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Elite Racer


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4 hours ago, Ghost-TeamX said:

In the first 4 weeks of the season, Gold was really rather empty and I had to wait up to an hour to find a somewhat full lobby, but towards the end of the season more people got into Gold and it was ok. The problem is less about not finding people at all, but most of them being the hardcore players. As the game unavoidably dies out over time, the hardcore racers stay, but the semi-pros and noobs are gone. So the field is much more competitive on average than in the early days of the game. This is not even F1 specific, but the natural life cycle of every multiplayer game. 


May I ask, what is a 9/10 game for you, can you give an example? Because I platinumed dozens of 9s in the past 10 years and never had a game push me that hard to the brink. 

Of course, difficulty is always somewhat subjective and I'm open for constructive discussion here. The best benchmark for an objective comparison would be Gran Turismo Sport as that game also has challenging multiplayer trophies. It's rated 9/10 and let me tell you how much easier that game is. It does require race wins, but you never have to play at any higher level, in GT Sport you're competing against mostly casual drivers with weak pace, I even won 160 races out of 322. This game - from Gold 1 on - is a totally different league. 

Objectively, it is by far the hardest racing game platinum out there and if this is not at least a 9/10, then neither are Trackmania, Trials, GT Sport, Dirt Rally, Assetto Corsa ... the list goes on.

Hmm. Interesting that you report that the players left are actually more of the better players. I would have thought it would just be the idiots left now. To be fair, the platinum is becoming more and more ultra rare by the day. Even lower than GTA V, Overwatch, RDR2 on my profile. My reasoning (for now) about the difficulty is that from my experience, it was hard, so like a 7/10, but just time consuming and frustrating more than anything. I didn't think you needed much skill to sort of just get P10 every race maybe and slowly build up points that way. But, since there are now less players, I can imagine it absolutely does need more skill now.


What do I find a 9/10? As you say, it's often subjective. To me GT Sport, which I haven't played, looks very hard with the amount of race wins you need. Could that be boosted or done in low rank lobbies? I have played GT7 and platinumed it but it wasn't hard at all. 6/10 maybe. You don't need to win anything in that one. I'm surprised you would say GT Sport is easier than F1 23 but again I haven't played GT Sport. I only won one race in GT7 online due to the skill gap and I had to play 50+ for the platinum.


I'm definitely open to getting more feedback from players currently going through this garbage so see what we can do about the guide :)


Edit: for now, I have added a notice to the last stage of the roadmap about the declining playerbase and subsequent increase in difficulty/hours needed. I have also upped the difficulty to an 8/10 and made it 100 hours. This is likely to increase based on further feedback from players :)

Edited by CosmoWolf_
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All in all I think it's very hard to give a rating out of 10 for difficulty for this game, because Elite Racer is in its own Echelon of dedication and bullshittery. I don't know whether to give it a 5 or a 10. It's more just about time spent on it, but even then because it's time that NEEDS to be put in in a short window, the stress can cause it to feel more difficult. I don't know how to define it

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Just now, willmill97 said:

All in all I think it's very hard to give a rating out of 10 for difficulty for this game, because Elite Racer is in its own Echelon of dedication and bullshittery. I don't know whether to give it a 5 or a 10. It's more just about time spent on it, but even then because it's time that NEEDS to be put in in a short window, the stress can cause it to feel more difficult. I don't know how to define it

I think objectively speaking it definitely is harder than the 7/10 I originally put on the guide, especially when you have to consider that this one trophy is becoming harder by the day with a declining player base. I even see it becoming unattainable (or like 99% unattainable) because you'd have to maybe boost with 10 players to get a ranked group going.

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32 minutes ago, CosmoWolf_ said:

My reasoning (for now) about the difficulty is that from my experience, it was hard, so like a 7/10, but just time consuming and frustrating more than anything. I didn't think you needed much skill to sort of just get P10 every race maybe and slowly build up points that way. But, since there are now less players, I can imagine it absolutely does need more skill now.


I think we just found the reason for the discrepancy in our experiences. 

The first thing is that P10 out of 15 players will actually get you around 0 zero points, maybe 10 if you're lucky. If you do happen find a full lobby, you'd get around 30 points for a P10.

Secondly, the threshold for Elite in my Gold 3 weeks was between 2000 and 2450 points, so you'd need 66 of those races to get to 2000 points. With waiting times at least 10-15 Minutes to fill up lobbies decently, I had a mostly 1.25 races per hour (4 races in 3 hours). Then factor in some unavoidable accidents and you're at 75 races minimum. That means you'd have to drive 60h in that week to get to 2000 points and in some groups that won't even get you the elite spot.


