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PSNP Interviews: ObsiEez - Submit Your Questions!

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Hello and welcome back to Member Interviews! Our next interviewee is none other than @ObsiEez! Let's peel back his layers and get to know more about him.




Questions can be submitted starting now until August 31st, 2022. ObsiEez has provided the community with a snippet about themselves to help with coming up with questions. 


About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Devon, better known as ObsiEez to everyone here. I'm 23 (turning 24 next month) & I'm from Canada! I'm currently unemployed due to the extremely bad job market here where I live so I will probably still be unemployed for a while because of it. Though thankfully I have enough savings to last me a long while, so thankfully I won't ever be struggling to get by.


I've been gaming for pretty much as long as I can remember. I enjoy reading books & watching anime as well, but both of those have kind of fallen to the sidelines as I haven't done either for a while now since I've spent most of my free time gaming instead more recently. I mainly game on PlayStation and PC, but I also have a Switch that I play occasionally whenever I'm on the go or... elsewhere.

I'm super passionate about music & firmly believe a good soundtrack makes up 50% of any scene in a game/film. Having the right track can honestly make or break a scene. This scene from The Blacklist (massive spoilers in that link for the show), is a perfect example of making sure you have the right soundtrack for your scene & perfectly crafting it to maximize the soundtrack & impact that you will get from it. I'm extremely hard of hearing & I have only about 40% hearing left (most of which is in my right ear) which does get worse with each year that passes which only makes me more passionate about music & the importance of soundtracks in both gaming & films. On the same topic of music, my favorite genre of music would have to be Metal as there is just so much you can do with the genre & nothing gets your blood pumping quite like it. So if anyone has any metal band recommendations as well, I would love to know because Spotify's discover weekly hasn't been cutting it lol.

I'm also a guide writer here & have written quite a few guides that I'm super proud of. Guide writing to me is not only a way to express my enjoyment of the game, but to try and have the game reach a wider audience here on PSNProfiles that otherwise may have overlooked it or didn't play it because it never had a guide, which is why I primarily write for more niche titles.


Also just a little fun fact to throw in directly at the end! My middle name comes from a summon in Final Fantasy 7 since my brother was playing Final Fantasy 7 at the time & my parents had no idea what to make my middle name. Which summon? I'll never tell ;)




Interview setup 

The setup for all PSNP interviews will be as follows:


  1. After the new interviewee have been revealed, the PSNP community will have 10 days to ask their questions. While the community is coming up with questions, the interviewee has the time to work on the 17 standard questions
  2. After those 10 days, those questions, along with the standard questions, will be sent to the interviewee.
  3. The interviewee will have another 7 days to answer as many of the questions as they want.
  4. Once the interviewee has finished answering the questions, I will post the whole interview in a new thread.


How to be an Interviewee

If anyone wants to be interviewed all they have to do is say they would like to be added on the interview signup thread. After that the member will be added to the list of potential interviewees.





List of questions

Standard Questions

  1. How did you come up with your PSN name?
  2. What games convinced you to get your PlayStation 3, Playstation Vita, PlayStation 4, and Playstation 5?
  3. What are your top 5 game series and why?
  4. What are your top 5 games and why?
  5. Which unreleased game(s) are you looking forward to the most and why?
  6. Do you have any other hobbies outside of gaming?
  7. Top 5 TV shows, Movies, and/or anime, why, and would you recommend them to people?
  8. Top 5 favorite music bands/group/artists/composers/OST?
  9. Your favorite platinum and why?
  10. Your least favorite platinum and why?
  11. Have you ever been tempted to switch over to the Xbox/Nintendo/PC gaming ecosystems?
  12. If you could have one game from any gaming generation be remade or re-released, which one would it be and why?
  13. How far are you willing to go for a platinum?
  14. If you could give Sony direct feedback on business decisions in the last year, and the latest console generation, what would you tell them?
  15. What is your favorite thing about PSNP?
  16. What is your least favorite thing about PSNP?
  17. Is there anyone in the PSNP Community you would like to give a shout-out to and if so, why?


