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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 underway!

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2 hours ago, GarciaFever said:

Damn, it's been a long time since I last visited this thread. Just a random question, but has each fixture always been 4 days without any breaks?


Not always, it used to be 5 day fixtures.

It was changed to 4 without any breaks and we now have two breaks a season. 


At one point for brevity, I think the fixtures were 3 days long (blame the Prinny).

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1 hour ago, Psy-Tychist said:


Not always, it used to be 5 day fixtures.

It was changed to 4 without any breaks and we now have two breaks a season. 


At one point for brevity, I think the fixtures were 3 days long (blame the Prinny).


I don't remember 3 day fixtures but I remember week long fixtures at one point dood

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1 hour ago, Wdjat Prinny Doods said:

I don't remember 3 day fixtures but I remember week long fixtures at one point dood


That's the one. Season 11 where there was 32 competitors I remember seeing.



I'm using the few days left until the release of Tekken 7 to try and get a very difficult trophy in Stardew Valley, which means you're having this one @MStalker58 xD


Noooooo, stop making it easier for him :P

Edited by Psy-Tychist
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2 hours ago, Lucas said:

me3lingual still haven't been able to win a match this season and are going to want to win some matches in these last 4 fixtures if they want to avoid relegation to the Bronze League.

Oh, but you see, Bronze is my home.  Silver, and that one time in Season 4 where I was promoted to Gold from Bronze, are my vacation spots.  I will get in the mood to see the sights, and take in the culture of the other Leagues; but at the end of the day, I prefer my safe and warm bubble of Bronze.  It is where I spend most of my time, and I like it there.  I am like the official welcoming committee to the League for new members.  The initial boss in a RPG.  The new members have to get through me in order to take on the big shots.


In other words, I think I hold the record for being in Bronze League the most amount of seasons.  Also, I think I am also the only current participant who wouldn't be allowed to join per the current rules (I don't fulfill the Platinum requirement).  But the rule is not retro-active, so you all are stuck with me (hee hee).  Also also, I am one of the few members to have their name featured as a "thing".  My thing is popping only Bronze trophies in a fixture, repeatedly.


History class is now over!  Anyway, I don't dream of reaching Platinum.  In fact, I think I have said before that the only way I would ever win a League is if I was the only one in it.  I am perfectly content with my current accolades.  Actually, I have even requested to stay in Bronze because I knew I didn't have the skill to compete at the higher ranks.  I was denied (I think this was Season 5) of course, but it is a good thing.  The occasional frolic through the Silver fields is fun!

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2 hours ago, Lucas said:

Ichiban-Hybrid and me3lingual still haven't been able to win a match this season and are going to want to win some matches in these last 4 fixtures if they want to avoid relegation to the Bronze League.


*sigh* Im playing Persona 5 cmon.. I cant do nothing much.. But I am finishing this game so I might be earning more trophies now. Plus Im planning to do something very "special" in this league for a certain someone.. well that person is undecided yet.


And I dont mind being demoted to bronze. Only the cool kids hangout in the bronze league. :awesome:

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1 hour ago, Ichiban-Hybrid said:


*sigh* Im playing Persona 5 cmon.. I cant do nothing much.. But I am finishing this game so I might be earning more trophies now. Plus Im planning to do something very "special" in this league for a certain someone.. well that person is undecided yet.


And I dont mind being demoted to bronze. Only the cool kids hangout in the bronze league. :awesome:

That sounds ominous. I wonder who you're talking about.

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