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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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I have always felt that this league sets the standard for competitions on this site. I know there are other competitions (team, rarity, etc) that are on this site, and that most of the participants here take part in those, but in my opinion, this has set the standard. I would be saddened if this went away.

I definitely don't want this league to go, I will even stop my attempts at building my prinny regime if necessary dood

We might need that prinny regime in case Precision steps away.

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I honestly think we should be given the choice to take part or not in other leagues, like allenbird pointed out. I've had fun with the Knockout Cup, and I actually declared myself a fan of the idea, but after tasting it I prefer focusing on one league and if I have to pick this is the one hands down. Rather than calling it quits with every league, I'd prefer sticking only to this one. 


We, headed by Precision, were pioneers in trophy hunting competition in the forums (Rarity league aside, I think lol) and I'd stick around till season 20 and beyond because I love it here (maybe with one or two seasons taking a break xD) so I think that as long as there's still people willing to participate and we don't split the focus of this league into several pieces, our beloved THL will live on and on and on :D

Edited by Omar
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Right time to clear a few hings up.



I Must admit, having all these other leagues, with some of us now competing in 3 THL related leagues, aswell as a minority of us also competing in the team competition, it's all becoming a bit too much. I thought there would have been some communication between myself and the other Cup runners, but up until the general announcement, i had no idea whether they were going ahead or not. At the moment im not sure whether going to run a Season 7 yet, the forums just seem overcrowded with leagues and competitions, and well, it's been a good 8 months right?

I admit that communication hasn't been great, in part because of work. TBH this wasn't even going o go ahead, but when BraveNoob Volunterred a few days before Season 5 start I thought well sure lets see what happens. That meant a lot of last minute  work, but like any first season, if it worked i worked, if it didn't it didn't.



To be honest with you, when the ideas were floated about I thought it was a good one but I also thought they were going to be run alongside this one. Obviously we just use the same scores/rules etc but it would add an extra flavour as you would have more fixtures to play and more rivalries going, matches against new opponents etc etc. Didn't realise we would end up with 3 threads all seemingly separate from each other but still run by guys in the league, doesn't make sense to me.


Can we not have 1 thread for the whole lot, use the same scores and have the relevant individuals posting their bits in regards to their comp as we go??


Obviously dude, you are the boss and this is your decision to make in terms of S7, personally I would keep it going.

They all still run side by side (same time frame, same score, same rules), there just in separate topics.

Realistically, posting results and fixture sets from all 3 topics at the same time would cluster his topic (which may not bee even possible given peoples different work/time schedule). 


I honestly think we should be given the choice to take part or not in other leagues, like allenbird pointed out. I've had fun with the Knockout Cup, and I actually declared myself a fan of the idea, but after tasting it I prefer focusing on one league and if I have to pick this is the one hands down. Rather than calling it quits with every league, I'd prefer sticking only to this one. 


We, headed by Precision, were pioneers in trophy hunting competition in the forums (Rarity league aside, I think lol) and I'd stick around till season 20 and beyond because I love it here (maybe with one or two seasons taking a break xD) so I think that as long as there's still people willing to participate and we don't split the focus of this league into several pieces, our beloved THL will live on and on and on :D

allenbird, on 17 Nov 2014 - 19:17, said:


Honestly, I didn't ask to be in any of the other competitions. I was just placed in them without even my knowledge or acceptance. I would rather just be in this league is that is at all possible. But the other ones don't bother me. I just don't pay attention to them like I do this one.




I honestly didnt' think that it was much of an issue. Partly because we use the same scores, time frame etc. There is no reason your trophy hunting habits have to change. The purpose of the add ons, was merely to increase competiveness (for those), to give people addiional avenues to pursue (i.e. not doing so well in he league, but awesome in he knockout cup), to reduce '0' fixture problems and help peeps have more fun and push them further in their trophy hunting.


But like with all ideas, if after a test run, peeps think its bad and should be scrapped then, then fair enough.




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I honestly didnt' think that it was much of an issue. Partly because we use the same scores, time frame etc. There is no reason your trophy hunting habits have to change. The purpose of the add ons, was merely to increase competiveness (for those), to give people addiional avenues to pursue (i.e. not doing so well in he league, but awesome in he knockout cup), to reduce '0' fixture problems and help peeps have more fun and push them further in their trophy hunting.


But like with all ideas, if after a test run, peeps think its bad and should be scrapped then, then fair enough.




As for me, I like other League, Cup idea.

Three opponents at same time pushing me to higher scores.

You can compete with players from other leagues (I played versus Precision, jem12345 and theshywaterguy), In Knockout Cup my next opponent will be RachP13.

Also, because top 4 layers going to Legendary Trophy Hunters League even if you haven't chance for 1-2 spot and promotion, you can fight for promotion to Legendary Trophy Hunters League.


This is mine POV.


Btw. now I'm waitig for the results from the fixture 3, as I was quite busy in last few days, and now I would like fully update statistic page as soon as possible.