PSNP Community Questions (updated periodically)

  1. What are some of your favorite video game soundtracks?

  2. What are some of your favorite metal bands?

  3. What is your opinion on this use of song in a movie? I think it's my favorite sequence and use of song ever. (just the part when Wick looks the dude in the eyes while he dies.)

  4. Nice to meet you, Schenectady KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND McMartigan. The AK has just one question for you...

    • JKga3xu.gif?x21682

  5. What is the most recent job you had? Did you like it?

  6. Can you name any good game that was somehow ruined by a mediocre soundtrack?

  7. What is an otherwise great game that is ruined by its soundtrack?

  8. When you are considering a good soundtrack in a game, do you like when songs use a meta instrumentation to fit the theming of the game or area? Consider this example where the main character, Robin, is a mechanic. The song heavily uses industrial sounds and mechanical elements on the title screen.
  9. What is a sound element in a game that you don't like hearing? For example, some people do not like the usage of the Wilhelm scream. Others do not like random sharp noises that serve no purpose.
  10. If you could give a shout out to any musical composer, who would it be and why?
  11. What is your favorite example of a playable instrument in a game?
  12. How often do you like to play games outside your comfort zone?
  13. Think of a game that you enjoy, but imagine that it never released. Now consider that it was remade under modern tropes, rules, and with modern technology as its first ever release. What would that game be and how do you think it would do in today's market? For example, if Resident Evil never released, and none of the games that came after it were released either, if the debut of Resident Evil was today, how do you think it would do?
  14. Are there any guides that you would like to commend?
  15. With the author community now having a community for themselves, how do you think that has changed the authorship process? Better or worse?
  16. If you ever met me in person, what would you say? (from Dreggit)
  17. What are your earliest memories from life?
  18. Have you ever met someone famous?
  19. Ever just dropped the controller and just stood there when the music hit just right in a game?
  20. On a five hour train ride, would you rather read a book or play games on a handheld?
  21. Toads or frogs?
  22. Impressive profile!! I noticed at a quick glance, it appears you have a vast majority of the Kingdom Hearts series finished... Do you plan to finish them off to attain Kingdom Hearts deity status??!
  23. What's the best Canadian TV show, and why is it Trailer Park Boys?
  24. Given that you're a FromSoftware fan, are you interested in their legacy titles? 
  25. Platinum you're interested in pursuing despite not feeling like you're capable of it?
  26. What would your last meal be?
  27. What's the best thing about living in Canada?
  28. You mentioned The Blacklist - what were your thoughts on those animated episodes that happened because of the pandemic?
  29. What have been your best and/or worst boosting experiences?
  30. What would be the best and worst video game worlds to live in?
  31. What's your all-time favourite movie score (if you haven't answered this already)?
Edited by Charizarzar
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  1. What is an otherwise great game that is ruined by its soundtrack?
  2. When you are considering a good soundtrack in a game, do you like when songs use a meta instrumentation to fit the theming of the game or area? Consider this example where the main character, Robin, is a mechanic. The song heavily uses industrial sounds and mechanical elements on the title screen.
  3. What is a sound element in a game that you don't like hearing? For example, some people do not like the usage of the Wilhelm scream. Others do not like random sharp noises that serve no purpose.
  4. If you could give a shout out to any musical composer, who would it be and why?
  5. What is your favorite example of a playable instrument in a game?
  6. How often do you like to play games outside your comfort zone?
  7. Think of a game that you enjoy, but imagine that it never released. Now consider that it was remade under modern tropes, rules, and with modern technology as it's first ever release. What would that game be and how do you think it would do in today's market? For example, if Resident Evil never released, and none of the games that came after it were released either, if the debut of Resident Evil was today, how do you think it would do?
  8. Are there any guides that you would like to commend?
  9. With the author community now having a community for themselves, how do you think that has changed the authorship process? Better or worse?
  10. If you ever met me in person, what would you say?


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  • What would your last meal be?
  • What's the best thing about living in Canada?
  • You mentioned The Blacklist - what were your thoughts on those animated episodes that happened because of the pandemic?
  • What have been your best and/or worst boosting experiences?
  • What would be the best and worst video game worlds to live in?
  • What's your all-time favourite movie score (if you haven't answered this already)?
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