All the people on my groups that weren't at least top 5 regularly didn't even have a chance to make it, because EVERY group has at least 10 people with 300h+ that play every day and will make more than thrice the points of someone with top 10 finishes in the same time. That is what justifies the 9/10 in my opinion and why I'm talking about the "insane pace" you need. It's simply not possible to grind towards elite with "decent" (top 10) results, because every group from Gold 1 on has plenty of competitive players now that wipe the floor with average drivers. I was lucky enough to have quite some experience with racing games, allowing me to perform in that top 3-5 range on average, otherwise I have never been able to achieve the platinum.

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1 hour ago, Ghost-TeamX said:

I think we just found the reason for the discrepancy in our experiences. 

The first thing is that P10 out of 15 players will actually get you around 0 zero points, maybe 10 if you're lucky. If you do happen find a full lobby, you'd get around 30 points for a P10.

Secondly, the threshold for Elite in my Gold 3 weeks was between 2000 and 2450 points, so you'd need 66 of those races to get to 2000 points. With waiting times at least 10-15 Minutes to fill up lobbies decently, I had a mostly 1.25 races per hour (4 races in 3 hours). Then factor in some unavoidable accidents and you're at 75 races minimum. That means you'd have to drive 60h in that week to get to 2000 points and in some groups that won't even get you the elite spot.


All the people on my groups that weren't at least top 5 regularly didn't even have a chance to make it, because EVERY group has at least 10 people with 300h+ that play every day and will make more than thrice the points of someone with top 10 finishes in the same time. That is what justifies the 9/10 in my opinion and why I'm talking about the "insane pace" you need. It's simply not possible to grind towards elite with "decent" (top 10) results, because every group from Gold 1 on has plenty of competitive players now that wipe the floor with average drivers. I was lucky enough to have quite some experience with racing games, allowing me to perform in that top 3-5 range on average, otherwise I have never been able to achieve the platinum.

okay, thank you for the feedback. So, say we average 10 people per race, but maybe only 1 race an hour, that definitely increases the difficulty and time.

2000+ points needed is insane to grind to if you are getting 0-10 points each race. So yes, you will definitely need to be winning races.


Wow, I knew it would get worse over time but that's really put it more into perspective.

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All EA would have to do is make getting points in smaller lobbies easier to achieve, if they don't do it on F1 23 hopefully they do the next game. (assuming they're going to put another Elite Racer-esque trophy in, which I hope they don't)

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I'm going through the elite journey


currently in G1, maybe I found an easy group, I entered on Monday, on saturday evening the first 2 players have just 1.2k points, I farmed only for 2 days and I'm getting a promotion in G2 tomorrow (since it s the end of the season I'll be downgraded in Silver II but it s not a big problem )


If the Gold groups are like mine, all you have to do is finishing in the midfield for about 4-5 hours per day, forget about the pros in P1-P2-P3


If there's a player behind you pushing, just let him pass

I repeat, don't fight other players xD you'll end up sabotaging yourself

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On 2/3/2024 at 9:34 PM, Nemesi_Nera said:

all you have to do is finishing in the midfield for about 4-5 hours per day,


Jokes aside, you know that for an adult with an 8h workday, maybe also other things in life than gaming, 4-5 hours per day is like: sleep - work - f1 23 repeat.


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32 minutes ago, xhounz said:


Jokes aside, you know that for an adult with an 8h workday, maybe also other things in life than gaming, 4-5 hours per day is like: sleep - work - f1 23 repeat.




You don't need to be first and get 2 promotions at once with 3000 points, you can just stop to a simple promotion. I think you have to finish at least 9th out of a 53 players group. Most of them are not interested in the trophy so you don't have to farm 5hours per day to finish 5th~9th in your group. In my experience you need 1000 points max in 7 days. 150 points per day are not hard. I play with controller, full traction control and 180 points are 3~4 races without problems. 2 hours max. 


The trophy is in a thin balance between "having skills" and "time consuming", if you don't have skills you can still add time.


However I agree it's the hardest of all f1 games platinums. 8/10

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19 hours ago, Nemesi_Nera said:



You don't need to be first and get 2 promotions at once with 3000 points, you can just stop to a simple promotion. I think you have to finish at least 9th out of a 53 players group. Most of them are not interested in the trophy so you don't have to farm 5hours per day to finish 5th~9th in your group. In my experience you need 1000 points max in 7 days. 150 points per day are not hard. I play with controller, full traction control and 180 points are 3~4 races without problems. 2 hours max. 


The trophy is in a thin balance between "having skills" and "time consuming", if you don't have skills you can still add time.


However I agree it's the hardest of all f1 games platinums. 8/10

I never had a G2 Group were the first 10 slots were not 2000 Points plus. And I still try to get grouped at Thursday.

16 hours ago, Im_Not_Banksy said:

What is with this mode. 3 of us in a race, I finished 2nd and got zero points??

