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Trophy Spam Issue


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I disagree with removing the spam games from count, we just need a rarity leaderboard that evaluates points to the trophies with the use of a logarithmic scale, this way the rarer the trophy, more valuable it will be. There's the current experimental rarity leaderboard but it still does not feels right, some guys above me have way less rarer trophies because they spam easy AAA games where the rarity is more okayish.

There's a brazilian trophy hunting website that has both rankings, one based in PDM (Average Difficulty Points) and it works pretty well. There I'm 7th place with 2 million PDM points with only 500k PSN normal points, where in the default ranking I'm only at 305th position.

This solves both issues: if you want to gather most plats possible go for all spam games, they are the meta and that shouldn't be forced to change. If you want more challenging games, there you go.

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2 minutes ago, enaysoft said:

I think the funniest thing is that the site hides them BY DEFAULT! you have to manually cick "MORE" on the NEW TROPHY LISTS tab and then on a separate page SHOW SHOVELWARE lol


Two clicks away is a long way for some people. But literally calling them Shovel Ware on the site, that's a bold and funny move if I am being honest.


The devs are probably pissed right now that they aren't gonna get any free advertising on this site anymore, serves them right really so going crazy and releasing so many at once.


But still, you can find them if you look, nobody has had their rights hampered or censored by this change. And this is literally the solution I proposed on this thread a few days ago. Just add a filter to the New Trophy Lists section. It's more in line with the Playstation store now, they're still there, but just not in your face all the time. This solution is perfect.

I'm gonna miss the influx of joke threads but still, I guess it's all time we moved on. So to speak. It's been fun lads!


Other than that, big celebrations all around then I guess! Oh and on the same day Liz Truss loses to a lettuce.


Double party time! lol


Now we can go back to the rarity leaderboard threads...

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This solved my main issue I had with these garbage games so definitely a great change to the site. A solution does not have to be perfect right away, or perfect at all as long as it improves the situation, and this one definitely does, by a lot. The dudes who went all "stop complaining about this, nothing will ever change, there is war in some parts of the world to worry about instead" in every single thread regarding this topic must be feeling embarrassed now.

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6 minutes ago, MMDE said:


Yeah, I was thinking of getting this one. Sounded like an escape room game, which I'm down with.


You see that's the thing about "Shovelware", I'd ironically be ok if a game was 2 minutes long, some classic songs are 2 minutes long. Viral clips on the Internet are sometimes 2 minutes long. Try learning a piece of music on the Piano that is 2 minutes, that's a whole ton of content with learning right there.


If it's an incredible 2 minutes that you can justify it being a purchase, that's a good thing right?


Not sure how good or easy this Tempus is, but looking at the trailer, the fact it has graphics, and gameplay, and music and no doubt an effort of QA and love was put into it to make an experience.


Sure I wish there less stacks, but well, it looks great. OMG LOOK, It's a "game".


It's so obvious when a developer is trying to make a game, and not just trying to make a trophy transaction app.

Edited by enaysoft
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7 minutes ago, Sly Ripper said:

If anyone believes calling them shovelware is mean:



Totally agree, don’t let any “woke members” deter you from calling what these titles really are, these games have no plot, no objective, no ending so can it really be classed as a “game”?


Thanks sly for implementing this button and the GIT and others for pushing this.

Edited by amurnin100
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Calling them "shovelware" is indicative of a cracked and warped understand of what these "games" are.


They're nothing more than the game pieces used to facilitate a trophy-collecting meta contest that is entirely separate from what you would call "gaming". Comparing them to other "games", or commenting on the amount of effort it takes to make these games just shows that you don't understand what's happening at all. It's all coming from people who seem to be upset that they have to share space on the venn-diagram with this alternate metagame.


It's like you're looking at a box of hockey pucks and saying "That's not a sport!". The games are just the hockey pucks used for something else. If you're commenting about the amount of "effort" that goes into these things, then your understanding is so broken and wrong that you really aren't qualified to comment on this at all.


Moving on....


Entitlement and elitism are apparent in about 2/3 of the posts in this thread and others like it. It's about to get a lot worse now that Sly poured gas on this fire. I noticed it took about 2.3 seconds after the latest change was implemented for people to start screaming "THIS ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH! I WANT MOAR!!!!"


Half the people here were content to say "Nothing will ever be implemented, just learn to coexist". Now those people got a taste of blood in the water. they've seen that the site can be changed if they complain enough.


The next six months of forum threads should be wildly entertaining.





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26 minutes ago, FeiKra said:

we will celebrate this day every year. october 21st: the day trophy hunting was saved! 


What exactly is saved? The front now looks cleaner again, which I also like. However, it will not reduce the number of such games being released, nor will buyers of these games decrease.


My main sources of information about such games are youtube and a few Elite Trophy Hunter Forums where i am registered as member. Here I enjoy the clean front page and manage my games and trophy collection and interact with my friends.

Edited by Sikutai
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On 10/18/2022 at 0:36 AM, MMDE said:

I think everyone has realized the trophy spam issue has grown significantly the last couple of years. In the last half year it's just gotten too far IMO.


Now we got games like this:

The Jumping Food (NA/EU/JP/AS...)

The Jumping Food Nitro (NA/EU/JP/AS...)
The Jumping Food Halloween (NA/EU/JP/AS...)
The Jumping Food Halloween Nitro (NA/EU/JP/AS...)

^ Swap the food as many times as you want...


Yeah, that just doesn't work anymore. I got some ideas about how to approach this...


Invent something like PSNP Points ("PSNPP", lol), and have the leaderboards sorted that way. 


Count only one stack of high percentage games, like games with above 80% average rarity, counting only the stack with the lowest average rarity. If there are some stacks below 80% and some above, all below should count. Basically: all below, minimum the lowest average rarity.


This wouldn't completely solve all the "The Jumping Food" games, that would still leave you with 4 versions, and the devs will just keep pushing new food and new types etc... IMO, the asset swapping is just like the stacks, and I think they should count the same way as stacks. In other words, I'd want to see only a single The Jumping Food game to count on your rank for the leaderboards.

Sure we can require the below 80% requirement but there is still a way around it because anyone can create say 100 accounts and play those games and get 0 trophies which lowers the percentage and if a 1000+ users did this they could get these games into the 50% range.

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