Enjoy the breake!

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I honestly didnt' think that it was much of an issue. Partly because we use the same scores, time frame etc. There is no reason your trophy hunting habits have to change. The purpose of the add ons, was merely to increase competiveness (for those), to give people addiional avenues to pursue (i.e. not doing so well in he league, but awesome in he knockout cup), to reduce '0' fixture problems and help peeps have more fun and push them further in their trophy hunting.


But like with all ideas, if after a test run, peeps think its bad and should be scrapped then, then fair enough.


I am all up for keeping it going, like I said before it is nice to have more than 1 opponent at once and like you say there will always be niggles with something new. I think we should persevere with it and see what happens. Little scenarios like the one I had are always going to crop up, we still get new ones in the THL hence all the discussion between seasons about rules etc so it gets my vote!!! Keep up the good work, same to BraveNoobWorld!!

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Results Set Three



Mah2c (1) - (60) jem12345

theshywaterguy (56) - (56) dragnierkira
HcG-_Clawz (39) - (39) X18JELLO18X
HcG-_Terror (3) - (30) Precision-Playy
XShadowYakuzaX (0) - (19) Havoc273


freddie1989 (5) - (33) pridefc83

ganryu_pl (22) - (0) cybershark91
xZoneHunter (8) - (18) BraveNoobWorld
sinnriel (42) - (84) allenbird
Krazy_99 (2) - (120) nexus_x2007


RachP13 (89) - (66) BigApe101

ToxiKirby (40) - (30) NiTR0--X_
Jarethgeason (2) - (45) VASORAT13
me3lingual (39) - (45) omar280792
NIALLERMANBUZ (41) - (35) x9zachattack5x


TheLastSurvivorD (57) - (24) shadowhood1111

pureproteinman (223) - (6) DJ-Silver
KerplunkMB (0) - (45) TheAkittaja123
ReimiSaionji9742 (63) - (59) BlueFireReaper
Greenguy81 (17) - (59) Gregorymany



After reading many of the comments, i would like to say a big thankyou to all of you that have shown me that stopping this league would be the wrong thing to do. I am going to let this season play out as is and im going to communicate with Shadow and Brave some-when during this season to start to look into a more long term plan for the additional competitions. I have a few ideas up my sleeve and i think that, given the right mix, this could really work out well for everyone. 

P.S - Leagues will be updated tomorrow

Edited by Precision-Playy
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Just caught up on the last few pages.


It definitely seems like there's not very much enthusiasm for the extra competitions. I don't mind either way so, if there's not interest in the knockout cup, we should discontinue it. Most of heavy lifting is already done now that there's only 16 people left, so I'll gladly finish out this edition. But maybe we should solicit more opinions before committing to another season. 


And to Precision, you're right about the lack of communication. Both competitions came together at the last minute, so it was pretty much throw it out there and hope. I do think that, if the Knockout Cup is to survive, it needs to be as a part of this thread. The designated thread is sitting at 1.5 pages, most of which is just fixture releases, so I'd like to think it wouldn't clutter up this thread too much. Though it's a moot point if people don't want it at all.

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I honestly didnt' think that it was much of an issue. Partly because we use the same scores, time frame etc. There is no reason your trophy hunting habits have to change. The purpose of the add ons, was merely to increase competiveness (for those), to give people addiional avenues to pursue (i.e. not doing so well in he league, but awesome in he knockout cup), to reduce '0' fixture problems and help peeps have more fun and push them further in their trophy hunting.


I really don't have any issues with the other competitions or being placed in them. You are right, it didn't really change my habits of playing or anything, I just don't see any reason why this league has to compete with the others, and I am sure that is not what you intended either.


The fact that I actually asked to be in this league and was on the waiting list before my initial season makes it a bit different though and gives it priority in my book as far as looking at scores. Running side by side is nice as long as it doesn't overwelm the people who have to keep track of scores. I do like the mixture of competition where we are put against people each fixture that we wouldn't normally be up against.


Honestly I just joined the league to see how my regular trophy habits compared to others in a similar setting. I am not saying I haven't competed at all. I am just glad to be a part of a group who enjoy it.

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My god 2 draws in a row i cant believe it.

What is up with that luck.



About the topic on hand i definitely agree this is the best league on this site so it would be a shame for it to end.

I have been here since it started and it has been a lot of fun.

I've had a few close calls getting relegated but i persevered and would be really sad if it would end.

As for all the other cups it would be best to somehow incorporate it into one thread or have links to the others.

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Hello everyone I'm finally Back and ready for this season 5 and also looks like I lose 3 times already, and also what happen to the manganese league?

A bunch of people dropped out after season 4, so there were not enough people to run the manganese league this time around. Maybe it will come back in a future season.

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Thought I would throw this in here.


The Trophy Hunters Knockout Cup - Round 3

12am GMT November 20th - 11:59pm GMT November 23rd






































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