You had luck, could also be -points. Never race against less than 15 People. You're wasting your time. 

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On 2/6/2024 at 4:33 PM, Im_Not_Banksy said:

What is with this mode. 3 of us in a race, I finished 2nd and got zero points??

to echo the comment above, never even bother with tiny lobbies like this. At the minimum you want 10 players, that is if they don't leave the lobby right before the timer ends which will also screw you over

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On 2/6/2024 at 2:05 PM, Nemesi_Nera said:



You don't need to be first and get 2 promotions at once with 3000 points, you can just stop to a simple promotion. I think you have to finish at least 9th out of a 53 players group. Most of them are not interested in the trophy so you don't have to farm 5hours per day to finish 5th~9th in your group. In my experience you need 1000 points max in 7 days. 150 points per day are not hard. I play with controller, full traction control and 180 points are 3~4 races without problems. 2 hours max. 


The trophy is in a thin balance between "having skills" and "time consuming", if you don't have skills you can still add time.


However I agree it's the hardest of all f1 games platinums. 8/10

Don't wanna smash your optimism, but this will change once you reach the higher gold divisions.

Also this has been the last week of the season and from my experience, most people don't care about the last week and play way less. My silver group had less than half the points compared the first week of the new season.


Also not only will the point threshold a lot higher in gold 2 and 3 (2000+ as mentioned by others), you also need to consider that you'll be racing against faster players. So if you're top 7 on average in gold 1, you might suddenly not make it to top 10 anymore in gold 3. I definitely noticed the skill gap for every division. 


Calling it an 8/10 in gold 1 is a bit overhasty mate 😉. Gold 3 is where the real nightmare starts. Ask my friend @N1ELS96-

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Im a big fan of f1, platinumed lots of them but unfortunately i gave up on this platinum because it was much pain before even start it lol

I consider myself a very good f1 player but there's a huge gap between what a controller player can do and a car race setup can do.

I've done a couple races on the simulator and the difference is insane, of course you will get tired much more, it's very hard to play for hours but the community on formula 1 grew up so much after real racers like norris, verstappen,fittipaldi started to stream their races that this trophy became a really 10/10 in my opinion.

Nowadays, there are many tryharders and semi-pro players on the game. Maybe when the 24 season begins, noobs will come back to play hyped for the season and make it a bit less difficulty 

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12 hours ago, Pupik-Kaci26 said:

It is better to go from Gold 2 straight to elite rather than gold 3. Gold 3 is absolute lifeless desert, you will never find more than 10 players. 

If you have the chance to get get an elite spot in a gold 2 group, then go for it! For most of us, gold 3 was not a choice, because the chance of those 1-3 elite spots being snatched up by pros is very high. But if you get lucky with a gold 2 group, I recommend going for it!


12 hours ago, k0edb said:

Im a big fan of f1, platinumed lots of them but unfortunately i gave up on this platinum because it was much pain before even start it lol

I consider myself a very good f1 player but there's a huge gap between what a controller player can do and a car race setup can do.

I've done a couple races on the simulator and the difference is insane, of course you will get tired much more, it's very hard to play for hours but the community on formula 1 grew up so much after real racers like norris, verstappen,fittipaldi started to stream their races that this trophy became a really 10/10 in my opinion.

Nowadays, there are many tryharders and semi-pro players on the game. Maybe when the 24 season begins, noobs will come back to play hyped for the season and make it a bit less difficulty 

Yeah it will be interesting to see how it develops once F1 24 drops. Might actually become easier at that points. On the other hand, maybe the player base will be too dire to even open elite spots... we'll find out.


Once more tip I wanted to share with you that helped me is to self-host lobbies. That has two advantages:

  • with the toggling of the pitlane tire sim setting, you can reset the lobby counter and efficiently fill up lobbies. I found this to be way more reliable to always quitting until you find a decently sized lobby by random.
  • you can rule out tracks you don't like. Once you get your own lobby, check which track is it and quit if you don't wanna race there. I often focused on 2 out of 3 tracks, which allowed me to practice those more and skip any tracks I categorically didn't like. For example I always skipped Monza, because I knew this is a pure wreckfest. In one week, I even went with pure Monaco lobbies because that is my strongest track and my average result was better than with the other two tracks that week.
Edited by Ghost-TeamX
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I think we can all agree that getting to Elite is just a nightmare, at this point if you're in Silver/Gold 1, and you're feeling good just wait till you hit Gold 3 stages everything becomes so repetitive & it wears you down mentally & physically because once your in Gold 3, you can't live a normal life for atleast a week if you want this trophy I was stuck in Gold 3 for ages just because I couldn't just pump myself up to play 5-6hours a day for a straight week, eventually got it but it took everything out of me, the only way you'll get this trophy whilst having fun is if you're winning races and are just a god on this game. 🤣  And also the lobbies in Gold 3... according to @Ghost-TeamXapparently they got even more worse because this game is coming to an end.. and there's even a chance where EA might just cut off the servers you never know. Anyone playing right now I wish you the best of luck, honestly this game is up there for my hardest platinum and I've done the likes of trackmania turbo, GT... 

