie-in games, super hero games that fell between the AAA games and indie games...now it's just feast or famine with these games.


I just did Splatterhouse which is most certainly a AA game. Nothing special or great, but it satisfies that itch that is mostly missing from modern gaming.


I'm getting a bit fed up with all the indies that try to look like old 90s platformers or are simply Metroidvanias. That particular genre is starting to get stale, since they practically take the blueprint of Super Metroid and do next to nothing in terms of innovation. It's just explore a bunch of rooms, fight a few bosses, and revisit a couple rooms when you gained a certain ability. Rinse and repeat.


Unfortunately AA games on the PS3 are now becoming expensive and hard to find. The late PS4 and PS5 era has all been about either the blockbuster AAA experience, or find that obscure indie hoping that it's decent. Nothing in-between.

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