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I climbed the elite with 3 different accounts, the first time my account only had 3 places, I was in Gold 3, it was very tiring as I had enormous difficulty finding a race with a lobby of 12 players or more (2250 points, 2nd place in the classification). Then I went up with a second Gold 3 pro Elite account, 7 places and went up with 2500 points (3rd place). On the last count I moved up again from Gold 3 to elite, 7 places too, score 2900 points (2nd place). Best tracks I've played: Bahrain (even in Gold 3, against the best I can stay in the Top 3), Hungary (always Top 5) and Las Vegas (I'd rather finish the race than fight for position. I've platinumed several difficult racing games, and I put this at 8/10, it requires time and a good racing strategy to avoid accidents, never start in the middle of the grid, in the top 5, or last and let them crash on the first lap.


TrackMania Turbo 10/10
Assetto Corsa: 9/10
Wipeout HD : 8/10
F1 23: 8/10
GT Sport 6/10 (can play at low rank, just requires a lot of time)

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Second day and there are only 8 players in my gold 2 group


So no elite slot


I don't know if I should continue to play this week with the hope of someone joining in the weekend and unlocking a possible slot


I don't want to waste my time either.

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On 2/12/2024 at 6:32 PM, Nemesi_Nera said:

@Ghost-TeamX since you unlocked the trophy recently


I was promoted in G2 in the first week, I started today to grind for Elite slot but I'm the only in my group, so no promotion or demotion slots, is that normal? more players will come up in the next days?

Yeah you can only hope for more players as the week goes on, but I'd say your chances aren't too bad to get to 10 people. But yeah that is the reason why the platinum might become unobtainable at some point.


On 2/13/2024 at 5:37 AM, LadevigRL said:

I climbed the elite with 3 different accounts, the first time my account only had 3 places, I was in Gold 3, it was very tiring as I had enormous difficulty finding a race with a lobby of 12 players or more (2250 points, 2nd place in the classification). Then I went up with a second Gold 3 pro Elite account, 7 places and went up with 2500 points (3rd place). On the last count I moved up again from Gold 3 to elite, 7 places too, score 2900 points (2nd place). Best tracks I've played: Bahrain (even in Gold 3, against the best I can stay in the Top 3), Hungary (always Top 5) and Las Vegas (I'd rather finish the race than fight for position. I've platinumed several difficult racing games, and I put this at 8/10, it requires time and a good racing strategy to avoid accidents, never start in the middle of the grid, in the top 5, or last and let them crash on the first lap.


TrackMania Turbo 10/10
Assetto Corsa: 9/10
Wipeout HD : 8/10
F1 23: 8/10
GT Sport 6/10 (can play at low rank, just requires a lot of time)

Interesting take, thanks for you opinion! I definitely agree on GT Sport being way easier due to the lower ranks. 

In the end, the experience will be different for everyone and there's never a definitive difficulty number that everybody will agree on, especially in a highly variable multiplayer game. It seems the 8/10 as it's currently stated in the guide is a proper approximation as we've had several opinion, always in the range of 7 to 10.

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On 2/14/2024 at 2:38 PM, Ghost-TeamX said:

Yeah you can only hope for more players as the week goes on, but I'd say your chances aren't too bad to get to 10 people. But yeah that is the reason why the platinum might become unobtainable at some point.


Another player joined , now 10/100, still no elite spot in G2.


I wonder if it will unlock at 11/100 or maybe I should lower my score to go back to G2 position in my group and try again next week, I have to avoid G3 at all cost. 


Basically in G2 you can race vs Silver 2 which are a lot, more crowded lobbies, more points. G3 is a trap, even with more slots.

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On 2/17/2024 at 12:51 PM, Nemesi_Nera said:

Another player joined , now 10/100, still no elite spot in G2.


I wonder if it will unlock at 11/100 or maybe I should lower my score to go back to G2 position in my group and try again next week, I have to avoid G3 at all cost. 


Basically in G2 you can race vs Silver 2 which are a lot, more crowded lobbies, more points. G3 is a trap, even with more slots.

Just wondering how this ended?

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On 2/21/2024 at 4:04 PM, Joepelus said:

Just wondering how this ended?

Only 10/100 no elite spots, so I went back to G2 to try again this week


Now 21/100, 2 elite slots opened up. I'm first in my group with 3.8k points, third player has only 1.6k points


So on Monday I'm getting the elite trophy finally!

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